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it was never been seen but It was the question that was never answered. |
We humans lived in this earth for such a long time. History , revised stories, and new learnings was passed to us from generation to generation. But no one really had the definite answer. To many studied and had conclusion but still not definite because it was never seen by many or felt by many or touched by many. It was always a big question for us. What comes after death? is there a afterlife? religion and science had always have the contradiciton on this story. they conducted the studies for many centuries, decades and bc but still there was never a concrete answer to that question. many said they so the heaven and earth but science said that our minds what us to see what we want to see. so which one is which? Is it science or our religion? Correct me if I was wrong but you too had that question in your mind. Many of us of course will go on to our religion who taught us that after death we have only two destination it's either we go to hell or heaven. In science we are just in a dream forever. or they had a new conclusion that would change everything. But remove religion and science in your life. what do you think the answer to that question will be? without the knowledge that was taught to us. what do you think the answer will be? I had a different experience to this queston. When I was a child I saw my relatives die every now and then and I always have that question in mind do they see us after death? are we dead dead? that its just our body shuts down and never wakes only see black and never see our family. I was so afraid of death that even before I was watching afterlife and searching for the right answer for myself. Asking for miracles that hoped that will happen just to find out the truth of my question. I had came to the point that my life was full of questions. I had the feeling that I was meaningless and in the path that I no longer can see. I was so miserable and had no directions or plans to what I truly should do. But I was just forcing myself to get along of living so my children will feel a different way towards life. But one they It was like a miracle that had change my life it was like the dark path that I was walking through had a chance to lit up and brightens every step of the way day by day. I was with my children that day it was the first time seeing them both together so happy. and being so loving and sweet with each other. But my body was like having a heart attack. I was forcing my eyes to open to see my children with those happy faces and the love that was never sawn to those two. I never saw or feel or hear someone beside me. But I knew someone was there and telling me something I was answering his question with tears and felt the love that I was looking for towards life. It was so different from what I had watched or others experience. But I was thinking it was just a dream but I was so definite that it was true. Because I saw my daugther trying to wake me up. That night. But I was suddenly bursting to tears and confessing all my wrong doings but I couldn't see anyone but my children in the scene. the next day everything changed like I woke up nothing had happen but the happiness and love inside my heart was filled. I had ideas that was never what I wanted for before. It was like a new me. The question that I was to afraid to answer before was never a question to me anymore. the taught of fear was never there. It was changed like a on off botton. It's like a I had a reset button that all my question in life had the answer that I was looking for. I haven't seen it nor touched smell or hear. But my heart was telling me I was in the right path now. and everything was meant for me to know what the value of life truly was. That was a miracle. It was never based on science and in my religion. It was my guardian angel I guess. So I wondered if religion and science was both wrong what is life after death. is it what we have knowledge of was true? The answer was definitely not from what we had been taught. We humans where taught to feel, see and hear something to know if it was true. But God never appeared in every stories. He had his angels who where there to guide us in our everyday life. We were made and had a freewill to do whatever things we want in our lives. We were made to explore what we want to pursue or wanted. I had learn that for wanting someone's life to be like yours is having more obstacles to be dealt in. Because God gave us individuality not all of us has the same path like theirs. That's why most of us humans are struggling everyday in our life because we always compare things that was never meant for us. Our brains uses our body to copy what we see. So it ends up having the long journey of happiness for us. But you see our heart was never controlled by our brains. Our heart was the center of our existence. When our brains is tired and body they rest but the heart never rest life God. So I had the taught of why not listen to our hearts instead of our mind. because the heart will truly know if that is pure love. It will beat a certain beat that our body and our mind will know that was right. and from then on. I started following what my heart tells me to do. Every night I listen to my heart how he beats and thank it that I lived everyday. I never saw what it was telling me to do. I never see what my heart tells me to touch. But my intuition was different to what my mind was telling. when I started following my heart and my Intuition it's like everything I do is what was meant for me. It was the love that was always there from the smallest thing to the hardest thing that life offered me was never been a challenge or a karma because I did was wrong. It was a lesson that God gave me to switch to another path because it was not my path. My heart now is the center of everything that I was questioning before. I do say now that fear, lust, karma, envy , and every words that follows was never there it was just my mind telling me those things to fear what was really great for my life. It's all words that was inflicted to our minds that was like a poison so we just followed what we saw and was afraid to take risk to do so we won't go to hell. Death is a part of life that was never was suppose to be being afraid of. it was a transition of life that you had accomplish the divine love , peace and harmony that you aquired here on earth. it means that you had finish your life lesson and it's time for you to live the life that is limitless full of love and happiness. We had overthink things that we made our life full of boundaries that we never explored to know the true meaning of life after death. So never trust your mind because our mind create evil things that our heart never wanted us to follow. always follow what's inside your heart because our heart only feels one thing love. that's the only thing that matters love. if you love what you do what you feel. everything follows and death will just be a word that was told so scared and boundaries was added. |