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Juanita suffers from bullying because she has a poor diet |
Juanita and her poor diet Once upon a time in a distant town, a fox who liked to get into people's lives, one day he introduced himself to the population saying ... Good morning to all those present, I introduce myself, I am Antonio the fox and today I am going to present a funny story. In that Antonio the fox met his great friend Jacinto the monkey and told him that he bought some fries from his neighbor Doña Gloria from the store because his mother went to work and I let him make breakfast, but since he was lazy he didn't he did and bought his potatoes to stave off hunger, but Antonio spoke to him and told him how could he have potatoes for breakfast, that it is not a good meal for the first meal of the day and began to tell him a little story that had happened to a girl named Juanita. You see not long ago there was a girl named Juanita she was 12 years old, she lived on the outskirts of the city she was a very pretty and restless girl she liked sweets and junk food until one day that type of food affected her weight and your daily life. One day the teacher couldn't teach them because she had some business with the school principal, so she entered the class, greeted them and gave them homework to play on the basketball court, since a championship would be held soon and they needed to be the better, but in that Juanita, very happy, encouraged her friends to go buy food since she was very hungry. Juanita's friends, very upset, told her you're just hungry, come in, let's play, it's more fun, but Juanita said… I don't like to play because Danilo is there and he's very mean to me, it bothers me a lot. Juanita's friends insisted and took her to where the rest of her class was, then the boy who was bullying her said…Hello, Rebeca, and hello, whale. Nice to see you, Rebeca, come and play with us. walk can, Come let's go? Rebeca leaves with Danilo and tells her… Excuse me, friend, if I want to play, go look for María so she can go with you to buy food, but Juanita with sadness on her face tells her not to worry, she just goes to play. Juanita meets her friend María and tells her to come with her, but since María was with more friends she said…Hello Juanita, hey, it's not to criticize you or anything, but you don't think you eat and you're very fat, I wouldn't buy food from you I better be exercising. Josué and Belén, very angry, told him not to pay attention to María since she is always reckless and that they accompany him to buy her food so that he doesn't worry, he already knows what she is like, she thinks she is perfect. After what María said, Juanita felt very bad and decided to run to her house. Juanita arrives at her house crying and locks herself in her room and her mother, very desperate, did not know what was happening to her daughter and decides to go see what is happening with her and quickly asked her: What happened? and Juanita was able to tell her that at school they bother her because of her weight and what she eats.Su madre trata de hacerle sentir bien explicando que es normal que coma bastante, pero si quiere ella le llevaría a donde un nutricionista para que pueda resolver sus dudas. Tired of the bullying she received, Juanita agrees to go. The next day Juanita did not have classes so her mother took her to the doctor to check her weight and if she is in good health. Upon entering the hospital they met the secretary who quickly helped them enter the office where Dr. Fernández was, Juanita and her mother entered the medical office where The doctor greeted very kindly "Good morning, nice to meet you, how can I help you". Juanita's mother replies, good morning doctor Fernández, the reason for our presence is that my daughter says that she is bullied at school because, according to her, she is overweight, although I don't notice it, the first thing the doctor decides to do is weigh and measure your daughter, although with the naked eye if you see that she has an overweight problem. Very embarrassed, Juanita gets on the scale to see your weight and the doctor tells her not to be scared if your weight is not correct, that's why you are here to help you balance your weight, sadly, Juanita is overweight according to your height , your weight is not ideal, Juanita's worried mother asks, why does this happen if for her her daughter eats well all the time. And the doctor explained to them that not because she eats enough means that it is the right thing to do and if we do not act at this time, Juanita is at risk and must change her diet since the consequences would be serious in the future, and Juanita could contract diabetes or any other type of illness So she is going to make a list of foods that Juanita can eat and the portions that she should consume. When Juanita saw that things were serious, she told him Doctor, I have to confess that at school I eat a lot of sweets and junk food like potatoes, chifles, doritos and that type of food because I am very hungry at school. The doctor told her: Oh Juanita! That is why you are overweight, it is okay to consume junk, but not in excess because that does not give you any benefit, on the contrary, you create more fat in your body and since you do not exercise, that accumulated fat causes overweight. So we are going to make a commitment to exercise and eat properly, in addition to your mother being more aware of your diet, Juanita's mother also promised to help her daughter to eat properly and to do physical activity, in the same way Likewise, Juanita made a commitment to control herself when eating and avoid buying junk food. That day both the doctor and Juanita and her mother promised to help the girl to lose weight and prevent her from contracting any disease. A few months passed in which Juanita improved her routine and her diet, showing noticeable results in her body. She then went back to the office to do a checkup and show if Juanita is underweight or not. Months later, Juanita's mother returned to the hospital for her daughter's check-up, doctor Fernández very kindly received them and noticed a great change in her, she was thinner and had grown, after the check-up she was very happy because Juanita was in her ideal weight also that I saw her happier with much more energy and wanting to go out and play with everyone. Then the doctor proceeded to give a few words to Juanita, where he said… I am happy to tell you that you achieved it, you are at your ideal weight with much more energy and I see that your mother is much happier, I hope you maintain this healthy life without any concern because being overweight it is a very serious disease that people do not take into account when eating my congratulations go ahead with your life I hope I will not see this problem in you again because I think you have already learned your lesson. Juanita thanked the Doctor and said that she felt much better and that her classmates no longer bother me and she is the most restless when they tell her that she has to play outside, I am very happy with my result and I promise not to eat again wrong or just eating junk food. And that's how Juanita and her mother left the office very happy and learning that eating well does not mean that she is eating the right thing. FINISH As Antonio the fox was the gossip of the town, he left a great lesson to everyone in the community, that the right thing to do is eat healthy because it keeps us healthy, reduces the risk of contracting heart disease and cancer. I do like to eat fruits and vegetables, especially carrots because they are rich in phosphorus, help digestion, and strengthen teeth and gums. |