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Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #2272820
The world as a beautiful place
There is a yellow, a white, a black, a brown... the list goes on
The shades run deep, some evidence in our eyes
We talk about what we see.......... blindly, maybe so forward
Did I say talk?
Oh, please, don’t misquote me.
I meant S-C-R-E-A-M Scream.
Everyone has a “point to prove.”

Every corner is screaming.

We want to be heard so bad
Our elbows are pointed in the opposite direction
The point is clear, don’t get close
Power-hungry, we forget HUMANITY

There is a “price” for the loudest
Could someone increase the sound
“I AM” struggling to stumble on
I repeat
I AM struggling to stumble on

Dear Bright color,
Do not outshine me

We come in different shades and colors
Holding different flags as proof of the existence
Hold it higher; you might not be seen
(someone whispers)
We match each other
Bloodshot eyes

But why
I am tired. Are you too?

Why can’t it be beautiful with so many colors
ONE answer
We have nothing to prove
We are all beautiful
We don’t need to outshine the other.... to be seen
Because alone, we are so............
I will leave it at that.
But I know that together, the Phenomenon of the colors
It’s beauty, I mean, nature agrees too

So when we think of outshining each other
Can you stop and think

How about a world like a rainbow
One big family, different, yes
But accepting one another
Can you imagine a home in every country you go to
A friend in every stranger you meet
Comfort in every eye you look into
A beautiful rainbow it shall be indeed
So, come from West, East, South, and North
And Let’s meet somewhere
It doesn’t have to be the middle, but we can start.

Raise a new flag, one of co-existence
Smiles, joy, Peace, Love, Acceptance, and Oneness

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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2272820-MAKING-OF-THE-RAINBOW