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Rated: E · Fiction · Comedy · #2274035
Winner! - Daily Flash Fiction - 5/31/22 - W/C 278

“Hey - Watch This!”

Angie took one look at the drop. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she stated.

“What’re you, some kind of a chicken?” Brad strutted around, arms flapping, making clucking chicken noises.

“The most famous words of any stupid trick are ‘Hey, watch this!’. I again say ‘We shouldn’t be doing this.’ It’s an ignorant idea.”

Mike joined in. “Oh c’mon Angie. It’s just a little jump. Like they said in that Butch Cassidy movie, ‘the fall will probably kill us’.”

“All the more reason to not do this, guys.” Angie again looked over the precipice.

“Then we need to hurry! The whole summer is ahead. Braggin’ rights for three months!” Brad and Mike high-fived each other.

“Have fun, you two knuckle-heads.” Angie left them with their eyes wide.

“Ange, come on!”

“You can’t leave us now!”

Angie was nowhere to be seen.

“She left us, Mike.”

“No time like the present!” Mike sailed over the edge.

Brad peered over the side.

“You okay?”

“Call 911! I think I broke something.”

Brad ran down the steps. When he got to Mike, Angie stood beside Mike’s crumpled form with his one leg bent the wrong way. She wanted to kick it, but called 911 instead.

“I told you two losers it sounded like a bad idea. Jumping off the garage roof with an umbrella. As if that would work! You’re lucky you didn’t break your neck.”

Mike hobbled to one leg. “At least I didn’t die. Hey Angie, did you get that on your phone? Cause that would be a good one for YouTube or TikTok.”

He and Brad high-fived again. “We’ll be famous, just like that movie!”

W/C 278

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