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Complaint about Ingramspark.com that recently closed my four accounts without reason |
You can check whole problem from the following video My response to the administration of Ingramspark.com regarding the arbitrary closing of my accounts for no reason: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FjZiYsItUSU The Ingramspark.com recently closed four accounts for publishing me without the slightest reason one time and deleted all my books. Even though the site does not publish for free. It costs the publisher writer about 50 dollars to publish each book and also asks the writer to have an ISBN that is not free. The cost to publish both the paper and digital book together with the ISBNs is about $90. But I've been publishing at times when they offer a Promotion Code that exempts me the $50 book publishing fee but doesn't exempts me from the cost of ISBNs. Ingramspark.com closed four accounts for me to publish my books in the blink of an eye without reasons as a result of higher instructions and they canceled the publication of all books in them and also banned me as a writer. I am prevented also from opening any new account to further fight me. They refused to answer even my inquiries about the status of my accounts. I was not even sure that my accounts were closed and that a ban was imposed on me as a writer, except when the Legal Affairs sent me a message entitled (Cease and Desis) informing me of this and expressing their annoyance about publishing my problem and sending emails to technical support and some of their departments for complaints and inquiries. The ultimate in arrogance. Even the complaint they want to stop me from. Only left to request me to thank them for closing my four accounts and to apologize to them. And this is a screenshot of their only response after closing my accounts after they completely refused to respond my emails. https://postimg.cc/9D86mDvD And this is part of the Legal office message (( As you have been previously advised, all of your accounts have been permanently closed and will not be reopened. This decision is final and non-appealable. Such action is taken pursuant to section 6 of the agreement, and can be done so with or without cause. Additionally, you will not be allowed to open any new accounts and, should we become aware of any such accounts, they will be immediately closed. Again, this decision is final and non-appealable. Although this decision has been conveyed to you on multiple occasions, we continue to receive continuous messaging from you regarding your former accounts, via instant messaging, email and telephone communication. This incessant messaging spans across the entire organization, reaching many departments and individuals who are not involved with your account, and includes attempted communication to certain individuals personal numbers and/or email addresses. Such actions are unwanted, unwarranted, and unnecessary, and have reached a level that could be construed as harassment. Therefore, we demand that you immediately CEASE AND DESIST all such activity. Any and all future communication with Ingram Content Group and/or Lightning Source should be directed to this email address, and this email address alone. )) This was my response to them to understand my situation. But they ignored me and did not respond to me and until now (( Dear Ingramspark Administration Investigate carefully the case as I understand what is going on and see whose fault me or you. WHY you don’t want to admit that the fault from you not me while I showed you all my conversation with Carrie Fox that confirmed to me she will transfer the books in other accounts to account 9160931. But she did not complete transfer as her intention is to find any chance to close all accounts. Again the sequence of events 1. My four accounts were old from 2020. The four accounts I created in same month in 2020 were - Account Number: 9160931 (opened in Dec 2020) - Account Number: 9201372 (opened in Dec 2020) - Account Number: 9200686 (opened in Dec 2020)) - Account Number: 9200306 (opened in Dec 2020)) I did not open any new account after 2020. I distributed my books in between the accounts. There is no similar book between the accounts. Since I have a background with the dictatorship of publishing sites that they are not safe and it is possible to close the account without any reason when they receive orders to do so, I preferred to open four accounts at Ingramspark.com and distribute my books among them for publication. I was only publishing during periods that offer a promotion code that exempts us from the cost of publishing but does not exempt us from buying ISBNs for both digital and paperback books. I asked the support at the website and they told me that it is possible to open many accounts, but I must publish different books on them and also change the way to writing the name of the author on them. And I followed their instructions and I published different books in each account and I have different compensation details in each account I confirmed from the support team that I can have more than an account. I have the list of my books with ISBNs and I can show you no similar books between accounts. I can give you the list of my publication in the four accounts with date if you wish. So mark this confusion and misunderstanding #1 from you (NOT ME). Tell me where is my mistake here ??? 2. In Mars 2022 I submitted new books with the new Promotion code and I noted you don’t allow enabling distribution for all my newly Paper books in the account claiming it does not meet Catalog Integrity Guidelines. I surprised as my books meet Catalog Integrity Guidelines. I started to submit forms to request enabling distribution of my newly Paper books. From here you detected my four accounts. So mark this confusion and misunderstanding #2 from you (NOT ME). Tell me where is my mistake here ??? 3) In April 2022 you refused enabling distribution for my newly Paper books in the accounts. Same time I received a message from an Ingramspark.com administrator called Carrie Fox, warning me that in their new regulations they are prohibiting Authors from opening more than one account . So I have to choose one active account out of three accounts that their system detected for me and they will close the other two accounts and that if I don't want they will close all my accounts. Although you know that I have four accounts, but she ignored the fourth account for some reason. Maybe she wanted to put the discovery of the fourth account later as an excuse to close all my accounts even though it is old from 2020. Here ticket was Ticket #1221352 . This is a screenshot of her message to verify https://postimg.cc/YvpHbTLv And I answered that I want the account 9160931 to be active and to transfer the books in other accounts (I meant other three accounts) to my account 9160931. So mark this confusion and misunderstanding #3 from you (NOT ME). Tell me where is my mistake here ??? And this is screenshot of my answer in ticket #1221352 . https://postimg.cc/w3zLSVkC And for me to make sure, I tried too much to call her to discuss with her the issue so there is no confusion later, but I was not allowed to speak with her. I wanted to explain to her that your system detected four accounts to me not three and that was clear from my communication with Catalog Integrity when they did not enable my paper books for distribution in four accounts. I answered her generally to keep my Account Number: 9160931 as active account and transfer all books in the other accounts detected for me to Account Number: 9160931. I called many times UK and Australia the support in April 2022 to transfer that message to her. She answered me in the ticket #1221352 that they will transfer all other books in other accounts into the account 9160931 and will come back to me. This is screenshot in ticket #1221352 . https://postimg.cc/z3r8yLDw 4) I expected Carrie Fox will finish transfer in one week but she did not do. I received another email with same warning later from Elizabeth Cooper that I have multiple accounts and I must choose one active account. This is her message https://postimg.cc/7CDDZp7W I answered her again that I want account 9160931 to be active account and to transfer the books in other accounts to account 9160931 and that Carrie Fox contacted me before and I asked her to arrange with her the process so there is no confusion . This is screenshot of my answer https://postimg.cc/nCY3tgFz Elizabeth Cooper apologized for the confusion and told me that Carries Fox will still communicate with me for that issue . This is her message https://postimg.cc/3dN05nCt So mark this confusion and misunderstanding #4 from you (NOT ME). Tell me where is my mistake here ??? 5) But she (Carries Fox) transferred all paper books in Account 9200686 to Account Number: 9160931 and stopped and she did not communicate at all with me. I was not able to reach her. I noted that you allowed all my new paper books in four accounts (not three account) to be enabled for distribution. I thought that you would allow me the four accounts and that the problem was over. But I was also afraid that there was an intention to close the four accounts and that why you did not transfer the books. I contacted the support to ask about that but they told me if they will need anything they will contact me. So mark this confusion and misunderstanding #5 from you (NOT ME). Tell me where is my mistake here ??? 6) Even after new promotion code (SWEETSAVINGS) I just only published new two books in my main account 9160931. I did not publish in the other three accounts to keep my publications safe as I thought Ingramspark might transfer my books in other accounts to account 9160931 and I did not want to disturb your transfer processs . I was so careful to keep my accounts safe. So mark this confusion and misunderstanding #6 from you (NOT ME). Tell me where is my mistake here ??? 7) Then, three months later, I was surprised, on July 22, 2022, that a message is sent to me from same person (Carries Fox) that my four accounts is being closed, claiming that I continued to violate their conditions. I did not open new account from Dec 2020. All my four accounts are old from Dec 2020 and I did not open any new account. Surprisingly, all my books in the four accounts became under pending cancellation in the blink of an eye. And she didn't even give me a chance to respond and told me that it is final decision. Can you explain why that happened to me. This is a screenshot to check her message: https://postimg.cc/qzqd6SS0 Tell me which new account I created so she took the decision to punish me close all my four accounts ???? All my four accounts opened from Dec 2020 same time. Check all my publications on them from Dec 2020. So mark this confusion and misunderstanding #7 from you (NOT ME). Tell me where is my mistake here ??? 8) I went to customer service in chat to tell them I did not open new accounts, but they closed the chat in my face. I asked just to know what is the status of my accounts and they said my problem with other department and cant help. I surprised why you deal with me such way. What I did wrong ??? There was misunderstanding from beginning that I don’t know you don’t allow multiple accounts and I responded to Cooper and Carries Fox and agreed with them to transfer all my books to account 9160931 . Why you act with me such way ??? So mark this confusion and misunderstanding #8 from you (NOT ME). Tell me where is my mistake here ??? 9) You closed the phones and don’t receive the customers complaints. You don’t answer my emails. You close the chat in my face. Suddenly you also blocked me to login. I am not able to find anyone to tell me what is status of my accounts and my publications. Even I don’t know whether I will get my compensations of previous months. And I don’t know whether I can open new account after closing my four accounts. Why that ???? I opened account (not setup) as I failed to login to my four accounts to find someone to chat with him to tell me what happened to my accounts. But again they closed the chat on my face telling without answering me. This is their answer always: ((Unfortunately, I cannot assist you with this request, as we cannot assist with matters of Catalog Integrity. For this reason, I will need to close this chat so that I can forward this request to our catalog integrity team. They will reach back out to you via your email to assist you with this matter regarding your accounts)). This the screenshot https://postimg.cc/K144KN9R 10) Why you changed and you dont receive customers calls now over phone. And why opening new account needs verification now for completly setup it. And why you don’t answer my emails. I can see you changed your strategy and you want to follow the procedure followed by press.barnesandnoble.com. I see you follow the same way of press.barnesandnoble.com that closed my account arbitrary without reason and when Author complains, he finds all phones closed in his face and the decision was taken from the backend from Catalogue Integrity team and the Author cant reach them to discuss and decision always final. You want to close some old Authors accounts because you want to allow opening accounts for certain vendors. I even think you are same company as you act same now with Authors. This their message when barnesandnoble.com closed my account arbitrary without reason https://postimg.cc/wyL35hLg So mark this confusion and misunderstanding #9from you (NOT ME). Tell me where is my mistake here ??? 10) As I see continuous closures of my accounts in Ingramspark and other publishing websites without reason, I expected there is Higher orders from sovereign authorities that targets my accounts in publishing websites to delete my publications from net. I have the right to suspect that. Don’t tell me what happens is normal??? Off course I must protect my publications from what happens. One way to protect my publications s to complain over internet that I feel I am targeted and some sides want to delete my publications from internet by closing most important accounts in publishing websites without reason. I wrote about that in Arabic article and Video. Scandals of some publishing books sites such as Ingramspark.com that arbitrarily closed my accounts This English youtube video I made about the problem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvFZI10H8Z8 Note, I am author. I can write whatever I want as long I don’t lie and I say truth with evidences. Tell me where is my mistake here ??? Is it you or me that creates all this confusion??? Why that happens to me ??? 11 I kindly request Ingramspark to re-open my accounts as I did not do violations and I did not intend that. Please republish my titles under cancellation now and allow me to login to my four accounts. If Ingrampark.com wants to keep only one account, I want the account 9160931 to be active and transfer the books in other accounts to my account 9160931. Otherwise allow me to open new account and transfer all my books in the four account to the new account if you don’t want to retain from your final decision about closing my four accounts. )) I am trying to call and the operator closes the phone when they hear my voice as someone instructed them. They dont answer my emails. I am not able to reach any person to discuss with him as the operator closes the phone in my face when he listens my voice. I kindly request Ingramspark to re-open my accounts as I did not do violations and I did not intend that. Please republish my titles under cancellation now and allow me to login to my four accounts. If Ingrampark.com wants to keep only one account, I want the account 9160931 to be active and transfer the books in other accounts to my account 9160931. Please assist me with my complaint about Ingramspark to reopen my four accounts they closed Arbitrary or find some sort of fair resolution as leaving one account active and transferring the books of all other accounts to the active account (as I originally agreed with them). Assist me please in my complaint Regards |