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Rated: E · Fiction · Family · #2265971
The Writer's Cramp 1/24/22 W/C 814

Generation Z

Generation Z - the name of the compound where I live. Most here are those born in the 2000s. But there is one, Angelica, that we call mother.

Mother is someone we look to for guidance. She helps us in all things. If we have a problem, we go to her. If we have a need, she finds a way to fill it. Her zodiac sign is Aquarius. So that means she is clever and self-reliant. Angelica, they say, was one of the founding members of this compound. Something about her founding it with others around the ‘Age of Aquarius’ back in the 70’s. Whenever that was. She doesn’t remember.

Those of us in Generation Z spend our time keeping the compound safe from outsiders. Ever since the years of the pandemic, we’ve kept the irrationals out.

This year, 2025, is called The Year of the Snake. We are being instructed by Mother in the Chinese ways. She calls us Snake people. She says Snake people are deep thinkers, they like to plan well. They are determined in whatever they do. But we as Snake people are also very mistrusting of strangers. We protect our compound from outsiders every moment of every day.

So imagine our surprise when an outsider somehow gets into the compound this day. She appeared at the noon meal.

“Halt there. You are a stranger here. How did you get in?” Johne confronted the woman at the meal table.

This woman is tall with tousled white hair. Her clothing is clean, her skin is clean. Clearly she is not one of the outliers.

“I walked in.” The woman continued to eat our food.

“We can all see that you are here. We don’t allow strangers to come here. Come with us.” Johne and Pelo grabbed her arms to take her to Mother.

Their arms flew to their sides, pinned, unable to be moved.

“I will not go. I am eating.” The woman continued to eat our food.

Now the entire population of the compound gathered about the woman. We watched her until she finished eating our food.

“Now I will go.” The woman stood, walked toward Mother’s home.

Mother sat in her chair, as she does most days. In her lap sits a book. This book tells us how to do the things we must to survive in the years after the great illness. Lost knowledge that Mother must now teach to us, her Snake people.

The woman walks into Mother’s home. I am behind, Johne and Pelo follow closely behind me.

“Welcome Traveler. I’ve been waiting for you. Did you have a pleasant trip?”

We three Generation Z people look at each other. How did Mother know this stranger?

“Hilo, Johne, Pelo, I would like you to meet Traveler. She will be staying with me. Make her feel at home. That is all.” Mother dismissed us with a wave.

We called a meeting of the Generation Z population that night. The Traveler was the topic of conversation.

“Who is she?”

“Where did she come from?”

“How did she get in?”

“Who is on security detail?”

“All good questions, and we will definitely be checking on answers to your questions. Just as soon as we can get an audience with Mother. She is the only one who can tell us about this Traveler person. She seems to know her.” I tried to get everyone calmed down.

“If she can get inside, anyone can. We need to beef up our perimeter, don’t you think?”

Johne answered this question, “I don’t think we need to worry about the perimeter. It seemed to me that this Traveler somehow got over the fence. Perhaps she was dropped in by something, or just magically appeared.”

Of course, that last idea got a big laugh. As if magic had any part in this at all. But then the crowd began to murmur.

“We don’t have to like this.”

“Kick her out.”

“Her and Mother.”

“We don’t need either of them.”

Soon a crowd moved toward Mother’s home. They broke down the door, drug Mother and the Traveler outside. Then the two were drug down the main street toward the gate. Hineo opened the gate, the two were unceremoniously thrown out. The gate slammed shut.

“Team Gen Z! Hoo Rah!” Shouted the crowd as it jumped around.

I pulled Johne aside, “What next? Mother was our mentor, our guide.”

“She violated our policies. We’ll be fine.” He walked away.

I thought for a moment. “Open the gate, Hineo.”

Hineo stood in front of me. “And why would I do that?”

“I need to be with my Mother.”

He grabbed me by my hair, drug me to the gate, opened it and threw me out.

“Go, go to your Mother. Good riddance.” The gate slammed.

I rose from the dust then went to find Mother.

W/C 814
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