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Foot fetish story for Danganronpa 2 character; Hiyoko Saionji. |
It was during another quiet day, stuck in an island without escape, that Hajime found himself heading to the beach to clear his mind of all those frightening thoughts. "You just have to kill eachother!" Those words kept playing on repeat in his head. It was absurd. One day he is going to a highly esteemed high school for elites, a week later he is surrounded by people who now have a motive to murder him. But thinking about that wouldn't help anyone. There was a party tonight and he needed to be up for it, not just awake, but with the right attitude too. And that's why he came to the beach. Laying on your back as you let the waves slowly drift you back and forth, the warm sun on your body, this is what Hajime needed to get to the right mental state to enjoy the party and turn the tide of this charade. Already wearing his swim trunks, he approached the water, and made sure to check his back to see if anybody was trailing him just in case, but all he found were rustling palm leaves, with pretty flowers surrounding the stumps, and the sight of seagulls in the distance. Seizing this perfect opportunity, he took his first steps into the sea, and was met with the realisation that even in the most tropical of islands, it will always feel cold at first touch. Still he went on, until he was chest deep in water. Now completely submerged, par for his head, he was finally acclimating to the temperature, and as he relaxed, he let his legs go and started to float on his back. The sun today was shining as bright as ever, warming him up to the point it felt like he'd melt away. No need to move a muscle to stay afloat, no amount of bad thoughts able to freeze your core, he let go of all his stress and stayed there, almost dozing off, his thoughts focused now on the fun he will have with his newfound friends. And then he snapped his eyes open and stood up. How long did he doze off for? He didn't feel his body burn so it couldn't have been too long, yet the sun seemed to have moved quiet a bit since Hajime laid his eyes on it. He stood in the water, happy to be overthinking and awkward again, but with a distinct lack of fear of death at any moment. In fact he felt great. And with that attitude he turned his eyes to the shore where he wanted to head. He has to prepare for the actual party and maybe hang out with his friends right before too, no more time to just laze about. And then his eyes noticed something else instead. There was someone there, waiting for him in plain sight at the beach. His eyes needed to focus for but a second for it to be crystal clear who it was. Big crescent moons for hair don't exactly reek of subtlety. It was Hiyoko, the person that Hajime has hung out the most with in this short week stuck in the island. But more surprising than the fact she was there, was that she was seemingly staring at him. And yet more strange is that the moment it was clear Hajime was looking back at her and was moving to get out of the water, she seemed to finally snap back to her senses and moved away, getting closer to the tree. By the time he got out, Hajime could hear the rustling of leaves, more aggressively in fact, than before. And he knew exactly why that was. As he approached the big palm tree right in the middle of the beach, he witnessed a more and more disturbingly common event. Standing at a whopping 130cm tall, his friend Hiyoko was in her usual attire -par for her traditional sandals held in her hands- stomping on and trampling all the flowers she could find around. Hajime: "Good morning Hiyoko." Said Hajime, in his usual apologetic tone. Hiyoko: "Morning? How long does your stupid head think you were in there lazying about for?" Hiyoko's scathing commentary never seized to impress Hajime, even tho he wasn't sure he should be impressed. Hajime: "Ah, sorry, I guess it's afternoon isn't it? I dozed off so I don't know how long I have been here." Hiyoko: "So you managed to relax your brain without having one? Great work..." She said, not taking a single moment to stop the brutality she was inflicting on the poor wild flora in front of Hajime. But what was curious about this wasn't Hiyoko's lack of love...or perhaps too much love for the flowers she was grinding underfoot. Rather her tone. Usually smug and childishly upbeat even when performing inhuman acts, Hiyoko instead sounded agitated, actually mad. Like she wasn't enjoying picking on Hajime for once -or the massacre she was performing in front of him-. Unable to understand the situation fully, but not able to ask directly without beating around the bush, Hajime answered the only way he knew how. Hajime: "Yeah...But I saw you staring at me while I was snoozing, so you probably know how long I was in there." That is to say, awkwardly and too directly after all. So directly in fact, Hiyoko got visibly irritated, enough to stop tormenting every living thing around her. Every living thing except for the two flowers she still was standing on, and Hajime himself who now had her attention fully. Hiyoko: "I didn't come here to gawk at you, you perv. I am here...to meet up with a friend". She used her fingers to make sure the sarcasm wasn't lost in translation between her self proclaimed perfect intellect, and Hajime's self proclaimed awkwardness. Hajime: "I see..." Of course this hadn't answered the boy's question at all. He still didn't know what time it was or why he was being stared at. Hajime: "Well I best be going then, I think I still got enough time to go spend with someone before the party. Wouldn't want to annoy you anymore." Hajime thought he was being clever, using self deprecation to avoid getting any more of Hiyoko's comments. Hiyoko: "Oh no you don't, you got me into this mess, you are going to help get rid of it!" Hiyoko had a scary aura around her at this point. Mess? His fault? What? Hajime had too many questions to start asking them. Of course that was the little dancer's plan all along, and she used this opening to assert her control of the situation. Hiyoko: "You have hang out with me every single day for the last 5 days. I went even so far as to accept you as my slave! But today you didn't show up! Today when everyone had their minds filled with dread. Today when even I couldn't help but allow myself to be accompanied by worthless worms like...like Akane!" Her words were ridiculous but this was what Hajime had already been used to. If anything, his focus was entirely on her face and how it seemed to give off this aura of sincerity. This wasn't an act, she wasn't acting hurt to gain sympathy -or rather control over him- but instead she was actually angry and hurt. Hajime: "Wait, so your friend you're supposed to meet here is-" Hiyoko: "Yes, you braindead dog, it's that pig! And if I am going to spend even a minute talking with her, you're going to suffer with me, keep me entertained and do everything I say as an apology!" For the first time today, Hajime noticed her childish smugness appear on Hiyoko's face. Right at the end of that sentence. Realising that arguing is not an option, the boy accepted his fate. Hajime: "S-sure...just please be reasonable with your requests." The short girl didn't even aknowledge that comment, instead turning around to start walking all over the flowers that are now wilted, bruised and dying beneath her feet. Considering her attitude, Hajime knew he should be staying clear of her, and yet every day he found himself gravitating towards this petite monster. She looked the most approachable from a distance, so maybe that's what started it all. Before their first conversation they ever had had even ended however, he already knew something was wrong with her. Seeing her squish ants, trample dozens of crabs until they were unrecognisable, and flowers too....He knew this girl was trouble. Yet everytime he'd see the veil lift for a split second, he saw a person worth spending time with. And considering his own lack of ability to fight back, he was very quickly wrapped around her finger. Constantly berated, being assigned the role of slave, knowing fully well what she enjoys the most is the feeling of something in pain under her foot. All red flags that he just couldn't resist coming back to. Was it because he was too weak to fight back? Was it because he saw something in Hiyoko that he wanted to bring forth more often? He himself didn't know. But this was the first time the little mistress had ever admitted to being afraid and lonely, in her own way of course. And he couldn't force himself to abandon her no matter what. Hajime didn't know how long he spent thinking about all of this, but when he came back to his senses, what he saw was a fairly exhausted Hiyoko, standing on a pile of very dirty looking and dead flowers. The gentle florescent aroma trampled out of them. And instead a very faint smell of something else in the air. Hajime: "So, I know this is your thing and all, but it seems you have gone out of your way to kill as many of the flowers as possible. And I can't help but think there is a reason." Hajime said out loud, not realisng he might be overstepping his boundaries. Hiyoko: "Idiot..." She said softly while still catching her breath. "Don't you remember what I told you? Last time that bitch Akane saw me trampling flowers, I had to think up a reason cause she's too annoying to explain myself to. And I convinced her that when I step on them, the flowers give more protein. The musclehead believed it of course and ate them all!" Hiyoko explained in a matter of fact fashion. Hajime: "Yeah but she said they didn't taste all that great, right?" Hajime answered reluctantly Hiyoko: "Yeah, but after hearing about the possibility of being murdered like she deserves, she came back to me begging for me to help her get all the protein she can, so as to protect herself.....pathetic." Hajime: "So this huge pile is...for her to eat?" Hajime looked down at the putrid looking stash, which now was dense enough to make Hiyoko seem slightly taller while she was on it. And while he wasn't exactly looking there innitially, he caught himself giving more attention to the little lady's feet than the flowers. They looked pristine and clean, traditionally perfect, just like Hiyoko. But the glistening on them made it obvious she was working hard to squish as much "food" under them as possible. It was at that moment too that he realised what that faint smell was, and looked up again to continue the conversation. Hiyoko: "Don't look at me like I wanted this! The art of stepping on pretty things with my feet is wasted on her! But if she ends up choking on this holy mulch and throwing up all over the place, she said while hiding her smug ear to ear smile with one of her hands I guess I could forgive her, so it's worth a shot. Aren't I such a kind mistress?" Hajime: "You sure are..." said Hajime as he tried to stave off the need to warn Akane the moment she appears And appear she did, right after those last few words. Akane: "Oi! Hiyoko, and my dude too! Sorry for being late." Akane shouted from a slight distance, walking up to them with her right hand raised up in a cheerful manner. Hajime: "Your dude has a name and it is Hajime, this is the third time I'm introducing myself to you. Please don't forget it again or I will start making up a different name every single time you ask." The urge to warn her had significantly sunsided after this. Akane: "Ah sorry, Hagime, I am horrible with names. Are you here to get your protein on too?" Akane brought this whole thing up with little regard to how embarassing it is, which took Hajime by surprise Hajime: "What? You mean the flowers? Wait-" Hiyoko: "Of course! My patented freshly trampled flowers are quite popular! I am surprised you haven't heard of them before this trip!" Hiyoko's mask was fully on at this point, and no matter how hard he tried, Hajime knew he wouldn't be able to convince the brute that she was wrong. Akane: "Alright! I have newfound respect for you, Hajime! It takes a lot to switch diets just to survive!" Why am I being ropped into this!? Hajime thought as his eyes started venturing towards his meal. Then to Hiyoko's happy upbeat smile, and then back to her feet where she started to dip her toes into the pile, random petals and stems and leaves squishing between each of her toes. Hajime: "Oh it takes some something alright.... " Hajime said with a tangible sarcasm that flew over Akane's empty head. Hajime: "Okay let's scoop...this into some plates and-" Hiyoko: "Plates? Oh silly, if you do that, all the extra protein will go away!" The amount of effort she had to put as to not crack into a loud laugh was visible, at least to Hajime. Her wobbly lips were desperately trying to form a sincere and honest smile. But before her facade could break completely, she turned around and hopped off the pile and onto curved palm tree that was just a few inches away, using it as a makeshift chair. Her feet were dangling right above the pile. Small chunks of unidentifiable flower parts sometimes falling from between her toes onto the rest of the "food". Hiyoko: "You need to eat it off the ground of course!" Akane: "As expected, Hiyoko thought about all of this beforehand!" Hajime took a moment to think about that statement, wondering if she really had.. Akane: "Okay, let's not waste anymore time and just chow down. We need to be strong if there's gonna be trouble, you know?" With that Akane sat down next to her lovingly prepared meal, on the direct opposite side of it as Hiyoko, and started to pick out small chunks of it, and shoving it somewhat forcefully into her mouth. Which is uncharacteristic of her, compared to the other times she has ever eaten in the presence of others. But considering she has already done this before, she knew the distinct flavour of this dish. And that was enough to make her very hesitent despite her chivalrous words. Hiyoko: "Come on, Hajime! I even have a special spot for you! Now eat up before it's all gone!" The special spot was anything but....It was just a spot right next to the pile like Akane's, except way closer to the smug girl. Hajime was now sweating profusely, the moment he was dreading getting closer and closer. And when he sat down, the reason for this special spot was made apparent. Sitting so close to Hiyoko who was still sitting above, made sure that Hajime would be constantly mere centimetres away from his mistress' feet. The scent he had noticed twice before was now borderline unbearable. Not only was he now lower and thus closer to the stash of sweat covered dead plants, he was also even closer to the source of all his upcoming misfortune. Still, he couldn't help but glance at the feet of his tormentor, the source of all his humiliation. And while he couldn't understand it, he could definitely feel something in him. He was still tall enough for the top of and sides of Hiyoko's feet to be visible, and for some reason that irked him. He felt the urge to bend down and see for himself the rest of her. And as he was subconciously doing just that, he was brought back to reality. Akane: "H-hey, Hajime, you should start eating before I am done with it all haha..." The sound of that sentence was painful to the ear. Like a yelping puppy who is desperately trying to get away from something. And her face was looking the part too. She looked like she had walked up and down a mountain, yet when he looked at their food, Hajime noticed there was barely any of it missing. Did it taste this bad? Is this seriously going to be the end of him? Filled with pity for himself and Akane, the young lad finally picked a few small petals and slowly brought them to his mouth. He could feel the glare of a predator right behind him as he put them into his mouth. And then...he could only feel the taste. Almost all of the earthy flavour any plant has was replaced. Replaced by a very salty and sour taste. One that he could undeniably describe with just one word. Feet. Not only was his nose now occupied with a smell attacking him from two directions, but his mouth was burning with this slightly spicy and distinguished taste of salty, sour vinegar. Hiyoko: "So? How is the flavour? I made sure to wipe my feet on them as much as I could to make sure you get all the protein possible. I hope I did a good job!" Hiyoko's words were coated in so many layers of deceptive innocence that Hajime couldn't help but play along. Hajime: "Yes, of course! I can already feel myself becoming stronger, isn't that right Akane?" He couldn't help by metaphorically pat himself on the back for avoiding the topic of taste. Hiyoko: "Aww, I am so glad you guys like it!" she said, clearly knowing both of their true feelings, and wanting to push more, until they come out. And to make it happen, she did what she does best. "If that's the case, do you mind if I try and rest my feet a bit, they worked so hard for you after all." She didn't even wait for a response before she scooted closer to her slave, until she was sitting right above him, both her feet now dangling at both the sides of his face, and then proceeded to place them both at the top of his head, like a footstool. Her petite size made it quite easy too, with plenty of room for both of her soles to dirty Hajime's poor hair. The duo made no comment, instead focusing on their ordeal, both of their taste buds now coated with the sweat of the little girl who was abusing them both for her own amusement, and to top it all off, she'd make sure Hajime's hair had her scent permanently stuck to them. Wiping her feet all over him, taking strands of hair between her toes and sliding them up and down. All of course under the guise of playfully toying with him. Something that Akane was oblivious to. The pile was not even halfway through when Akane froze still. Drool started to drip out of her mouth. The poor girl was borderline unconcious. It was clear to anybody with a brain that eating raw wild flowers wasn't good for you, and she had eaten way more than Hajime at this point. She couldn't move, instead opting to look up at Hiyoko with puppy eyes, ready to tell her she is sorry that she cannot finish her meal. But that trail of thought she had was disturbed when Hiyoko stared in her eyes disapprovingly, ready to burst from anger, and jumped off of the tree (and Hajime's head) directly onto their meal, picked a fistful of the stuff, and pushed it directly onto Akane's face. Akane used what little strength she had to shake her head away from it, but it was no use as Hiyoko grabbed her hair and pulled it towards her. Hiyoko: "Look you stupid bitch, I had other plans for today, I took my precious time to ready this for you. Do you know how hard it is to have to pretend around your ugly ass that I am this benevolant little girl? I have friends to hang out with, I have my own hobbies, and giving you any of my time isn't one of them! So why don't you open your mouth like the little slut you are and eat what I give you!?" Akane's eyes widened and tears started to flow down her cheeks as Hiyoko kept trying to make her swallow the gross plants. When the poor girl's mouth was stuffed full of it, Hiyoko made sure to send a message by pushing her down onto the ground and using her heel and toes to push the matter down Akane's throat. Hiyoko: "You don't deserve this. You're not pretty like the flowers I trampled, you're not elegant, you're just a big ugly pig that shoves down meat like the disgusting disgrace you are. I have squished vermin underfoot with more worth than you!" Hiyoko's comments were coming one after the other, for minutes on end she assaulted and battered Akane's pride with words and actions both. By the time she was done with her, Akane was crying and coughing out parts of the plants she was forcefully fed minutes ago while running away, wobbly and weak. Footprints left all over her. Hajime was completely shaken by the event, he was somewhat scared of the little dancer before, but now he was genuinely afraid of her ire. Normally he knew his standing in Hiyoko's eyes was above Akane's, but deciding it wasn't worth the risk of getting her angrier, he sat there, still eating her foot sweat crusted leftovers. When Hiyoko calmed down and turned around towards Hajime, instead of looking content with messing with someone she hated, she looked almost disappointed. Like her day wasn't going like she wanted. Like this wasn't enough. But the view of her slave still obeying her through all of that was enough to make her smile for a moment, before stepping over to the pile, and scattering it with a well placed kick. Signifying the end of this weird event. Of course for Hajime this meant that he was now covered in the putrid smell of her feet as some of the plants flew directly onto him. Hiyoko however flinched at the sight as she hadn't planned that part. Hiyoko: "Um, you did a very good job, so I will allow you to accompany me to the water and have a swim with me. You can wash yourself then. But no diving underwater! I don't want you peeking where you shouldn't!" Hajime: "So you brought your swimsuit with you?" Hiyoko: "Duh, this is a beach after all." Hajime: "But all you had planned was....whatever that was, right? Or did you see me floating around the water when you came here and decided to bring it with you to hang out later?" Hiyoko flushed a slight red at that comment, adamant to not let her slave get the wrong idea. Hiyoko: "Who would want to hang out with you?" She said clearly contradicting what she had mentioned from the start, and Hajime noticed.. "Anyway, we both already have them on us so let's just go before I change my mind." With that she removed her kimono, revealing her light green frilly bikini while she was still standing over the young boy, who was completely in shock in the difference between character and looks once more. Hiyoko: "Stop gawking and let's go! I have to see if I should punish you for lazying on your back for half the day or if sunbathing in the water is actually that great." Grabbing him by his hand and pulling him towards the water, Hiyoko finally had regained her smug and slightly less cruel attitude that Hajime was familiar with. It wasn't long before they were both chest deep in water. Or rather, Hiyoko was, while Hajime was not more submerged than his abdomen. Hiyoko seemed calm for once, no loud shouting from either her or anybody else around, no excentric personalities to be found. Just the calm sea and two friends, now laying on their back as sun rains down warmth upon them Hajime: "Hey..." Hiyoko: "What?" A slight feeling of both irritation and guilt was felt in her voice. Hajime: "Sorry that I didn't come to hang out today. I was trying to calm myself down so much that I forgot I wasn't the only one who had heard yesterday's news." Hiyoko: "Don't mention that scary stuff! Do you understand how lame you sound?" Hiyoko tried to sound loud and angry, but instead what came out was very quiet and gentle. Hajime: "But the reason I wanted to go to the party calm, was because I wanted to spend time with my friends. I wanted to spend my time with you." Hiyoko blushed a shade of red that she never had thought of possible before. What was this idiot thinking? Why was he telling her this? Those questions raced through her mind as she started getting back up from her laying down position and started to get out of the water, completely speechless. Hajime: "Oh? Are you getting out? I guess it's a bit late, need to actually get to the party to enjoy it, right?" Hiyoko: "N-no I just couldn't handle your l-lame speeches anymore." Her speech was slurred, like she was afraid to say those words for some reason, why was that? Why did she care if he got angry at her? She didn't have much time to linger on those thoughts as a sharp pain shot through her entire body. And a very girlish and embarassing scream was let out of her lips. Hajime: "Hiyoko!? What happened!?" He rushed towards her to see if she was okay. She was still standing, but on one leg, clutching the foot of the other. And using her other hand to sign him to stop and not come nearer. Hajime moved around the place where she was standing to come in full view of her front, and what he saw was her face completely covered in tears, and the foot she was holding with a big black spot on her big toe. Yep, she had stepped on a sea urchin. At that point she stopped holding herself back and started crying like she had done more than once before. But instead of crocodile tears, these were real. Definitely real, in fact so real that Hajime decided to risk stepping on the urchin too just to grab her, and carry her to safety. Thankfully he avoided the pain and suffering his little mistress was going through while carrying her in his arms to the shore. Her crying having stopped slightly and being turned into sniffles. Hajime laid her down on the towel he had brought with him this morning. And started inspecting the wound. Thankfully it seemed only one spike was able to pierce her big toe. Nothing too serious, but he'd need tweezers to get it out. Tweezers that he didn't have with him. But seeing his friend in such pain he decided to go, only to be stopped immediately, when a still sobbing Hiyoko tugged at his trunks. Hiyoko: "Don't leave me here, it hurts, please." Hajime: "I'm not leaving you, I just need to go get something to take out the spike." This didn't convince Hiyoko however, who kept tugging at him, and asking him to stay with her. And he didn't know how to deny her even when she was bossy, seeing her now with the facade completely gone, all he could see is a young girl who needed his help and his attention. So he stayed there trying to think of how to fix this. His attempt at pinching the toe, trying to squeeze the spike out of her was proving to be ineffective. As everytime there was any progress, Hiyoko's cries would become louder, until Hajime couldn't bare to hear them and would stop. Nearing his wit's end, he looked at Hiyoko's sniffling face, and took notice for the first time that her hair was let down, probably becoming undone while she was being carried. He stood there taking the long golden locks of hair in. In that moment, she didn't look like the ruthless, coniving, sadistic, manipulative, smug little gremlin he knew her as. For the first time she was looking at somebody for help, genuinely showing hope and faith in someone else, needing someone with her. She looked like a sweet and innocent princess to him. Hajime: "Wait, that's right! Princess!" Hiyoko was completely dumbfounded in what Hajime had said but decided to say nothing for once, letting him take over and help as he saw fit, as long as he wouldn't leave her alone. Hajime: "Remember when that weirdo Teru, was trying to convince Sonia to suck out the poison from him? Well, this doesn't actually work for poison. But it might work for this!" Hiyoko had understood what he meant, and with that, she used the little strength she had in her, forcing more tears to flow down her face, but with no sound escaping her lips. And lifted her foot up to Hajime's face till the toe was touching his lips. Hiyoko: "I...I orde-...Please, help me." Looking at her, Hajime's heart skipped a beat when hearing those words, and with that, he held her foot in place with his hands, opened his mouth, and gently enclosed her big toe in it. Hiyoko let out a slight moan, most likely from the pain, but her crimson face would say otherwise. A face that Hajime wouldn't see for long as it was quickly covered by her hands. Hajime started to suck on her toe, first gently, to see if he could inflict as little pain as possible with his idea still working. However from the one or two minutes that idea lasted, it wasn't working. He made sure the toe was as wet as possible with his tongue, so that the spike would slide out easier. However that wasn't enough. Hajime knew he'd have to do his hardest if he hoped to get this over with. Hiyoko was unreasonably quiet, having entrusted him completely now, even if it did hurt.But before she even knew it, Hajime had thrown the little spike that was now out of her foot onto her lap. The spike, which was hilariously barely more than half a centimetre long, was gone, and so was Hiyoko's pain. She let out a very satisfied moan as she felt the pain melt away. However just as fast as she relaxed her leg, she tensed it up again, pushing the newly painless toe right back into Hajime's mouth. Hiyoko: "Ah, I think there is another one, it hurts so much, please, keep going." Her acting skills would normally be considered hollywood levels, however this time, it sounded so obvious that she was faking the pain, that Hajime couldn't help but find it funny. And thinking this was just another scheme for her to humiliate him, he took the toe out of his mouth. Hajime: "Hey don't you thi-" He couldn't finish the sentence before not just one but two toes were being shoved in his mouth this time. Hiyoko: "Pl-please, I need you to..keep them there." This time her words seemed genuine, and Hajime was too charmed by her princessy appearance and honest pleading to think about what she meant by them. Instead deciding to focus on what he needed to do. What she wanted him to. With that he picked up the pace again, holding he foot in place as to not strain her leg, and sucking on both her big and second toe. Licking them all around and inbetween. He didn't understand what he was doing. He didn't understand why he was doing it. He knew there was nothing harming her, he knew this was embarassing, humiliating, degrading. And yet when he looked at her face, Hiyoko's face. And the smile and blush that had formed on it. He couldn't help but feel content. No, he felt happy. It wasn't long before he was done with those two toes that he took the other 3. Kissing and licking the tops, the tips, the undertoe, and savouring the faint flavour he had tasted and despised before. Before he knew it, he was covering Hiyoko's foot from heel to toe, even up to the ankle, in kisses of passion, of adoration, of worship. He was as if enchanted by a spell, and the only thing satiating him now where the moans coming from Her mouth. On the other hand, Hiyoko's mind may have been clouded, but it was by a feeling she had before. The feeling she experienced every time she trampled a crab, or destroyed a flower garden barefoot. Everytime she felt something grovel or suffer under her feet. Even every time she walked on grass and knew each blade is a life she was suffocating under her perfect toes. It was that feeling. But for once it didn't feel fake or contrived or created in spite of a bad deed. For once she had someone who was willing to degrade himself to a doormat for her pleasure. And that feeling was bliss. She slowly moved her hand underneath her biking bottoms and before she knew it, she was feeling a wave of pleasure she had never experienced before. No more pretending to cry so she can get what she wants, no more being told she was wrong or weird. She was getting everything she wanted on a silver platter, and the one suffering underneath her was doing so willingly, and she didn't have to lie about what she wanted. A minute turned into two, turned into ten, turned into thirty. And with each toe that was pampered and worshipped, Hiyoko was losing herself even more to the pleasure that only a tongue and lips can provide, while her own were becoming wetter and wetter. Once every spot of her feet were cleaned and properly adored multiple times over, she let out one final loud moan, all her muscles tensed, then gave out as the prolonged sound turned into a whimper right at the end. With that she managed to blurr out two words before collapsing unconcious from exhaustion. Hiyoko: "Good boy." Tune in for Chapter 2....soon tm. |