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Rated: 13+ · Prose · How-To/Advice · #2266312
The future needs to kick my 20 year old butt. Get me on the right track.
I shuffled through the mail. Four birthday cards. Not a bad haul. I moved to put them on the counter for later and one wiggled free and dropped to the floor. As I bent to pick it up, I noticed that it was from... me.

What the heck?

I flipped it over to see if there was a return address, but nothing. It had to be a joke, but still, curiousity had me sliding my finger under the edge and sliding it to rip it open.

As I pulled out the pages, sparkles and iridescent dream flakes floated to the floor. A laugh bubbled up as I watched them twinkle up at me. I had a feeling it would take a good 20 years to get those swept up and done away with.

Shaking my head I opened the pages. I shuffled through them looking for the signature on the final page. It was from me... my future self.

A tremor rolled through me as I felt like I was having one of those out of body experiences. Feeling a little light-headed I sat down in my __ chair and pulled my bare feet up under me. Might as well get comfortable.

Dear Carly,
Yes, I know. You have never been a fan of changing your name, but this is a part of you that knows and I advise you to listen.

I stopped reading and let the name roll around in my head. Saying it. Hearing it. Feeling the confidence it seemed to radiate. The sparkles on the feet caught my eye and I smiled before returning to the words on the page.

Happy 20th birthday! Double digits. Double decade. A time to look forward. The world is open to you.
Don't hold back or stay small. You have more talent than you realize and you should not be hiding it.

Don't shelve your writing. It is more than your lifeline, sure it has been, but it is also your future. It energizes you... and you know that. Don't forget that.

Don't let doubt hold you back. If you fail, try again. Not everyone is going to love your stuff. But be presistent.

Don't settle for the whims of others or let yourself get carried on the coattails of other's dreams. Yours are just as important and should not, under any circumstances, be shoved aside because someone else doesn't think you are worthy or talented enough to follow your heart.

If some guy comes along and starts to knock your dreams down as not being profitable and selfish, kick his ass to the curb. You needn't focus on him to have a life. Don't dissolve into that kind of relationship. It will bury you alive and when you resurface you will have to scramble to make up time.

Find friends who are also writers and creative people. Join their community. Being around like-minded souls will bolster your confidence and propel you forward. Your dreams will take time as you learn your craft, but it will be so worth it.

Travel. Writing retreats with friends will help you find the love of you life. A true creative partner whose support and love will thrust you both up into the stratosphere. You will also expand your views of the world and add more definition to your writing.

I look forward to meeting you in the future. Bring your A game. You deserve this. Don't settle for anything less.

Yours now and in the future
Carolyn (Carly) Henderson.

I read the letter over several times. Glancing over at my desk. My eyes settled on the paperwork I had been working on last night - Course selections for next term. I had been toying the idea of taking a creative writing course. But I'd have to apply and submit samples of my writing. The course only selected a handful of candidates and I was thinking I couldn't get in, but this letter had me rethinking that. What if I tried? What if I sent in my samples? I had a better chance of getting in if I at least tired.

I worried my teeth over my bottom lip deep in thought a few minutes before deciding. I needed to do this. Taking this chance was something my future self was advising, so I had better listen. What could I lose? I headed for the kitchen to make a fresh pot of coffee, then settled with my writing ready to pick out my best pieces.

When I dropped my application off that afternoon, I decided to follow another one of my dreams. I walked into the University's newspaper office and asked what I could do to help and learn? The little team smiled over at me and invited me in.

I was on my way.

Words = 783.

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