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Female vampire and a male lycan that must come together to defeat the wicked time-lord. |
Chapter 1 I've been told all my life to never trust a werewolf, especially a member of the Vilkas family. My "brother" described them as vile dogs that had no control of their anger and could snap at any moment. However, there was one member of the Vilkas family that married into mine: specifically, the Nortons. Riley Norton was the creator of three different vampires. Ones that he deemed in need of a second chance were Michele, Jacolby, and Essie. Essie had married a timid ginger named Marie Vilkas. They were married for about three months before both sides of the family found out. Once the Vilkas family found out their daughter had married a vampire, they had ripped him limb from limb. Yet, they say that vampires are monsters. I never met Essie, seeing as how I wasn't created until later. However, Jacolby vowed to kill any werewolf from that bloodline. The last Jacolby had seen of Essie was at my parents' Lunar party about forty years before I was created. It was the type of grand get-together my mother adored. She had an eye for the high-collar life, one my brother and I had grown accustomed to over the centuries. About every seven years, my family and I move so the townspeople don't get suspicious of our curse. This curse was placed upon me in 1883, when I was twenty years old, by a man I thought I could trust. A man I thought loved me. A man I thought would protect me from everything, but I hadn't realized then that the person I needed protection from ... was him. Sir Marcus Inigo Arquette was the most eligible bachelor in London, but he was also the most fearsome creature in my new world. His jet-black hair and pearly whites stopped women's hearts, but I was blinded by his brain. I didn't know the reason he was so intelligent was that he had lived through all the events he had such knowledge about the Anglo-Spanish war, the crowning of King George III, and my favorite story of how Marcus was close friends with Giuseppe Abbati, the Italian painter who painted the View of Castiglioncello. Abbati's death was supposedly because his dog bit him and infected him with rabies, but it wasn't until my third year with Marcus in my new world that I knew those accusations were wrong. Every year on my birthday, my real birthday, I think about the day Marcus changed my life forever. Today, was that day, May 14th. I was born over 120 years ago and yet I still look like a twenty-year-old female with no wrinkles or age lines. How could that be so bad? My entire world was shattered with one word: vampire. It started like any other day in 1881 in England, with my mother cooking my favorite breakfast: buttered toast with freshly made strawberry jam, slightly crispy bacon, and freshly squeezed orange juice with the slightest amount of pulp. "Good morning, Julia. Happy birthday, my sweet child," my mother said with a voice as soft as honey, just like the color of her hair. My mother flashed her gleaming smile as she kissed my cheek before a barreling ball of curls came dashing through the dainty kitchen. My eight-year-old brother was full of wonder and curiosity. Cowlick curls sprawled over the top of his head. The sun had gifted his face with dozens of light brown freckles that complemented the icy pools he had for eyes. "Alistar, I've asked you to stop running in the house." The clinking of glass sounded as Mother placed the dishes on the table. Before I could even pour myself a glass of juice, my brother wrapped his tiny arms around my neck and nuzzled his head to mine. "Happy birthday, Jewel." No one in my family called me Jewel besides Alistar. He thought of it a couple of years ago when our father told him stories of our grandfather working in the mine and bringing home rare jewels he found. Father kept an uncut sapphire on our mantle in remembrance of the old man, who died in a mine collision when a newbie wasn't paying attention and knocked down a standing wall. I had a few memories of my grandfather, but they were vague. He was a clean man with a clean face, but his salt-and-pepper stubble indicated he was a hardworking man. Grandfather tried to dress like a politician, but smelt of coal and dirt, which was my most distinctive memory of him. That uncut sapphire was why Alistar decided my nickname would be Jewel. My brother claimed my eyes were the color of the gem. "Are we going to get ice cream tonight? My treat!" This was Alistar's way of giving me a birthday present. Since he was five years old, my father would give him a little bit of money to take me and get ice cream in town. "Of course, Alistar. I'm craving a mint chocolate chip." My lips and eyes were soft as Alistar giggled and took his seat next to mine. I never realized how tiny my brother was until his feet dangled from his chair. He bounced up and down, waiting for our father so we could start breakfast. The chocolate-haired man emerged from the bedroom dressed in his usual grey trousers with black suspenders and matching vest and petticoat. He smiled as he straightened his navy-blue tie. "Good morning, family." His voice was just as harmonious as my mother's but was more of a tenor tone. Alistar smiled as father kissed the top of his head, after kissing mother's cheek. "Ah, there's my birthday girl." I stood from my chair and wrapped my arms around his neck as he kissed my cheek. "Happy birthday, sweetheart. I assume you and Marcus will be heading to town today?" Father adored Marcus, not just because he was a wealthy tradesman, but because Marcus had a certain charm. Mother was mesmerized by his looks, like every other woman in town. Alistar disliked my beau, as he was worried the man would take me away and my brother would never see me again. I should've listened to Alistar. "Oh, Father. Marcus hasn't sent a letter or even told me he wants to see me today. I doubt he even knows it's my birthday," I opined just before a knock sounded on the front door. One of my eyebrows lifted as my father chuckled and walked toward it. When the grand mahogany door swung open, there stood my fate holding a bouquet of lilies and baby's breath. Hair slicked back and lips curled into a devilish smile, Marcus stood tall with one hand behind his back. "Good morning, Mr. Raynott. Is Julia around?" His voice was soothing, but a slight tension in it gave me chills. I assumed these feelings were because I loved him. How could I not? Marcus had courted me properly for a year and treated me like I was a queen- which, in my mother's eyes, I was going to be if we got married. Who wouldn't want to marry him? He was handsome, had money, and a steady job; hell, Marcus was bonafide. "Marcus, please. I've told you to call me Lawrence." My father's laugh was contagious. Marcus gave a small smile and bowed his head before taking off his top hat. I stood from my chair and tried to keep myself from running to him in front of my parents. We met halfway in the living room, mother and father following close behind. "Happy birthday, my gem. Would you care to accompany me on a drive through the countryside later today? Then, perhaps, dinner tonight? Don't worry, I already consulted your father." Marcus was a gentleman, for sure. He knew the way to make my heart tick and my knees go weak. Father's arm was wrapped around Mother's waist, as I turned to look to them for approval. Mother was nearly in tears and Father nodded his head with a wave of his hand. When I faced Marcus, his eyes flashed from sea-foam green to a luminescent lime. This happened occasionally. It would be for the slightest second. The only time I asked, he claimed it was from the lighting. "That sounds lovely, Marcus. I would be delighted to join you." The stems felt like velvet in my fingers as I took the flowers, inhaling the sweet aroma rising from the lilies. Soft, cold lips pressed against my forehead. Chills ran down my spine like a Model T Ford on a street clear of pedestrians. "Well, I wanted to properly invite you instead of sending a telegraph or letter. I will send for a carriage after breakfast. Why don't you and your mother head down to Mercier's and pick out something nice for tonight, hm?" He was always trying to wine and dine me and give me fancy things, thinking that was the way to my love. Mother told me it was rude to turn down a man's offer, especially for a special occasion. I guess ending the teenage years was "special". Mother smiled at the offer as I shook my head with a chuckle. "Marcus, you don't have to do that." I never felt right accepting such ravishing gifts from someone I was just going steady with. "Julia, I want tonight to be special. There's a new restaurant in the next town over and I thought you'd enjoy it." There was no arguing with him. I would just have to accept and move on. Marcus didn't stay long after I smiled and told him I would go. He waved to my family and bid us adieu, so we could finish our breakfast. Though it was fast and silent, Alistar's mood changed. "Alistar, you've hardly touched your breakfast." His normal smile was now in a pout, with his lower lip protruding out. "If Jewel is going to dinner with him, then she won't be able to go get ice cream with me." I couldn't help but giggle. I smiled and smoothed down a wild curl on the back of his head. "Oh, my sweet brother. I promise I'll be back for ice cream. I'll make sure we have an early dinner just so we can make it back." His hypnotizing puppy dog pools looked up at me with hope. He held out his pinky. "Pinky promise?" This was Alistar's most powerful promise; breaking it would be like murder. My finger wrapped around his as my eyes lowered to meet his gaze. "Pinky promise." A black carriage was awaiting outside our little white wooden house. A man dressed in a black coat and white button-up and black trousers waited outside the carriage door. Mother had dressed me in a bright yellow Elsa Schiaparelli wool jacket with black sequins of roses on the shoulders and along the waistline. A matching yellow wool skirt seemed to fit just right along my waist, as I laced up my black boots to finish off the attire. "Oh Julia, you just look darling! Marcus is a lucky man, you know. He will make a good husband for you. You will be the woman every girl wants to be." Mother had a flare for the dramatic at times. I shook my head as I headed out the front door and thanked the man as he took my hand to help me in the carriage. The trip into town was short; trees passed, then the bakery, then the blacksmith, and finally Mercier's. Wealthy citizens purchased clothing here. Mother and I usually got our own garments from Angie & Rose, a small shop for those of middle class. Father had made it his life's work to make sure his family never had to worry about food or clothes or money. We were not a poor family, but we were not "Marcus Arquette" wealthy. An elderly lady in her mid-sixties approached, her chrome hair pulled up into a curly up-do. "Good morning, Mrs. Raynott, Miss Julie. Happy birthday, dear. Sir Marcus had said you would be coming by today. Picking out a nice gown for tonight?". She wore a dark purple satin dress with lace along the neckline and a black pearl-like necklace that hung to the mid of her chest. Her lips were stained red. Her pale blue eyes smiled as she rounded the counter to greet us. "Good morning, Mrs. Rose. Thank you for allowing my mother and me to come in today. I'm not quite sure what to wear tonight. Do you have any ideas?" Her eyes lit up with joy. She gave me a quick hug and led me with her hand on the small of my back to some colored dresses. "Now, you are no longer a young lady. You are a woman, and we must show that, but with class." She emphasized the last part of her statement with her finger raised and a crooked smile as she rummaged through the dresses. Mother was already going through some choices on the other side of the store, smiling from ear to ear. If I ever was to marry Marcus, I would make sure my mother would get more of a life she wanted. She envied the gorgeous dresses we couldn't afford, yet she was grateful for the life and family that we had. "How about this one, dear?" Mrs. Rose's giddy voice broke my daydreaming. My eyes turned and landed on a blush-colored satin gown frosted in glitter tulle, shimmering a 'hello' in what seemed like an angelic glow. When my fingers brushed the gown, my lips couldn't help but curve up in a smile. This was the most beautiful dress I had seen. "I think this would look stunning on you. Go try it on." Mrs. Rose nodded her head to the back room. My feet felt like I was flying, carrying me to the dressing room. It felt like I couldn't disrobe fast enough to get the gown on; a button on my jacket stuck, causing me to struggle for a few moments before prying it off. Satin was a rarity in our house, as it was more for the wealthy. Wool was more common, so most of my gowns and attire were wool-made. The smooth fabric sent chills down my spine as I slipped into the dress. Who would've known that blush would complement my skin to perfection? My shoulders were slightly exposed but covered by the sheer tulle that cascaded around them and down to my wrist. An itchy feeling around my wrist was mild, but just something I would have to get used to. The tulle glistened in the natural lighting as I emerged from the dressing room. The gown kissed the floor as I walked, the tulle making a slight noise that wouldn't have been recognizable during a ball. Since my mother and Mrs. Rose were waiting for the grand reveal, I couldn't help but focus on the slight noise. "Oh, Julia. You look radiant." My mother was seeming to choke back tears. I couldn't understand why she was acting this way. It wasn't like Marcus hadn't taken me to dinner before. Unless... this was a more special day than I anticipated. Mrs. Roses' voice was the one that broke my daze, "Miss Julia, I think this gown was made for you." A small smile fell upon my face as I looked down at the gown, swaying the material back and forth to see the shimmer I was causing. When I looked up at my mother, she was holding a diamond necklace that was ever so dainty. My eyes couldn't help but widen at the sight of such beauty. "I think this will make the finishing touch." Before I could even move, my mother had pushed my ringlet curls to the side and fastened the necklace around me. Mrs. Rose had disappeared and returned within seconds, with a pair of blush-colored flats with a slight heel. I almost didn't even recognize myself in the reflection of the glass mirror at the back of the store. Today was going to be the day that my life changes forever, I could just feel it. After Mrs. Rose had packaged my gown and accessories, she gave my mother and me a hug before we bid ado. Marcus had already given Mrs. Rose enough money to cover any items I wanted from the store and told her to keep the rest as a gift. He was a caring man to the people of this town. Mother had taken me around the rest of the town as she went on and on about how Marcus was perfect for me. Did I love him? Of course. He was the nicest man I had ever met and was so smart, that it took my breath away. He loved to take me on a picnic in the countryside or even just treat me to a pastry at the local bakery on a Sunday. The only thing I didn't understand was why he didn't go to our local church. He said he liked the church in the other town because the pastor was a good friend of his. I assumed if we got married, I would have to follow him to the next town over. Come to think of it, the next town over was quite a ride just for Sunday service. I had only been to the town over once or twice, to help mother get some material for her to make clothes for Alistar when our local shop didn't have what mother wanted. Before I knew it, mother and I were back at the house, where Alistar and one of his schoolmates were playing outside. This ginger-haired boy was decorated in freckles as he smiled and ran with my little brother. "Alistar, you play nice now. Don't go too far." Mother called after him as he waved and ran around with his little friend. She let out an exasperated sigh before entering the house and showing the caddy where to place my gown. "Mother, do you know something about tonight? Why are you so giddy about my dinner with Marcus?" The question had been bugging me since she choked up in the store. Her head turned around so fast; I thought the rest of her body wouldn't keep up. "Julia, you know how I feel about Marcus. I want you to find a good man who will take care of you and can give you anything and everything. I just want you to be on your best behavior tonight." Her answer confused me even more. Yes, I was a little clumsy at some times, but Marcus seemed to enjoy it when I blushed at my clumsiness. There was a time when we had a picnic in the countryside, and I tried to toss a grape into Marcus's mouth and missed entirely. Or the time he tried to steal a kiss from me, and I turned my cheek because I was so nervous. There are countless times of my clumsiness, but Marcus still stayed around. A knock at the door turned my attention from my thoughts. Smoothing out my skirt, I turned the knob and revealed a dark-haired man standing in my doorway. His lips curled up and his hands clasped in front of him, Marcus stood tall and proud. "Are you ready, My Gem? I have the carriage waiting for us." Of course, Marcus had one of the nicest carriages in town. "I am. Let me grab my handbag." I left the door open so he could enter, hearing my mother coo at Marcus and thank him for the lovely day that we had earlier. My black circular bag with sequins was laying on the table when I finally found it. When I reached Marcus and my mother, she was whispering in hushed tones to him. I cleared my throat and smiled, "I'm ready." I gave my mother a quick hug before following Marcus to the sleek black carriage. He opened the side door and held my hand as I climbed in, quickly following suit before signaling the driver to start the journey. My mother waved from the front doorway as the carriage pulled away, making her figure disappear in the distance. A sigh of relief passed my lips before a large hand took mine. "You look beautiful, My Gem. I cannot wait to see what you have for tonight." He held my gaze as he kissed the back of my hand. His lips were chilled and sent shivers up my arm, but I couldn't help but smile. "Marcus, you know your charm does not seduce me as it does the other women in this town." It always seemed to bother him that his looks never mesmerized me as they did with others. A small chuckle rumbled from his chest before he nodded his head and sighed. "I do. You are a special one, Julia. One of a kind. That's why you're my gem. A rare beauty that is untouched and unseen by many. But you know I love to dote on you." He wasn't wrong. Marcus loved to shower me with flowers, jewelry, gifts, and so much more. He called me his gem because I was 'rare' that I didn't fall for his typical charm. I assume that's one of the reasons he wanted to court me. "Marcus, would you mind if we eat dinner early tonight? Alistar and I always go to the local ice cream shop in town on my birthday. Father gives him a little money, so he feels like he's buying me a birthday present." Thoughts of my little brother always brought a smile to my face. However, I did fear that Marcus would not like cutting our date short, but I did hope he would understand. His face did not seem cold, but it didn't seem happy either. There was something about his expression that made me ponder what he was thinking. "Of course, My Gem. How about we just take a drive through the countryside, and I will drop you off back home so you can get ready for tonight. I'll pick you up around 5 o'clock. How does that sound? We can finish up dinner and have you back in time for ice cream." My heart nearly skipped a beat at his request. The smile grew bigger across my face as I wrapped my arms around his neck. My cheeks grew hot as I realized my sudden outburst and quickly regained my composure. I cleared my throat before apologizing to Marcus, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you like that. I was just filled with excitement." A hand brushed a curl out of my face, sending another chill down my spine. Marcus's index finger and thumb lightly grabbed my chin and turned it to face his icy gaze. "You never have to apologize for anything, Julia. I like the energy you have." Before I could say anything, his lips pressed against mine. Marcus did have an intoxicating kiss, which made me lose my breath almost every time. When he broke the spell, my eyes remained closed until I heard a chuckle come from him. "Wait until tonight. I would not want to bring you home roughed up. What would your parents think of me?" A fire started in my cheeks as I imagined what Marcus meant by that. He was always so gentle when he kissed me. Why would tonight be any different? Maybe tonight was going to be the night my life will change. The drive was fresh and much needed. Marcus held my hand as he told me stories of the symphonies of Beethoven he heard when he was in Paris. He talked about the instruments and how their melodic tunes would soothe any human. Marcus would hum a few bars of various symphonies; Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Symphony No. 9 in D minor, and so much more. My head had slowly fallen to his shoulder as he hummed to me. Trees passed; fields of flowers seemed to bless the air with their aroma which soon hit my nostrils. I had never felt more at peace than in this moment. Or so I thought. |