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basic description of remote viewing and what it means for our future |
Remote Viewing is a tool to access psychic, non- local information by utilizing scientific "protocols". These protocols are designed to give you the best possible probability of obtaining psychic information. This information is not limited by time or space, its all accessible. The purpose of Remote Viewing was intelligence gathering. It was used by the military to obtain information on locations of people, battleground descriptions and any information that may aid in the success of their mission. A large part of it were to counteract Russia's psychic program during the cold war. The CIA paid Stanford Research Institute to develop these protocols. A team of over 400 scientist worked with psychics to obtain information on their abilities. The most notable of them was a psychic named Ingo Swann. They developed CRV( Controlled Remote Viewing). The US Army used this methodology in their intel units. The information on this program was declassified and the Stargate documents released. The big secret is that there were more than one Remote Viewing program running concurrently. Some units used different methodologies. Some of these methodologies are more accurate than others. How does Remote Viewing work? Well, every human is psychic. Some more than others. Development is key to being a good viewer. It may take years. The structure of Remote viewing allows it to be successful. The viewer is blind to what they're looking at. They have no idea. They were given a random set of numbers and letters(e.g. D3F4-G6H4). The tasker gave them this "target ID". This target ID is "code" for the question the tasker is looking to answer. For example, "the viewer is to move to the Statue of liberty on July 4th 2013, 10pm, describe what you see". He will then assign a target ID to this. He will then give only the target ID to the viewers. The viewers will work in a team of other viewers. They will each go into their process by following their protocols and will produce a session. Their sessions are then given to an analyst that will search the data for matching information to build the scene. The implications of this ability is most intriguing to me. This information is out but not well received by the educational authority that teach our kids. There's empowerment that comes from being able to do it. There's also a breakdown that has to take place in order to receive this information. You'll likely not prescribe to the system that is in place now. That is because Remote Viewing opens you up to things that are behind closed doors. It opens you up to the connectedness of this universe. If we can displace a portion of our awareness to distant locations, what else can we do? Lack of clarity is the main reason for our undeveloped psychic abilities. We're being taught false history, untrue "laws of Physics", Religions and unimportant skills that leave a person convoluted. The understanding of ourselves is behind layers of lies and distraction. It takes the spirit away from a person and turns them into a work robot. There's other life in the universe and even in our solar system. They probably don't believe in our science, religion and history. That understanding freed me a little and helped me see that there is so much to learn and discover. There was a point in time when everyone believed we were the center of the solar system. At that time you were an outcast for believing otherwise. Oh how wrong we were. I'm still open to us being wrong now. |