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A young woman gets herself stuck in a hole in a wall while running late for work. |
Twenty-seven year old Melissa Thompson was running late for work one morning after her alarm didn't go off and her car wouldn't start when she suddenly spotted the rather small hole in a nearby brick wall and went over to have a closer look at it after realising that she could see her office building through it. The young woman was 5'6, 146 pounds, had beautiful long light blond hair and hazel eyes covered by glasses. Her medium sized breasts and slightly soft stomach were covered by a dark blue sweater with a black blazer jacket over the top of it. Her curvaceous hips and bubble butt were covered by a tight black pencil skirt with black tights. Melissa looked at the hole in the wall and said, "This is definitely going to be an extremely tight squeeze but I think I can fit through there plus it will save me at least ten minutes," as she tried to put her concerns about possibly getting herself stuck due to its rather small size and her curvy figure to the back of her mind. The young blond put her phone in her bag and placed it beside the wall then stuck her head through the hole and after a brief struggle, her entire top half was soon through, leaving only her hips, backside and legs sticking out, giving anyone walking passed a great view of her lower half. Melissa said, "All right, I'm halfway through but now for the difficult part," as she then tried to pull and wiggle her lower half but unfortunately, it just simply wouldn't fit despite several minutes of trying. The young woman said, "Well, it was a great idea but I guess I'm just too big to fit through here," as she then found a red rose and put it in her hair before jokingly wiggling her behind and thought about how ridiculous she must look right now before trying to back of the hole in the wall but was extremely shocked to discover that she was unable to. Melissa's eyes grew extremely wide as she said, "You have to be kidding me, maybe that big breakfast was a mistake," as she placed her hands against the wall and pushed and pushed with all her might but still the hole just simply refused to release its grip on her. The now concerned and slightly frustrated young blond said, "This is absolutely ridiculous, let go of me, you stupid wall, I don't have time for this because I'll get fired if I'm at my desk very soon," as she then tried to push and wiggle herself free again, even putting her left foot against the wall for more leverage but still she just simply wouldn't budge and was hit with the realisation that she was in fact completely and utterly stuck in the hole. The now embarrassed Melissa said, "Oh, it's just no use, I'm stuck, curse my curvaceous figure and love of biscuits and sweets," as she couldn't believe that this was actually happening to her and pinched herself to make sure that this wasn't just an extremely bad dream then thought about calling her husband Jordan or her best friend Lilly but remembered that her phone was outside in her bag and decided against calling out for help in she attracted the wrong type of attention. The young woman realised that she should probably get herself comfortable because she wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon then suddenly felt a cool breeze behind her and said "I hope my underwear isn't showing and no one tries to take advantage of my big butt sticking out of here." Melissa spent another fifteen minutes unsuccessfully trying to push and wiggle herself free again following a brief rest and said, "How can I be stuck, I'm definitely not fat, I'm just a bit curvaceous," then pinched her stomach and was shocked to discover how soft it felt and realised that she should probably get herself on a diet before suddenly feeling something sniffing at her backside but was extremely disappointed to hear a dog barking. The young blond said, "Oh, You're just a dog, you're absolutely no help, please stop sniffing my big butt and leave me alone," as it then grabbed onto the seat of her skirt and began pulling. Melissa began wiggling her rear end and said, "Stop pulling at my skirt like that, you naughty dog, it's my best one and I spent a lot of money on it," but still the dog continued to pull until a RIP sound was suddenly heard. The young woman's face became beet red with embarrassment as she realised that the dog had pulled off the seat of her skirt and the back of her tights, exposing her bubble butt which was barely covered by a adorable yellow panties with tiny penguins on them for the world to see. Melissa said, "I can't believe that my favourite skirt is ruined but I knew I shouldn't have worn those panties today but at least, my day can't possibly get any more," as the dog's owner Mike drew a smiley face on her underwear before taking a picture and wrote, "Thicc Ass Stuck," on the wall before the two left again. The young blond said, "I just had to tempt fate, didn't I," as she began laughing at the ridiculousness of her current situation. Melissa had now been stuck in the hole in the wall for more than half an hour and said, "I think I'm going to be stuck here forever, I'm so stupid because this could literally only happen to me," then tried to push and wiggle herself free again but unfortunately, her efforts still proved to be in vain. Five minutes later, she heard laughter coming from behind her then a voice begin chanting, "I see London, I see France, I see Melissa's underpants," and realised that it belonged to her extremely confused best friend. Lilly, an only slightly less curvaceous young brunette said, "Melissa, why on earth are you doing in there, are you stuck but I'm glad to see you're wearing the underwear I bought you for your birthday, they are absolutely adorable on you by the way." The absolutely humiliated young woman said, "Thanks for your compliment about my panties," then explained the entire situation before asking for help. Lilly said, "Oh my god, you poor thing, this just simply isn't your day but don't worry, I'll happily pull you out of there, now brace yourself because this is definitely going to hurt," as she grabbed onto her best friend's hips, placed her feet against the wall for more leverage and pulled and pulled with all her strength. Poor Melissa said, "OW, Ouch, OW, Lilly, please stop pulling on me like that because it really hurts, OW," as the young brunette suddenly lost her grip and tumbled backwards onto the grass, covering the seat of her short pink dress with white polka dots with mud. Lilly said, "Oh, it's no good Melissa, you just simply won't budge, I'm really sorry that I hurt you, I guess I don't know my own strength, what do you want me to do now," as she began wiping the mud off her dress. The young blond said, "It's absolutely fine but I think pulling definitely isn't an option, maybe you should call the fire department because I think we need professional help with this problem." Her best friend quickly called the fire department, who soon arrived and began laughing when they saw Melissa's barely-covered backside sticking out of the hole in the wall as the fire chief said, "Don't worry Mrs, we'll soon have you out of there." He then grabbed some lotion and rubbed it all over the young woman's stomach, who began giggling and said, "I'm sorry but that really tickles." The fire chief then took a mallet and chisel and began using it on the wall to make the hole bigger and continued for another five minutes until he was finished and said, "Try pushing again, Mrs Thompson." Melissa then pushed with all her strength and quickly and easily fell out of the hole in the wall, tumbling backwards onto the grass. The now very relieved young blond said, "Oh my god, I'm free, I'm finally free," as she quickly got back to her feet and hugged her best friend and the fire chief then thanked everyone for helping her out. "It was absolutely no problem Melissa, I think you should probably avoid climbing into anymore holes anytime soon, nice panties by the way, my five year old daughter has the same pair but still a bit smaller than yours, the smiley face is definitely adorable," said a fire fighter named Jennifer. Melissa then remembered that everyone could see her underwear and quickly used her black blazer jacket to cover the hole in her skirt and tights before beginning to laugh at the ridiculousness of the entire situation with Lilly then ran off as fast as she possibly could to her office building. The young woman made to her desk just a few minutes before her boss checked in on her and said to her colleague Emily, "It's a very long and embarrassing story that I'll tell you at lunchtime," as she then finally got to work. The End. |