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Rated: 13+ · Other · Contest Entry · #2268520
The Lodestar Contest: This Round: Leader of the Sea Shanty

Word Count: 1,747 Words

Talking about love and marriage on their first date, Bo Sudameyer and Ceceilia Bettendorf heard the bluebirds singing in the background. Their sweet little songs brought much joy to Bo and Ceceilia's heart. This was a wonderful way to begin your life by. They were reminiscing about the hard times, when they heard the giggling and laughlng sounds coming from a baby.

Full of inspirational thoughts and hymns, yellow carnations gave them the promise of encouragement, the guiding light of hope. Delightful memories of better times ahead; the drive to make the future look brighter, was a concept that they could strive for.

Bo was a simple man. He wanted to go about his business without having to be rushed into things. He was quiet. The willingness to help people out was on his mind constantly. The desire to build his own house was something that he wanted to do for his future wife. If he could accomplish this, he would be a happy man. With the help from neighbors, this would be a community project. Thjis would bring the neighbors together in a friendly way.

Cecelia Bettendorf was an outgoing person. Karaoke was her passion. She loved to sing songs that everyone could join right in and sing along with her. Her passion was to be able to write her own songs. She believed that everyone had a voice; she didn't want to hear anyone say that they couldn't sing. Her dream was to have her own singing studio.

Humming happily down the road, it was evident why the sun would shine a light to brighten up her day. The joy of being alive was the greatest feeling you could possibly have. It didn't take long until everyone would smile and join right in; it was contaigious.

Sitting on a rock, the scenery outside was unbelievable; it was fabulous, far-out, and groovy. Ceceilia thought that it was undescribably beautiful, beyond our imagination.

Causing the oceans to be at peace (meaning that there would be no more tidal waves or rough waters), hearing the bluebirds sing meant that there would be no more devastation. There would be no more volcanic action from the mountains. No more earthquakes would be shaking the ground. On our land, no more violence would take place; this would be the same on our waters.

Our land would be filled with opportunity, the opportunity to do what makes us happy. Developing a sparkle of brilliance, the world would be enlightened by a gentle spirit of friendship. Beaming with delight, no more hearts will be broken and no more men or women would lose their lives in battle.

By the delightfulness of a fanciful dance, Bo thought that the world over could experience goodness. By being cheerful, the winds would have the surety of becoming soft and sweet, sweet enough for the animals to romp around with joy; this is what the surety of security would provide.

No doubt, by being a proud dad, watching the doe's play with their fawns would be a joyous occasion. Peace and harmony, brought about by the innocence and curiosity of the little ones, by bringing these younguns into the world, I'm sure that the bucks are admiring their babies, delighted with what they have created.

To become the leader of the sea shanty requires the skill to maintain the peace and goodwil towards others. Do your best to obey the rules; you should be fine after that.

Hold your head high when facing difficult circumstances; we will come out feeling stronger; the courage we gain will be unbelievable.

Leading their flock, the bluebirds harmonious rhythm had its own unique beat, singing songs that got everyone on their feet dancing freestyle. The other birds flashed their own unique colors of brilliance, while the robins stuck out their bright red breast. I heard the bluebirds sing tunes of happiness, as a flock of birds flew by.

In the beautiful green meadow, the rabbits were hopping merrily about, as if they didn't have a worry in the world. Cute as a button, the little bunnies were loving and gentle; making you want to pick them up and love them. They will give you snuggles, letting you know how special you are to them. What is better than snuggling up to a soft furry little rabbit or bunny?

Two rabbits are falling in love. Little baby bunnies are talked about shortly afterwards. Lo and behold, a cute little litter of baby bunnies had been born. Oh, my gosh! Little bunnies are born without any hair! I never would have thought about that. Be sure not to touch the bunnies, otherwise, the mother will kill them. This is a good thing to know. I wouldn't want that to happen. When they grow fur, it does wonders to your morale. To get going again, this is a great motivator for a pick-me-up. Tiny little rainbows in the sky, makes it a better place for you and I. Getting back on track is a glorious feeling to have.

Showing to the world that nothing is impossible, Bo and Ceceilia were once again talking about friendships, first dates, love, and marriage. By observing animals playing in the meadow, you can have a life forever blessed.

Putting ourselves in a better place, Bo and Ceceilia wanted peace; they wouldn't dream of wars that take the lives of innocent people.

Bo's a man who loves animals, nature, and a wife who would love him. Ceceilia's a woman who loves to cheer people up by singing. To bring her into a better state of mind, she thought of playing the saxophone. For their wedding, she wanted them to sing to each other. First of all, Bo said that he couldn't sing; he wasn't able to carry a note. Could her desire to sing to each other become a reality? Could she pursuade him to practice on his singing? If you put your mind to it, Ceceilia believed, anybody can sing. After all,she thought that everyone has a voice that would blend in with everyone else.

Ceceilia suddenly had a thought. She thought of a dancing square. There is such a thing called square dancing; dancing squares have the potential to get people to mingle amongst each other. Singing to your hearts content, with the right kind of music, you wouldn't hesitate; you would just get up and dance.

First of all, to put yourself in a good mood, begin your day by humming your favorite song. Imagine yourself in a concert; there wouldn't be any sour notes, and no one would make fun of you. No tears of sorrow would be found, only joy. To encourage yourself, pretend that you have many fans. Preparing for an encore, when the applause begins, take a bow. Bo ended up taking Ceceilia's advice. He never knew what hit him; he suddenly had it made; he had nno fear of singing. It's amazing what a little bit of confidence can do.

Bo began to practice more on his singing. He did most of his practicing in the shower. He would learn a variety of songs; he wanted to be able to sing whatever song Ceceilia would choose. He didn't want to disappoint her in any way. Ceceilia was special in his eyes; he wanted to give her a meaningful proposal of marriage. He didn't want there to be any doubt about his sincerity.

Bo was thinking of the many ways in which he could propose. When the bluebirds would sing, a miraculous thing would happen. The skies would open up in a spectacular way. The clouds would develop patterns of amazing wonderment. Dream-like images portrayed remarkable signs of everlasting love. He finally had a bright idea. He would take her to a river and have her sit by a water fall. The water fall gave a sparkling touch towards the beautiful scenery that nature had surrounded them with. He would get down on his knees, look into her beautiful eyes, and sing to her in his wonderful masculine voice. She would know in a moment that he had been
practicing for this day to be perfect.

Well, the day that he would propose came up. The d

ay couldn't be more perfect than it was. The sun was shining; it wasn't too hot, the weather was just right. Little puppies were sending their approval by happily wiggling their little tails. There were many signs of love. For whatever reason, people were singing happy songs. Love was in the air. Ceceilia, having no idea that he was going to propose, showed up with a huge smile on her face. Bo said to himself, I have to do this now. When she approached him, he got down on his knees immediately. He gazed into her eyes saying, Ceceilia, there are no words that could express the way I feel about you. Just then, there were butterflies flying around. He said, you are like the butterflies, sweet, gentle, and kind. They bring messages of peace, promising a life of bliss. Even when time are hard, we will prevail. If you will take me as your husband, I will build you a house that you'll be happy with. You can trust that I'll do my best to fulfill your every need. Without hesitation, she said with excitement, Yes, I will marry you. The expression on Bo's face was priceless. You could tell that he was a very happy man.

Two people, very much in love, were married in a meadow filled with family, friends, and animals. It was a happy day. Bo, a simple and quiet man, and Ceceilia, a woman who loved to sing, got together and created a wonderful life for each other. It happened to them, and it can happen to you.

I Heard the Bluebirds Sing
by Hugh P. and Maria Doherty

Written by Anna Marie Carlson
Wednesday, March 2, 2022

© Copyright 2022 Anna Marie Carlson (annamc.poet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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