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Rated: E · Poetry · Biographical · #2272189
You never completely stand down.

Clarion Call

I thanked a veteran today.
We exchanged the whens and where,
shared that nod, that look
that one veteran only gives another.
We know.
We get it.
We understand.
We shook hands, Then another, overhearing,
joined us, thanked us both. Said
he hadn't been in the service,
but so appreciated us.
We both smiled, nodded.
As he walked away, the first gentleman's eyes
met mine. Exchanged that look once again.
It is impossible to explain to one who hasn't served
what it really means.
The never knowing one day to the next
who will fall and who will stand
for them. Who won't come home.
You always made sure your letters
hit mail call because you might not
ever get another chance.
Sleepless nights, sleeping in the mud,
grateful for a moment to close your eyes--
even for that moment--then getting up
and going onward--no matter what.
Brother, sisters-- we are forever family.
It's been said before, but bears repeating.
We took an oath with no expiration date.
We know.
We get it.
We understand.
We might be old, out of shape, but
should that call ever come: we will answer.

34 lines.
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