Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2280088-Virtual-WDC-Convention
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Rated: 13+ · Prose · Experience · #2280088
Even a virtual convention has its perks.
Oh, how I wanted this year to be an in-person convention, but Covid still waved its warning flag. I had been so looking forward to meeting up with ๐ŸŒ‘ Darleen - QoD Author IconMail Icon and Lyn's a Witchy Woman Author IconMail Icon. We had gone through so much together here on Writing.com. Both of them were rock stars as far as I was concerned and I was so excited to be in their presence.

But the Convention would be virtual. Our lives in boxes, peering out through our screens wanting so much to connect. I couldn't pass up the experience. Seeing their faces would have to be enough.... for now.

I was looking forward to each of us getting a chance to read a favourite piece. I had been pouring through my portfolio, looking for one to fit with the occasion.

I was also eager to meet up with Brandiwyn๐ŸŽถ Author IconMail Icon and Annette ~ back 3/24 Author IconMail Icon as they ran some of my most favourite contests - October Novel Prep and I Write.

I needed to remember to sign up to be a writing coach or something for OctoPrep. I had enjoyed doing that last year and wanted to help out again this year.

Everyone was eager to meet our founding team: The StoryMaster Author IconMail Icon and his partner in crime, The StoryMistress Author IconMail Icon. They will always be the heartbeat of WDC. Though, I'd have to say, each person here in the WDC community adds to the strength of this vibrant place. It is my Online home and I always feel included and respected here. I've been here nine years - hard to believe how time flies. I have grown by leaps and bounds. My confidence has grown, and I have made inroads to publish out farther afield.

Still I return here, because this is my people. My friends. My place. I can encourage others, like I was all those years ago. Giving back as well as getting strength to reach further.

This convention will only make that more of a reality.

Happy 22nd Birthday my friends!

Word Count = 330.

© Copyright 2022 ๐Ÿ’™ Carly - February is here! (carly1967 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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