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Rated: 13+ · Other · Comedy · #2277627
A young woman gets herself stuck underneath her hotel room bed and needs help.
Twenty-seven year old Cassie Thompson was in her hotel room one afternoon when she accidentally tripped over her suitcase and watched in horror as her phone flew out of her jacket pocket and underneath the bed.

The young woman was 5'7, 147 pounds, had beautiful short light brown hair and green eyes.

Her slightly big breasts and flat stomach were covered by a light blue t-shirt with a denim jacket over the top of it.

Her curvaceous hips and bubble butt were covered by a pair of slightly tight pink short shorts.

Cassie cursed her clumsiness then quickly ran over to the bed and stuck her hands underneath it but unfortunately, her phone was just slightly out of her reach as she then tried to lift up the bed but it was just too heavy.

The young brunette said, "This is definitely going to be an extremely tight squeeze but I really need my phone," as she realised that she would have to go underneath the bed and tried to put her concerns about possibly getting herself stuck to the back of her mind.

Cassie stuck her head underneath the bed and after a brief struggle, her entire top half was soon underneath, leaving only her hips, backside and legs sticking out, giving anyone who walked in an extremely great view of her lower half.

The young woman quickly grabbed her phone and put it in her jacket pocket then jokingly wiggled her behind and said, "I must look absolutely ridiculous right now, I really hope Chloe doesn't walk in and find me like this but she would definitely enjoy the view," before trying to back out from underneath the bed but was absolutely shocked to discover that she couldn't.

Cassie's eyes grew extremely wide as she tried to back out twice more without any success then said, "You have got to be kidding me, maybe sticking my entire half underneath here after that big lunch and second peice of chocolate sponge cake was a mistake," as she placed her hands against the bed frame and pushed and pushed with all her might but still the bed just simply refused to release its grip on her.

The now concerned and slightly frustrated young brunette said, "This is absolutely ridiculous, let go of me, you stupid bed, I don't have time for this because I have to meet Chloe in half an hour," as she then tried to push and wiggle herself free again, even putting her left foot against the bed frame for more leverage but still she just simply wouldn't budge and was hit with the realisation that she was in fact completely and utterly stuck underneath her hotel room bed.

The now embarrassed Cassie said, "Oh, it's just no use, I'm stuck, curse my curvaceous figure and love of sweet treats," as she couldn't believe that this was actually happening to her and wished it was just an extremely bad dream.

She then tried calling her best friend Chloe for help but she unfortunately didn't answer.

The young woman decided against calling out for help because she would be mortified if a stranger found her like this and decided to get herself comfortable after realising that she probably wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon.

Cassie spent another fifteen minutes unsuccessfully trying to push and wiggle herself free again following a brief rest and eating her chocolate bar in her jacket pocket to regain her strength said, "How can I be stuck, I'm definitely not fat, I'm just a bit curvaceous, I can't believe those stupid internet videos are actually true."

The young brunette suddenly heard laughter coming from behind her then a voice say, "Oh my god, why on earth is your backside sticking out from underneath her bed, are you stuck there," and realised that it belonged to an extremely confused stranger.

The absolutely humiliated Cassie explained the entire situation before asking, "could you please pull me out of here, my name's Cassie, what's yours?"

The stranger, a slightly less curvaceous glasses wearing young blonde wearing a short red dress with white polka dots and black tights who was also staying at the hotel said, "Oh my goodness, you poor thing, it's nice to meet you Cassie, I'm Sinead and don't worry, I'll happily pull you out of there," as she quickly grabbed onto the young woman's hips, leaned back and pulled and pulled with all her strength.

Cassie said, "OW, Ouch, OW, that really hurts, please put your back into it Sinead because I'm not moving, OW," as the young blonde placed her feet against the bed frame for more leverage and pulled and pulled even harder but then suddenly lost her grip and tumbled backwards onto the carpet.

Sinead said, "Oh, it's no use, you just simply won't budge and have definitely wedged yourself underneath there tight, I'm really sorry that I hurt you, I guess I don't know my own strength," as she realised that she had accidentally pulled down the young brunette's short shorts, exposing her bubble butt which was barely covered by red panties with tiny penguins on them for the world to see.

Cassie's face turned beet red with embarrassment as she felt the sudden cool breeze behind her and said, "Hey, did you just pull down my shorts, at least, take me out to dinner first before taking off my clothes, please pull them back up, I knew I shouldn't have worn those panties today."

The embarrassed Sinead said, "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, it was a complete accident, your underwear is very cute by the way," as she quickly pulled the short shorts back up.

The young woman said, "It's absolutely fine, I'm really glad you didn't try and take advantage of my big ass, maybe try pulling my legs, you'll be able to get a better grip and my shorts won't come off again."

The young blonde said, "That's a great idea, I'll soon have you out of there," as she quickly grabbed onto Cassie's legs, placed her feet against the bed frame for more leverage, leaned back and pulled and pulled with all her strength.

Poor Cassie said, "OW, Ouch, OW, that really hurts, I think I'm going to be pulled in two," as she was stretched to her absolutely limit as the epic tug of war continued until suddenly, a loud POP sound was heard.

The young brunette was pulled from underneath her hotel room bed at last, sending the two tumbling backwards into a heap on the carpet.

Cassie said, "Thank goodness for that, I'm finally free," as she realised that she had accidentally landed on top of poor Sinead and quickly helped her back to her feet before hugging her and saying thank you for rescuing her.

The young blond said, "It was absolutely no problem, I definitely enjoyed the view of your big butt."

Cassie said, "I'm really glad you enjoyed it, let's go and meet my best friend Chloe," as the two began laughing at the ridiculousness of the entire situation.

The two then meet Chloe as Cassie said, "I'm really sorry for being late, I was in a bit an awkward position but my new friend Sinead helped me out," as the three then went shopping.

The End.

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