Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2268941-Where-will-they-find-it
by Shawn
Rated: E · Chapter · Fashion · #2268941
Two women impart on a journey seeking answers
" Don't you think it will be better if you at least tried?" Sweet Sadie asked. Or at least that's what everyone she knew called her. Wasn't so much a quality of hers, rather just a nickname. Usually, nicknames are short for something but this is longer than her original name. Somehow it stuck, and Sweet Sadie had no reluctance to change it. "Try? Try what?" Jenny replied. Not so much in a sarcastic tone, but implying still that Sweet Sadie did not know what she was talking about. Perhaps not, but a little friendly help could never hurt.
"Look, I know you mean no harm .. but this just isn't going to work" Jenny continued. Flustered, Jenny put her face cream back on the shelf with a clink and proceeded out of the bathroom. The two were preparing for a road trip. The early hours of the morning only added to Jenny's exasperation. Sweet Sadie knew this, and being much older knew when to back off. "I'll speak with her in the car" she thought.
Jenny would drive. The silence that seemed to linger between the two back in the house followed along for the trip. Until they started to gloat, ever so lovingly about their coffee lattes they had just purchased from their favorite barista. A drive-through, perfect for these sub-arctic Massachusetts mornings. Loving coffee talk turned once again, into potentially tense yet light discussion.
Jenny was a drifter. Not much of a family life or upbringing she had turned to shelters in her late teens. A brief episode of drugs and street life was not for her and she was ever so blessed to find Sweet Sadie. Sweet Sadie was an African American Counselor who helped teens that had fallen victim to domestic issues. But now they were friends. With at least 20 years of an age difference and Jenny now being in her late 20's they had plenty of life experience between the both of them.
This road trip may prove difficult though. Especially as Jenny has repeatedly denied the wise advice from her ex- counselor now best friend. You see, Jenny's situation is not typical. It is one that may take some believing on your part. It is however true. This situation first presented itself while she was very young. She had fallen into a shallow but steep river bank that had flowed between her neighbors' yards. Hitting her head and cutting herself badly, she had not passed out but had scared herself so badly that she almost went into shock. Crying, she crawled her way back up into the yard knowing that she was very badly bleeding. There was however no opening as she was inspected by her older sister. Only a mark, around 6 inches long on her leg. It was then, that Jenny had first realized that she had the miraculous ability to heal herself and then much later on in life, others. But this did not come without it's drawbacks,
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