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Rated: ASR · Poetry · How-To/Advice · #2266340
What do the cards say? Based on my real-life career choices.
It's my birthday, and I'm twenty
I have cards and gifts a-plenty!
But here's a card that baffles me
It says: 'With love from Sonali.'

Did I send myself a card?
I can't recall, though I think hard.
After the party I read it through
It says: "I'm me, and I am you."

I read it and I start to frown
It says: "Sonali, turn the job down!"
But I'm happy to have got this post
A copywriting career is what I want most!

It isn't from myself, I firmly say
It's from someone also in the fray.
Someone who interviewed, too
Who'd get the job if I said 'boo'.

I ignore the advice given to me
And join an advertising agency
I work by day, I slog by night
Not a moment's rest in sight.

I'm always thinking of the deadline
And my health begins to decline
What's worse, I feel no pleasure
With clients rejecting copy I treasure.

I'm an emotional rag, a physical wreck
The only thing that's good is the paycheck.
Health for wealth, gain for pain —
Life meaningless, work a strain

One day I march into the boss's office
Brandishing my resignation: "Here, take this!"
He accepts with reluctance, but I am free
I now have time and energy!

My parents are supportive of society's fool
As I'm called when I apply at a school
I land a job in a library
At one-fourth my previous salary.

I'm happy now, I'm filling a need
I'm getting this generation to read!
Now I get cards on Teachers' Day
"You gave us the world of books" they say.
© Copyright 2022 THANKFUL SONAL shall catch up! (mesonali at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2266340-One-Card-Two-Card