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by JJL
Rated: E · Letter/Memo · Inspirational · #2280013
What if you were in the middle of a huge legal custody battle?
Imagine this:

You were adopted by a loving man. We'll call him Bazyli. This man has not one evil bone in his body and no secret vices. This man has no gross attraction to you or your body but found you, took you home, cleaned you up, and submitted the paperwork for you to legally be adopted by him. The process was successful and the best move to ensure you grow up strong and well-raised.

Enter your bio dad. Sort of.

We will call him, Traveil. So, this man is referred to as your biological father. Why? Because when tested, you had 99% similarities. He lies. No one had to teach you how. You lie to stay out of trouble, you lie to get others into trouble, you lie to watch what happens, you lie because you can, you lie even to yourself. He steals, you do so every time you go to the store with Bazyli (who promptly puts the item back and corrects you with love). He murders, though every death seems to be at the fault of the person themselves or things, "coming back to them." His facial expressions of pride or disdain, you have on your face or carry within yourself as if it were a confident air of fortune.

Other things about this "Traveil"
He enjoys fear mongering through physical, mental or emotional uses, he puts people against each other just to disrupt the peace of the area, he exacts his anger and wrath upon any and every one that surrounds him because of his own issues with himself and anger at Bazyli. He takes as much as he can get without care for those he claims to take care of. He delights in the deaths of all life, whether the person has walked on the earth for years or hasn't had a chance to take their first breath. He delights in tricking people into agreeing with him, and then watching them have to deal with the consequences. He likes to trap others in situations to blackmail them or keep them under his thumb. And most of all, he strives with every fiber of his being to make you doubt anything you know about Bazyli. Whether it's that he actually loves you, will continue to love you despite what you've done, loved you from the beginning, has no ulterior motive to loving you besides being a proud father of you, OR that you're not good enough to be adopted, not "really" included in his list of children, that you'll be forgotten in the end, that you don't deserve the goodness of the adoption, that Bazyli is the reason why (insert dislikable thing here).

The fight
Here's the dilemma. You are happily living in the custody of Bazyli, growing big and strong, and respectful-- caring about others, the environment, your own things.... thankful for gifts and food and willing to work your chores just because you wanna help out (your dad has a tendency to adopt a lot of children). And this isn't because you HAVE to. You WANT to. why? Because your dad's a pretty good Dad. I mean, sure you can't have candy whenever you want and have to wait for him to buy you the car since you just turned (insert next age here)--he does stuff like that--but patience is a good thing. It keeps you at peace when the bank line is too long or the lights go out, or you have to watch the kids while he does a few errands. And you can't just blatantly disagree with him in public but you can always talk about it with him in private and get an answer--either from the note he wrote for you that morning before work or before the night shift, or with a phone call in the middle of the day. And you HAVE to take punishment for disobeying. If he said no steak tonight, no steak (but he always ends up taking us out for steak on the weekends if we ask). And if Bazyli says, "Don't do it," you don't do it, cause if you did it's almost always a bad outcome. I mean, this one time, Traveil was doing commercials and said, "Don't believe me, and your dad will have you doing chores for months" and I didn't ask Bazyli about it-- I was an idiot and listened to him. You know what happened? Worse than chores for a month-- I got in trouble because I had started feeling like the chores were a punishment even though I used to not mind it, and then I started doubting when Bazyli told me he was getting me a gift for working so hard because I thought I didn't deserve it. I hadn't been in the right attitude. So, When Bazyli offered to help me wash dishes that night, i hesitated. But we washed dishes.

"So, what's on your mind?"
"Hun, I can tell when you're thinking too hard and when you're keeping something from me.... are you afraid of what I might say?"
No lie. Tears started pouring from my face. I started bawling and just put my head down. My father Bazyli waited, then hugged me.

It was the best feeling of relief. I can tell you that much.

When I told him about the phone calls and commercials and everything Traveil had said, he got angry, but not at me. At Traveil. He knew first-hand the pressure of being pulled in two directions at once. Who would have thought? But he said, "to tell you the truth, I don't know what it feels like to believe Traveil's lies. I did feel, for a moment, that disruption of peace and thought about what would happen if I believed what he said. I figured out that Traveil is just trying to do what I do-- make something be that doesn't exist yet.
You know I create things for a living, and a lot of people are jealous of that and the fame I've gotten because of it. So Traveil and his friends actually spend their lives trying to make mine a living...let's just say, very bad. And so, when I realized that he cannot create like I can, I know that he was spouting lies so that I would believe them and make them true. This is how he was going to try to get my position at the job-- he was going to lie and when I did exactly what he suggested, I would suddenly be bowing to him, making him seem like he was the creator of everything I've accomplished..... I'm sorry that you have to deal with it because he's given up on trying to get me to fall on equal terms....
Do you know he's actually made it a mission of his to steal MY children from me? from ME?"

I was aghast. I thought everyone loved Bazyli.

"Yes, he used to be on my team, until he got prideful and jealous... since he couldn't deserve my position he aimed to take it by force. Since he can't do that through the wars he's got going on at work, he's aimed to get my children. It's irksome... but I don't want you to worry about him, alright? Don't worry about anyone stealing or convincing your brothers and sisters, just tell me and I'll deal with him."

I decided that day, to trust my father.

As a child of Bazyli
Many things happen in life just because it is life. Many things happen in life because Traveil convinced others to believe one of his lies. Many good things happen because Bazyli taught you what to do and say as you grew up. Sometimes, we forget Bazyli's standards and don't do chores or take something from the store, or even forget that Traveil really wants us to believe we don't deserve Bazyli so we'd somehow lash out at him the way he wants to. These things, as a child, deserve punishment, honestly. But Bazyli is kind and a good father who forgives us readily after such punishment--and like a good father expects us not to go around doing this thing again.

The crazy part
Traveil is taking my father to court. He wants to do three things: take my brothers and sisters by any means necessary (kidnap, trap, trick, or have them leave of their own volition), kill them (literally end their lives or at least have them live so low in depression that he can easily manipulate them), or destroy any ties they have or can possibly have with Bazyli.
The court is interviewing each of us, you, me, our other brothers and sisters that live here. They care about our answers and will hold us accountable to our decisions and whether or not we believe the lies Traveil has spread or what's really true about ourselves and Bazyli.
We all know the story, but you know and I know a few of our brothers and sisters have already decided to leave Bazyli and live with Traveil or worse-- to actively work against our father and convince us that our father is a hypocrite or a liar instead of Traveil.
What's really funny is that Bazyli really is our father. Like, he's our bio dad. Traveil had tricked our older siblings into leaving to live with him and Bazyli had already fought and knocked the man slam out. Bazyli took everyone who wanted to go with him and always leaves the lights on and the doors unlocked for anyone else who wants to come home.

This is why we go to this house every day and why we're expected to still behave ourselves. This is why we write, create, draw, invite, help others get out of debt, help others get out of depression, practice self-control and teach others to do the same.... We're trying desperately to bring our brothers and sisters back home....if they'd only believe.

This is a work of fiction entirely inspired by the gospel story. It was reimagined as if a man was taking another to court to gain custody over his children. If anything in the story seems to match your personal life, perhaps Jesus is telling you something? We love you, please come home.

If this story has impacted you in any way that you desire to return home to Jesus, you need only to confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that he has risen from the dead.
If any part of this does not sit well with you, please consult a bible-based church or a well-versed Christian.
If you cannot find one, ask God and one will be provided for you.
He may answer by giving you direct word from his bible, a person you may or may not like being around you or in your midst, or any other way.
Do know, however, once you ask, the enemy may also try to send you a reason (thought, action, or statement of a person) that you should not believe.

====================================================================================================1. I have 2 fathers. Well,, 1 Dad, 1 father.... well..... 1 Dad, one liar. I used to run and play and have fun out in the backyard of the house. That was my earliest memory. We we so happy. We would walk and talk and play with my siblings.... I don't know what happened, maybe Dad got into a bad business venture or something but now we're miserable. I mean, I still get everything that I want but for what reason? My dad comes home and hits me then tells me he loves me. He tells me I'm worthless and no one would want to be with me but still hangs out with me. We watch some things on tv until we're sleepy and bored and really just stay at the house. I don't go outside or even want to . It's too bright out there. My dad tells me, whatever I do, don't open the windows and I know if I do I'll get beat but there was just something about that window.... soething about the light that poured into it that made it irresistible.... so I opened it.

2. light flooded into the room. It was so bright and it hurt my eyes, i had to close them. Even our TV isn't that bright at night! I grabbed the curtain as I heard someone shouting, "There she is!" I squinted to look but other than a few shadows, i didn't see anyone. I backed away from the window scared I was seen, dad said not to open the window and immediatley there were reprecussions. I tripped over my favorite doll which I now saw was molded and broken, looked at the dark walls and no longer wanted to touch them, looked at the mess at the floor then again outside--my vision in the light was getting better. The green carpet looked fluffy and differentf rom the rough red stuff I sat on. And a couple of arms reached down and picked me up, throuogh the window and brought me into the light.

3.They asked me a bunch of questions about my dad. I get a little antsy and they ask about my house and the different things we did. they show me pictures and say that they are photos of the outside. Some things I remember but only really the backyard. I asked there where it was because I wanted to go back, they told me my dad owns it--its in his backyard. I told them that dad stopped taking me to the backyard and we only sit int he room. they suggest that the man who took me out of the room was my dad and i am confused--who? they ask me who my dad is and show me a photo. I rmemeber the dad I had in the room but the love I felt from the dad who took me out of it.... I wanted more. I wanted him to be my dad. I wanted to lie---and dad told me that lying is what we do... so I did. Nice dad was my dad. I said.

4. The people let me outside to play in the garden today....they were now not so sure if nice one was my dad. He began to ask me questions about me. who i was and how I acted around other people. dad was there, smiling, but he was being mean today. so I lied, partially to hurt his feelings, partly to make him happy again. he seemed happy when i lied. and hated, and pushed others down.... I did that earlier and he was happy but...nice dad wasn't. He looked sad, so i stopped.

5. Nice dad came into the room to ask some questions. I lied at first, but when he frowned... i ... didn't want him to frown again. So, i told the truth. sometimes I was scared i'd get punished for sharing the truth, but when ince dad said he will not hurt me for my answers, i began telling the truth. I told him how my dad would watch tv with me and do things and we would practice the bad things together and we would have fun... but I didn't like the things at first. Then, nice dad said, "Who is--" I think he was going to ask me who is my father..... I would have told him to the truth if he did. I would have said, "dad is my dad but i want you to be my real dad."

6. dad came into the room this time. the people left... nice dad did not but he watched fromthe corner. I didn't want to disappoint nice dad, but dad was...well, dad. He asked me questions. he asked me where i came from and i gave him the answers he taught me... but then he asked the same questions nice dad asked me.... and i still wanted nice dad to be my dad.... and dad liked for me to lie.... i had to make a choice. a decisin at my young age. "do you want everything you could ever want, or to spend the rest of your life with me?" I answered with what i knew my dad wanted.... then the questions got harder. "do you like to lie?" well, i didn't at first but dad likes for me to lie but nice dad doesn't like for me to lie-- answer the question dad yelled. he was scary when he yelled. "no, i don't." What? But you lied to nice dad a while ago when you told him you didn't like to lie. you lied when you were on the playground. you lied when you lived with me. you like to lie. I don't like it, i just do it beucase i don't want to get in trouble!" "and so that's two things! you lie and you're selfish. You care more about you being happy than someone else" "No, i want everyone to be happy" "That's a lie too. you said you wanted to have whatever you wanted when I asked you earlier. were you lying or were you being selfish?" I looked at nice dad. i didn't want him to be sad for me. He did not let me see the emotion in his face. I did not want to look at his disappointment. "Selfish. I wanted whatevere i wanteed and did not want to live with dad for the rest of my life. but--" "too late, you are too old to ask forgivness now, too old to say that you're sorry." "I am not too old. Nice dad said that I am forgiven forever--" "Nice dad is a liar" "No! Nice dad is not a liar like you!" "Liar?" dad's anger before was fake.... this is the real anger i remember cowering from. "did i lie to you when I told you that you were mean or selfish? Weren't you mean and selfish on the playground? did i lie when i said that you were a liar? Aren't children just like their parents? didn't i raise you to be a liar? how an nice dad even want to be your father if you don't even look like him?" i stopped, i froze. i was in trouble with dad for arguing with him and now nice dad knew... nice dad....." i looked at nice dad in the corner-- he was angry but his eyes... his eyes were so sad. disappointed.

7. "im..." "awww, are eyou sad now? because 'nice dad' is disappointd in you?" "shut up" "Why? I thought you wanted nice dad to be your dad? you have to deal with disappoing your father sometimes--" "Dad... if you would let me call you that, and you really do want to be my dad.... what do i say to this? How can you take me as your daughter when i'm nothing like you and everything like how he taught me to be?" "Stop. you are my daughter. stop believing his lies and remember. *I raised you. I gave you life. I wanted you back with me ever since you were stolen from me and i know it's going to take a while but you will look like me if you stop looking at him and listening to him and look at me and listen to me.

8. I looked at dad, then nice dad and I, for the first time in my life was allowed to make a deision. dad didn't do anything... he even looked afraid of nice dad. Nice dad waited patiently.... "The ddecision is yours, butyou do have to make it....my child."

9. "I am ___ ___ ___, I have lived withyou for __ amount of years but no longer. i am tired of the way you have treated me and lied about love to me. My real dad may have to re-teach me how to be like him, but you are no longer regarded as my father.you are only th efather to lies and liars and I declare with my mouth and believe in my heart that I belong to ____ my actual father. You no longer have access to me, you no longer have control over me, and I am finished speaking with you. shut up, and leave." fake dad visibly vibrated with anger. I'd only seen that once before.... at that's when i remembered--- this man. this.... phoney! "I remmeber you... Dad, my real dad told you that you couldn't have me. I NEVER belonged to you!"

10. THe roar of anger that erupted from the man was the most terrifying thing i'd ever heard-- until I saw my father. Fake dad wrenched his hand back and swung to smack me hard against the face but just as his finger tips grazed my cheek, Real Dad had him in his hands and up against the wall. "You touch my daughter without my permission or her permission, your face will break. Again." The cops had to pull him off of the man. "Judge, please, you can't do this." they held him back as the man escaped out of the open door. And they left me alone with my father...
(heartwarming convo with father that ends with "you are not perfect but you were nevverr meant to be. You are my daughter and i love you because you are my daughter. It is not becuase you did anything or pleased me with your speech.... it is because you are mine. and I, am indeed, your very real father."
© Copyright 2022 JJL (gingerale at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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