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Rated: 18+ · Short Story · News · #2279864
Writer's Cramp 2022 Birthday Celebration
The group of men and women stood staring out over the vast display of wilderness. They murmured amongst themselves. Heads nodding here and there.

Roger strained to hear and could make out a few words. "Good investment." "Tourists like this sort of thing." "Wilderness at their doorstep."

The words sounded hopeful, and he tried to tramp down the anxiety that sat like a vibrating rock in his gut. They could sell this place, get out from the debt. Make a new life. Try to forget what happened.
The memory the speared through him made his blood run cold. He pulled in another long swig from the water he gripped like a life line. He would have preferred something stronger, but he needed to make a good impression. These investors were his last hope.

"You say the fishing's good? And the trails?"

Roger nodded forcing his smile to brighten.

"We'll need to see for ourselves." the youngest of the men said looking over at Roger with a sharp gaze.

Roger pulled in a breath to steady his racing heart and nodded. He had feared that might happen. He had hoped they would see the view and assume all was right with the place.

"I'll arrange for poles to be sent up."

"And a few canoes. I want to check the place out from the water. Get a better view of things."

Roger nodded. Sweat beaded on his back. He made an exit. Wanting to run, but not wanting to give anything away.

* * * *

"You can't be serious. They want to try out the fishing and go out on the lake!" his wife fired at him.

"Keep your voice down, Matty. I figured they'd want to get a gander... I was just hoping..." his voice trailed off.

"We're done for. If they see..."

"They won't see," Roger cut her off.

"How'd you go managed that? Those things got a mind of their own. Ain't no stopping them if they smell new blood."

"Jesus, Matty. Keep your voice down. I got the guys on it."

"That pack of misfits. I'd bet they'd shoot themselves if they laid eyes on any of them brutes."

"They'll be fine."

"You got rocks for brains."

"You just prepare your wonderful feast and let me handle this. I got it covered."

"I bet you do," she muttered heading back into the kitchen. Moments later he heard her banging pans as she worked her magic.

If only her magic could help him.

When he re-joined the group down by the dock. He saw only a few of the men had come.

"Where's the rest?" he began, his heart thumping loudly in his ears.

"The others are exploring the trails."

"Oh, I had hoped to send them with a guide."

"No need. Josephine is a certified naturalist. They'll be fine."


"Is there a problem?" the younger man with the dark assessing gaze locked on his.

"Oh, no. No. That's fine." he hoped they hadn't wandered off too far.

They had just cast their lines out into the crystal clean water when a scream pierced the air. Each man turned in the direction of the lush forest behind them.

Another scream cut the air, followed by several others. Roger dropped his pole and dashed for the tree where he had stashed his 22-shot rifle and headed as fast as he could into the bush.

Gunfire rippled the air, and the women managed to scurry back from the edge of the trees.

"Bear," one woman wheezed out. "The size of a small house." she flung her arms up to indicate an enormous size.

"You lot," yelled Matty from the back door of the chalet. Get in here while ya can. They'll be more."

The party dropped their poles and ran. Just as more gunfire rang out.

* * * *

The next morning the local paper glared up at Roger. The headline read: Investors Spooked By Bear Sighting.

"Well I guess that does it. I wonder if we could get our money back if we burned the place to the ground. Claim a grease fire started or something like that."

"No insurance guy in his right mind would believe that," Matty muttered as she dropped a plate of eggs and bacon down in front of him.

"Worth a shot, though. We ain't never going to get rid of this place. And them bears...."

"They're more than bears, Roger, and you know it."

"Yeah, well let's keep that little bit of knowledge to ourselves. No sense getting ourselves committed over something that shows itself only when it's threatened."

"You'd think after Twenty-two years they'd let us go."

"No deal. This is our lot."

Word Count = 783.

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