Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2271818-Geoclyte-True-loves-true-form--part-1
by alexmp
Rated: E · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #2271818
The beginning of the sequel to Geoclyte: The battle of light and dark
☽-Geoclyte book 2-☾
☽ True Loves ☾
☽ True form ☾
☽By Alex Martin-Park☾


I had only been back on earth for a month and already felt completely out of place. There was no one to lead and no task overall to complete. The only way I can describe how I feel is dead or meaningless.
When I had first come home everything seemed like a dream come true. Now all I can do is stare at my bedroom ceiling all day and do nothing. I seem to have a case of depression.
I decided today that I would finally start writing a journal just so I can keep track of the passing time that just seems to slip away from me.
Now I just need someone to dedicate this too or to write as if this journal was a letter to them. For a while I thought that concept would make me less lonely if I found the motivation to do it. So here I am! Yay!
(let’s just pretend I’m not still totally depressed.)
Anyways as I sat at my crystal desk and thought about who to dedicate this to, Rain crossed my mind. I slammed down my pen and began to pace the room. It wasn’t fair that he thought he could do this to me! I should have meant more to him! But no, I obviously didn’t and it was worth betraying my love and trust.
Sometimes when I thought about rain I contemplated death and that only caused me to lay on my bed for days in a state of depression.
I flopped down on my bed and silent tears streamed down my face. Life was so unfair that I couldn’t stand it anymore.
A light Knock came on my door and my dad, Belenus, entered the room and sat on the edge of my bed.
“Hey sweetie,” he said in a hushed voice, “Are you doing ok?”
“Does it look like I am?” I choked out and rolled my eyes.
“I just want to talk,” he pleaded.
I didn’t respond, I just rolled over on my side, back turned towards him.
“Zues has requested to see you and he’s heard of your terrible state. He has ordered a treatment for you and I have agreed to let it happen. I think what he’s suggesting could really help you out.”
“I don’t want help, dad,” I sniffled, “I just need to be allowed to lay here and think alone.”
My dad sighed, “I’m sorry Alexandria, but it can't be helped. Zeus has Ordered that you see him and that this treatment happens and I can’t control it. He is in charge of me, you know, being a king and all.”
I slowly picked myself up out of bed and straightened myself up before turning back to my dad.
“What is this so-called cure Zues wants me to go through with?”
I met my dad’s firm gold eyes and saw a trace of fear and hesitation in them. My dad was never afraid and this was scaring me.
“Alexa,” he began.
“Don’t call me that,” I shot back.
“Ok, Alexandria, he has requested that you spend time as a mortal on earth. The fates have looked into it and see a great deal of happiness for you. All of us agree that this is for the best for you my child and that you will greatly benefit.”
“Oh,” I muttered, “But why would being a mortal help me? Mortals are so useless and simple.”
“You may be surprised,” Belenus smiled faintly, “If what is to happen comes true they may have found just the cure sweetie.”
“Tell me,” I said plopping down on the bed again. “What is it that’s going to happen that could be so great? You can tell me I won’t tell anyone that you did.”
Belenus laughed, “You know the Rules Alexandria. Us gods are not allowed to reveal the future of any other god or living being directly to them. You will find out soon enough why we think this is the right path.”
I was silent for a moment.
“But where will I stay papa? I won't have any family down there or any money to pay for my own place.”
“Yes, that is quite true,” agreed Belenus, nodding his head. “But Zues has already arranged for you to live at a boarding school in a town called summerville.”
“Eww,” I groaned, “That sounds like a place from a little kid tv show. The kind with butterflies, rainbows, and . . .”
I stopped speaking.
“And what, my daughter?” Inquired Belenus.
“And happy people and things. A place with couples and romance or exactly the kind of place that I don’t want to be right now dad.”
Dad laughed again and said, “You are quick to judge, and you may be surprised at the real manner of the place.”
“Thanks Dad, you really helped a lot,” I shot back sarcastically.
“You’re welcome,” he said, “Now please eat something and meet me in the court chambers where Zues awaits you.”
“Ok,” I mumbled.
“It's going to be ok Alexandria,” Belenus said softly, “I love you and I just want you to get better. I promise everything will work out in the end.”
“I hope,” I whispered.
With that Belenus rose from my bed and walked out the door without looking back at me. I could tell my father had a lot on his mind and I was only a mere nuisance in the mix of it.
I myself got up from where I stood and walked back over to my journal because I finally knew who to write too. There was only one person I trusted enough and they were currently on Geoclyte trying to figure out how to be a king and build a world from rubble. I dedicated my journal to Blaze.

I decided not to heed my father’s suggestion to eat something before heading to the courtroom because I was so nervous I wouldn’t be able to hold food down. So now I’m headed down the Dark corridors of my fathers place.
Why dark, you ask? Especially when he’s the god of the sun? Yeah, well, ever since my mom left he’s been in a constant state of mourning because now he has no one to love.
I didn’t mind the dark though because after Rain betrayed me I felt the same mourning my father did. Funny how a little empathy could help, if by help it meant accepting the concept of shutting the world out.
No, I haven’t seen Rain since we were on Geoclyte, but everyone knows the story of where he is right now. Rain fell into a coma as soon as he landed back on earth and was taken to a hospital for gods. However whatever is going on with him there now is so bad that it’s classified information and only the doctors know.
Even though he was in such a bad state I couldn’t help feeling smug about it every now and then. I wanted to believe this was his karma for hurting me.
I had now made it to the huge courtroom door and I just stood facing it. It was huge and radiated a cold energy that sent chills down my spine. Inside awaited my exile from the godly world and the person who would turn me to a lowly mortal.
I had always looked up to Zues but now I was just afraid, afraid of what my future would hold. It didn’t make sense, why would he turn me into a mortal as a cure? I was suspicious something bad was going to happen while I was down on earth trying to fix myself.
During my time on Geoclyte, helping everyone else and winning the war had been my priority. Now that Zues was sending me off to get better, to help me, it felt odd because usually it was me helping others. I had never taken the time to figure out what might be wrong with my condition.
Taking a deep breath I swung open the doors and silently walked into the courtroom. Zeus, the three fates, and my father were the only people present. I tried to ignore their prying looks as I made my way to a seat with my name on it.
Wouldn’t they just love to know, I scoffed to myself, wouldn't they just love to know what's wrong with me.
I sat down in the uncomfortable wooden chair and solemnly looked up at Zeus, waiting for him to speak.
“Alexandria,” he began, “We are all very worried about you. Please understand that what we’re doing is for the best.”
I laughed sarcastically, “How should you know what’s best for me! Nothing like this has happened to you, your majesty.”
Zeus’s voice grew deathly quiet, like it always did when he was upset.
“We are not here to discuss if the treatment is right or wrong, should happen or not, or whatever. You are here to be prepared for what’s coming next. The decision has already been made and we have to go forward with the plan. That is, if you would be kind enough to let us do so.”
I decided it was best to be quiet.
After a moment of silence Zues began to proceed talking.
He turned to the three fates and my father and said, “Now it is time to cast the spell that will transform and transport her. Please, Belenus, go fetch Hekate for me.”
“No problem, my lord,” My father said with a slight bow. Then he hurried out of the room and returned with a woman shrouded in glowing mist seconds later. He looked at her in such a way that made me suspicious of what was going on between the two. Hekate slyly gave him the same adoring look back. If Zeus saw it he was showing no sign at all, but one thing for certain; I sure did see it.
Silently Hekate turned to face me with a blank and expressionless look and her face. She raised her arms, her eyes boring into mine, and that’s the last thing I remember.

Sitting next to Jack on a couch made of gold and blue silk, we looked up wide eyed from the journal we had just read.
“How do you suppose she sent it, Blaze,” asked Jack quietly. I could tell he was disturbed because while holding his hand I could feel him shaking and his hands were quite sweaty.
“No need to worry, Love,” I said softly, “It will all come in time.”
Jack sighed, “But there are so many things that will supposedly come in time, Blaze. Like the people of earth that they sent here to live with us. How am I supposed to be a good ruler? I suppose that will come in time too?”
The two were silent for a bit.
“I need a break, Jack,” I said at last.
“From what?” Jack asked frantically.
“From being here caught with the stress of ruling a new world and trying to tend to Emma,” I answered.
“It’s stressful, being a dad and a ruler. And then . . .” my voice trailed off.
“And what?” Jack asked, putting a comforting hand on my shoulder.
“And being a good boyfriend, and soon husband. I’m not sure if I’m cut out for it,” I answered honestly.
“So are you asking to take a break from our relationship, Blaze,” Jack asked.
I turned around to look at him. He was gorgeous. Ever since the war had finished he had become more mature, handsome, and hard for me to not need to be around all the time. I relied on him in a way I had never relied on anyone before. This was a whole new feeling to me and I wasn’t sure if that was okay or not.
I cast my eyes down from him onto the floor before me, “Yeah, I guess that’s what I’m asking. I'm so sorry Jack, it’s not you. It’s me.”
“I never thought I would have to be the strong one, the one to do everything right and hold us up. Blaze, from the moment I met you, your bravery was compelling. I could never expect you to hold us up or together either, but I know you have the strength to do this. Do you trust me on this?” Jack asked. He breathed out a sigh he seemed to have been holding in the whole time. Then he looked deep into my eyes lovingly and smiled.
I diverted my eyes from him and shuffled my feet. “Look I wish I could, but I need to find this within myself.”
“You wish you could trust me?” Jack questioned, his smile falling away. “After all we’ve been through together; war, our love, and uniting people from earth here on geoclyte? After all of that, you can’t trust me?”
“Wait no,” I said quickly, “My eyes flashing to his face and my stance becoming tense, “I didn’t mean-”
“Stop, Blaze,” Jack ordered, “I’ve heard enough. Just go.”
Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at the love of my life as he pointed me to the castle door. If he wanted me to leave, I might as well lose myself on this endless planet. I did trust him, I would have gone to the ends of the earth for him. Or the end of geoclyte that is.
Grabbing my midnight blue cloak off the rack, I ran out the door and to the stables. I found my black horse Fritter, mounted him, and rode off into the unknown. I didn’t think so, I just left behind the life at the castle, in hopes of finding what I’d been looking for.
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