Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2274142-Just-a-Side-Character-3
by Alexia
Rated: E · Novel · Fantasy · #2274142
What Do You Do With A Sickly Sora? Yasmin is left with a choice and passed out Sora.
When I exited the room the next time, Chitera and Renri were gone; most likely in their bedroom. I went back in, moving the leaves from the window, and jumped.

I flew a bit away from the tree, to the nearby Dove Pad. It was far enough to not be annoying when Fairies called for their Dove. I pulled out my Chirp, blew into it and music rang out through the night. Marakin would respond within moments.

Doves were sacred creatures; each Fairy would be bonded to one at twenty years. After finding your own dove, a Fairy would then carve a Chirp from their Home Tree to make specific music that only that one dove would respond to.

I saw silver in the distance and went to the edge of the Dove Pad, giving Marakin room to land. Her wings were a pale pink and connected to a feathered body. As she came closer to the Pad, her webbed feet landed with a soft thud.

“My baby, how is my little Mara? Feeling good today?”

I ran my fingers through her feathers, making sure her wings were clean and would last a long trip. I gazed up her long neck, to where her horn shone in the starlight. The Horns were vital to the doves and said everything about the creatures; how old they were, if they were healthy and if they were mated. Once I was done I stepped back and she wrapped her neck around my own neck in her way of a hug.

“Stay here Marakin, I need to get things ready. I hope you’re ready for a nice long flight.”

I gave her one last kiss before flying back to the Home Tree.

It was well into the night by now. Even though my parents were probably asleep, I stayed as quiet as possible as I flew around the tree.

“Food, water, healing salve, sweet grass...” I muttered to myself as I gathered supplies. Soon I had a few leaf bags full for our journey.

I was packing the last of the healing items when I heard her.


I turned slowly, keeping the bag behind me and praying she would just send me back to bed.

“Chi Chi! Sorry about the noise. I just wanted to get,” I looked at the counter and thankfully there was one last Sweet Grass Stick. “Sweet Grass! Yeah, midnight treat, and then I’ll just go back to sleep.”

She glided over, shaking her head; the beads in her hair clinking. She reached around me, grabbing the leaf bag and setting it back on the counter.

“I knew it, you forgot the anti-infection.” She patted my cheek, flying to the shelf. “You always hated it when I had to use it, I wasn’t even sure if you knew where it was.”

I sat on the stool, head bowed and waiting for a lecture.

“My flower, lift up your head.”

I loved my Chitera’s eyes. Bright as the tall grass and as dark as the Home Tree leaves. When she was mad, they darkened so you could see yourself in them as she yelled at you. At the same time, they shone with joy and light. I remember when she would throw me in the air, my first time flying really.

I didn’t want to leave her.


“Flower,” She sat next to me, holding my face in her hands. “I knew this was going to happen, things were always different with you. “

“When we were given each of your siblings, things were easy. Yes, even Kyan was an easy child. With you, I suddenly had a child that was full of this crazy amount of energy. My little girl was climbing, walking, talking, and flying sooner than I could imagine.”

“The day you brought Sora home, you changed again. A chitera, a guide, a sister, you were everything to him. I watched you both grow up, but you grew into a woman in the blink of an eye. When I saw those wings, I knew you would leave with him and I trust you two.”

“I love you my flower and I will pray each day that you are guided by the Angels to find a safe place for Sorata. Now, are you sure you packed everything?”

I didn’t answer, instead, I flew into her arms; clutching to her back. “Don’t worry Chi Chi, I’m almost sixty. I should have left the Home Tree years ago.” Chitera just laughed.

Eventually, I let go, Chi Chi wiped the tears from my eyes and she handed me the leaf bag. Neither of us talked, I think we would both end up crying again. Or worse, I would never leave.

I left a note for Ren Ren and another for my siblings. Going back to Marakin, the saddle bag thankfully fit all that I had packed. I tightened the straps and gave her one last check before going to the bedroom window.

Sorata was still asleep which was a bit of a problem. Faires were actually one of the smallest races and Angels were not short at all; my head didn’t reach his chin. Even with Renri, I probably wouldn’t be able to lift him.

Instead, I took a deep breath, embracing the nature around me.

The heartbeat of the land, the pulsing of the water, the wind blowing through the night. I could hear other doves. The Buzzwasps flying. The croak of the Brogsworths. Grass growing and leave near the window. I connected to the leaves, gently pulling them around Sora and out the window.

It was a far drop and a great length to the Dove Pad, but my focus didn’t waver.

Moving took longer than I had hoped but Sora was safely leaning against the front of the saddle as I supported him from behind.

“Fly carefully Mara, you carry someone very important.” She bumped her head against mine before ruffling her wings.

I held onto Sora as Marakin began to run, gathering enough speed to fly into the air. Together we left the Home Tree, the first time I ever truly left.

Faires didn’t leave their Home Trees, the idea of leaving Kirham would never be considered. We didn’t fight, we had thin wings that ripped easily; that’s why we sided with the Angels during the revolt. After that, the humans didn’t want us and neither did the dragons, so we were left here on the island.

I glanced back, the Home Tree fading into the Angel Wing Mountains. My family now further than ever.

Being reborn is more difficult than one would think. While I wait for the Main Character, I build relationships with a new family, only to leave in the end. Sometimes, I never see them again, other times they greet me in the end. I never know how the story will end, and I can’t help wanting to stay with these people.

Sure, sometimes my family wasn’t nice or I didn’t have one at all. This one was hard because it was such a nice family. Big and full of laughter, each day was full of excitement.

But I had a duty I had to fulfill. Sorata would fight the dragons, become king of Mistros and life would be better. Angel were the perfect rulers, whatever chaos there is in the world would stop once he brought peace to all islands. Once that is done and he is happy, I live out the rest of this life and will be reborn once again.

Maybe if I was lucky, I could come back and spend the rest of my days with Dewdrop and Thicket.

After hours of flying, Marakin and I were tired so we landed to rest. The grass was taller here, several feet over my head, and blocking out the moonlight. With Marakin sleeping, I built a fire and inspected Sora’s back.

Fairies are born with small wings; we have natural holes in our skin. I had no idea wings could do so much damage to someone’s skin.

The holes were jagged, ripping unnaturally and bleeding. The bandage Chitera had put on had now been bled through, I would need to change them. His wings were still limp, twitching every so often. They were beautiful though, pure white with long feathers. I can’t imagine what it will look like when Sora flies.

I scanned the area and since there were no creatures near us, I flew up to find some flowers. A few wing beats away, there was a Soft Petal, one that we often used for healing. With one last look, I left him to harvest.

It was easy, tearing it off at the base and then carrying the petal back. Sitting around the fire, I ripped away from the tip and then in two so it wouldn’t be too big for Sora. Once the bandages were replaced, I leaned against Mara and watched the grass blow in the wind.

Marakin would rest for an hour or two, moving at dawn. The map I packed didn’t show much detail, the only things drawn were the Angel Wing Mountains and Kirham’s Edge. I let out a yawn; an hour of rest would do us all great.


“Yasmin! Wake up!”

I jerked up, wiping my eyes and looking for why Sora was screeching so early. Maybe Marlie left a Roller in his room again.

“Buzzwasp!” The insect was flying around Sora, stinger ready to impale its food.

I blew a harsh note into the necklace, Marakin woke up and began to flap her wings. The Buzzwasp dodged the wings; the venomous stinger still focused on Sora. I had to do something.

Mara wouldn’t be able to fly if it attacked her wings. I looked around, seeing only grass around us. I could use this.

I ignored Sora’s shouts and the buzz of the Buzzwasp, focusing on the grass growing. Picking out several strands, I encouraged them to grow. Slowly and quietly, they surrounded the Buzzwasp, enclosing it in a cage.

“Fly, Mara!”

Taking the clue, she lifted off while I gathered all the supplies I left out. I shouldn’t have fallen asleep; everyone knows you don’t do that in a creepy forest. With everything in my bag, I flew away from the angry insect; it was already using the stinger to cut through the grass.

Meeting up with Marakin, I changed her direction with some small notes and looked over at Sora.

He still looked tired; he was hunched over with his wings sticking out. A Buzzwasp in your face wasn’t the best thing to see in the morning. We didn’t get any of them near the Home Tree, they didn’t like fairies. Doves, on the other hand, were delicious.

“What was that, where are we, what happened?”

Right, I did all of this without telling him as he slept.

“Well, first of all, that was a Buzzwasp, they like to eat other small creatures like Rollers or Hollinhogs. Now you know why humans and other creatures don’t come to Kirham, it’s too dangerous for them.”

“Second, we are probably reaching Kirlam’s Edge, the Home Tree is pretty close to the edge and we traveled a lot last nig-”

“What are we doing out here Yasmin.” He snapped and I hesitated.

Sora had never yelled at me before, his words were always kind and sweet, even when he was a little arrogant.

“I had to get you out of there before something happened.”

Sora took a deep breath, only to flinch from his wings. His head dropped and he wrapped his arms around himself. He was probably scared; he was in the middle of nowhere with wings sticking out of his back. His whole life had changed.

“Tell me everything, I need to know who I am.”

He looked up; blue eyes empty of feeling. I sighed, flying closer, and began the story of the Angels.
© Copyright 2022 Alexia (alexiajane at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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