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Rated: E · Poetry · Experience · #2270684
One of my early attempts at writing a sonnet. 14 lines of Iambic Pentameter.
You spoke of love; I heard you speak my name,
And hearing how you spoke, my heart was stirr'd.
I thought, a fool, our feelings were the same
And sought some act which might define the word.
You grasped my thoughts as though we shared one mind
In unity of minds which oft shows love
And is a rare and wond'rous thing to find ---
A bond of love no other prized above.
You laughed as I, the perfect jester, joked
But I was silent as you laughed at me,
and took as love the laughter I evoked ---
Therewith this flight of fancy was set free.
It seemed that we, in touching minds in mirth,
Touched also hearts and witnessed new love's birth.
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