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Rated: GC · Fiction · Young Adult · #2275942
A story about a quiet girl who learns what she's really capable of, while being a prisoner
Sitting at my vanity, I prepare my face for makeup that I normally don't wear, but the lack of sleep had started to show on my face, leaving me no choice. I used to make fun of the girls who wore to much makeup but now I was starting to understand. Maybe they too were being mistreated by someone who claimed to love them. Maybe they felt as ashamed as I did.

After I finished my applying my makeup, I stood in the doorway of my closet and looked at all of the options. Everything was either white or pink with flowers, too cheery for my current mood. So I chose a pair of black distressed jeans, a basic black tshirt, a red and black buffalo plaid button down shirt and black booties. As I got dressed my mother stood in the doorway of my bedroom.

"Rieliana Jaine Andrews...what is that on your side?" she demanded.

Pretending not to know what she was talking about, I looked down at my side. There was a really nasty bruise.

"Oh...that...it's nothing!" I replied.
"That don't look like nothing!"
"One of my spotters lost their grip on me and dropped me yesterday during cheer practice!"
"Let me at least take you to the doctor to make sure nothing's broken."
"There's no need...I'm fine. It looks worse than it is!"

I grabbed my phone off the charger and my backpack, feeling guilty for lying to her but she would tell my father and then the cops would be involved then the whole world would know. And I wanted to keep this as quiet as I could.


Ten minutes later, I pulled into the student parking lot and parked in my usual spot under the huge oak tree. Before I got out, I checked my makeup in the mirror and gave myself a mini pep talk.

"You got this. Don't let these bitches get the best of you. Keep your head up!"

I plastered a fake smile on my face, grabbed my backpack and made my way into school. Standing at my locker talking to my friends Austin Reeves and his girlfriend Emmaline Gold, was my boyfriend Quentin. Flashes of the physical altercation he and I had the night before, played in my mind. It pissed me off to see him talking to my friends as if nothing had happened. He had everyone fooled, thinking he was this great guy who adored me, but they didn't know the monster I did.

"Hey, Babe!" Quentin stated wrapping his arm around my shoulders and kissing me on the forehead.

This act of pretending to care about me was starting to get old. Eventually he was going to slip up and show everyone who he really was. I was tired of making excuses and lying to everyone. I needed to get out of this relationship while I could. But I knew deep down he would never let me go willingly.

I remain silent, keeping my thoughts to myself, but giving them only a smile.

"What's wrong? Why are you being quiet?" Quentin asked.
"No, reason...I'm just tired!" I replied collecting the books I needed from my locker.

As soon as the bell for English Lit rang, I was relieved that I didn't have to spend another minute in his presence.

"Hey...Ri...are you okay?" asked Austin as we walked into the class.
"I'm fine!" I replied.
"You'd tell me if it wasn't...right?"
"Of course I would!"

Mr. Baker passed out a copy of Great Expectations and instructed us to begin reading. An assignment I didn't mind doing, as it was a way to escape into a world where Quentin couldn't follow. Everywhere I went he showed up unannounced like he was following. Whether I was out hanging with my friends, or with my family. I was starting to feel overwhelmed. So I got back into karate and kickboxing to help with the anxiety.

As class came to an end, I grabbed my things and walked out of the classroom hoping he wouldn't be waiting for me, but he was. He and I had second period Chemistry together. He possessively wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me into the classroom. Stopping in front of my table, waiting until I took my seat before walking to his. I kicked myself for not being able to free myself from him.

During class we were put into groups of four to work on a project. My group consisted of my friend Owen, a girl named Tristen Reed, a boy named Benton and myself. Throughout class, his eyes were glued to me, watching me with intensity in his eyes. The more he stared the more anxious I became, the more frightened I became that he'd spaz out and cause a scene. Exposing his temper to everyone. I didn't feel like having to explain his behavior to anyone.

The class ended, and I walked out into the hall trying to escape him, but he grabbed my arm and slammed me into the nearby lockers, capturing everyone's attention. His face red with anger.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" he yelled.
"What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about you and Owen?"
"There's no me and Owen!"
"Bullshit, I saw you talking to him!"
"Seriously...of course I was talking to him...he was assigned to my group!"
"I don't give a damn...I told you not to talk to anyone...especially Owen!"
I pushed him off of me.
"I'm done with you telling me what to do!" I yelled attempting to walk away but he tightened his grip on my upper arm.
"You are my girl...you belong to me."
"I belong to no one...and I'm not your girl...not anymore...as of right now...we are done!"

I pulled my arm from his grasp and walked into third period Spanish as the tardy bell began to ring. My best friend Devan looked at me, the look of concern heavy on his face.

"Are you okay?" he asked.
"I'm fine!" I replied.
"What was that about!"
"Didn't seem like nothing!"
"Mind your business, Devan!"

He sat back in his seat a hurt expression on his face. I didn't mean to be as harsh as I was. I didn't want to explain anything to anyone.

During lunch, rumors began to fly that I had cheated on Quentin. I walked into the cafeteria, with my head down , trying to avoid eye contact with everyone. People pointed their finger and were whispering. Devan's girlfriend Courtney adding her two cents to the fire.

"Such a tragedy!" She says.

I sat down at my usual table with my friends whose eyes were glued to my every move.

"What the hell was that?" asked Austin.
"Nothing!" I replied.
"Does Quentin lose his temper like that often?" asked Owen.
"Did you cheat on him?" asked Emma.
Anger surged through my veins like a wildfire.
"Okay...this interrogation...is over!"a
"Wait...Rieli...don't leave!" my friend Gabe stated.

I grabbed my backpack and walked out of the cafeteria. It was a beautiful day out and thought the fresh air would do me good. I walked out to the track area and climbed the stadium up to the middle row and sat down. The warmth of the sun beating down on my face had me wishing I was anywhere but here. I wanted to disappear but where would I go? My father would stop at nothing until he found me, but how could I go on lying to his face? Lying had become second nature to me. Lying to my mother, to my friends. It was all becoming too much. Pretending everything was fine.

The aluminum seat shifted next to me as someone sat down. The smell of his Armani cologne, told me exactly who it was and I grew annoyed. At first he didn't say anything, just sat there almost as if he was unsure how I'd react.

"What's going on?" Devan asked.
"Like I told you before...nothing!" I replied.
"Rieli...I know you...you don't have to pretend with me!"
"I'm not pretending!"

I stood up to walk away as my alone time had been ruined. He reached out his hand and grabbed mine. Stopping me in my tracks.

"Why don't you talk to me anymore?"
"What are you talking about? I talk to you!"
"No...you don't. We haven't spoken in a while now. Is it something I've said or something I've done?"
"It has nothing to do with you!"
"Then explain it to me then...because I miss you!"

I free my hand from his and continued down the stadium steps, to the track and began to walk back to the school. But he quickly caught up to me, stepping directly in front of me and stopping. He reached and pushed up the sleeve of my tshirt, and touched the bruise tenderly and frowned.

"Did he do this?" he asked looking into my eyes.

I pulled away and walked into the school, refusing to acknowledge what he asked. I continued walking in silence. As soon as I stepped foot in the school, Quentin rounded the corner. My anxiety kicked into overdrive as he noticed Devan standing next to me. Quentin approached us.

"What's going on, here?" Quentin asked.
"Nothing's going on.!" I replied.
"Were you with him?"
"Who I was with is none of your business!"

I watched as the switch had been flipped. Quentin grabbed my arm and slammed me up against the wall, Devan reacted and punched Quentin in the jaw, capturing the attention of Principal Corday, Asst Principal Dominick and Nurse Reeves.

"If you ever put your hands on her again, I'll do more than break your face!" Devan spats.

Devan turned to face me and saw the anger on my face.

"What the fuck did you do?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"Are you serious? He put his hands on you...again!" Devan yelled.

All three of us were escorted to the office.

"Anyone want to tell me what's going on?" asked Corday.
"I was walking to meet my girlfriend when this asshole sucker punched me!" Quentin stated.
"Nice try Mr. Knolls, I saw the entire thing!" Mr. Dominick remarked.
"Rieli...do you have anything to say?" asked Nurse Reeves, Austin's mom.

I looked at Devan who's had my back since kindergarten, I know he was only defending me, but he had no idea what he had started. If I chose him over Quentin, I'd pay for it with my life. I wasn't sure if I'd survive another one of Quentin's intoxicated rampages.

"Rieli...say something!" Devan demanded.

I remained silent, avoiding eye contact with everyone, concentrating on my breathing trying desperately to remain calm.

"Since this is your first offense Mr Cavanaugh, I'm giving you five days detention starting today after school," Mr Corday stated.
"As for you Mr Knolls, this is your fourth offense this month, therefore leaving me no choice but to suspend you for ten days. That marks your second suspension this year one more and you'll be kicked out...am I clear?" stated Mr. Corday.

"Seriously?" Quentin stated.

The look Quentin gave me sent chills down my spine as I knew this altercation would have serious consequences.

"Mr. Cavanaugh...you're free to go!" Mr. Dominick stated.

"Thank you!" Devan replied leaving the room.

"He put his hands on her!" I heard Devan say to Nurse Reeves quietly.
"We'll handle it, Devan...!"

"Mr. Knolls, I will be escorting you off campus, immediately!" Mr. Dominick stated.

I stood to leave the room but was stopped my Nurse Reeves.

"Miss Andrews...sit down...we need to have a serious talk!" Corday stated.
"I have nothing to say!"
"Rieli...tell me...what's going on?" asked Nurse Reeves.
"Nothing is going on!"
"Rieli...I've seen the bruises. I've noticed your demeaner has changed. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to put you on the spot, but after seeing your face upclose, I'm certain you have a problem."
"I don't know what you are talking about."
"Is Mr. Knolls hurting you?" asked Corday.

"And why would I tell you?"
"Rieli...you don't have to be snippy with us...we're trying to help!" Corday added.
"You want to help...then stay out of it!"
"Does your mother know?" asked Nurse Reeves
"There's nothing for her to know!"
"Does your father?"
"Again there's nothing for them to know!"
"You should tell them, before they find out from someone else."
"Someone like who? You?"
"If you say anything...I'll deny all of it!"
"This conversation is over!"

I grabbed my backpack and stormed out of the office, running into Devan who was waiting for me on one of the benches in the corridor.

"Rieli...did you tell them?" asked Devan.
"There's nothing to tell!" I replied.
"Rieli..please...I don't want anything bad happening to you!"
"Nothing will, I've got it handled!"

I started to walk away.

"Wait..are you mad at me?"
"You have no idea what you've done!"
"Me? What did I do?"
"Put your nose where it didn't belong!"
A pained expression flashed across his face.
"I was only trying to defend you!"
"I don't need defending...I can handle myself!"
"Rieli...I'm sorry!"
"I don't want your apology. I need you to mind your own business and stay the fuck out of mine!"

Refusing to talk to him any further, I walked away in order to protect him from my anger. It hurt to speak to him in the way I did, but he will learn to get over it. I couldn't let him get involved.


Later that afternoon, as I walked out of the gym from cheer practice, I walked out to my jeep that had been vandalized. Every glass had been smashed, all four tires had been slashed, someone had taken what I assume is a baseball bat. As I stood assessing the damage, someone walked up behind me, put a white cloth over my face and held it until darkness took over and everything went black.

Hours later I wake up on a cold concrete floor, locked inside a dog kennel. My first instinct was to try and escape through the gate, but it had been secured with heavy chains and a padlock. A door creaked open as three sets off footsteps appeared on the stairs.

"Good you're awake!" Quentin stated as he approached the kennel.

Beside him was his two accomplices Brandon and Keith.

"Where am I?" I demanded.
"Right where you belong!" Keith stated.
"I don't trust you, so I'm teaching you a lesson!" Quentin remarked.
"You won't get away with this!"
"I already have!"

Brandon opened the gate while Keith grabbed and held my arms behind my back. Heat rose in my face as anger surged through my veins. I threw my head back , headbutting Keith in the nose, hearing it snap as I made contact.
"Stupid Bitch!" Keith stated.
Quentin flew into a rage and punched me in the face as retaliation, then pulled out a syringe, stuck it in a vial, drew up 20 ccs of the solution.
"I need you quiet and unable to make a sound!" He says before injecting the syringe into my neck.

Within a few seconds, my eyelids became heavy and I struggled to stay awake. Soon the darkness took over for the second time as everything went black.

© Copyright 2022 Raya Collins (rayacollins38 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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