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The entirety of SF is transported to an alternate realm where everything is HUGE! |
It was a sunny afternoon in SF. The people were bustling, the day was hot, and everyone was doing great. At about 12 that night there was going to be a solar eclipse. You were so excited to really see one for yourself (through protective headgear of course)! You were M, a man of 18 years old who lived in SF. You were hairless and short and very gay. 11:48. The eclipse was rolling around! AS the sky got darker you watched in amazement, but at exactly twelve, the worst earthquake you had ever seen in your life happened! The sky seemed to turn blue, then red, the green, then the earthquake stopped and the city settled. You looked around the city. You couldn't see the bay anymore! Beyond you was what looked like miles and miles of... CARPET?! GIANT CARPET?! Others started to notice this and screams started to erupt from the far side of the city, followed by mind-shattering thooms. t h o O M! t h O O M! t H O O M! THOOM! And then you saw him. Jeff Barker was a pretty nice guy. He helped people in need using his large imposing frame, he was 7'2 after all. He was able to kick bullies right in the ass with his HUGE feet, a size 22 US. So while in the middle of shaving his very, very hairy dad bod, he heard a notification on a device he built (he was also an inventor) to detect the phenomena of shrunken parallel universes, he was told by it that a shrunken city had teleported to his home. He was very very excited and grabbed a device to scan for the city. He strolled around his home dressed only in a towel, his hairy gut hanging over it, thooming around with his big feet, hoping he didn't step on it. And then, it dinged! He found it! He lokked around the floor and couldn't find it. "Geez, how small is it?" he said with his deep voice. He was big by normal standards so he couldn't imagine what this would be like to the poor tinies. Then he found it. It was lodged directly between his big hairy toes, which he knew smelled awful, and he was very sorry. He pulled his foot way and held it next to the city. "Jesus! Those poor people are so small! I've got to protect them." He said. He held his foot next to them and was in awe at how huge he was. His foot must have been the size of the state of california to them! He said, "Ugh I can't hold the towel and program something to talk to them at once, and this is too urgent to get dresses, i might forget where the city is." And with that he dropped his towel, showing his mega hairy legs, thighs, and privates. His dick was a good 5 inches flaccid and around 12 inches when not, and sorrounded by lots of pubic hair. He was sorry to the people that thay had to see him like this, but he was helping them, so it was okay. He programmed an old flip phone to call a random phone in the city. Before calling, he put his eye directly over the city and could see cars and people running. And then he dialled a random phone, which happened to be yours. * 30 minutes before* You looked at the sky as two flesh walls covered in coarse brown hair surrounded the city. Everyone was screaming. You were on top of you 14 story building and you looked up, seeing that the pillars were toes, which led up to hairy legs, which led to a towel that you could see under, so you could see faintly in the distance a huge hairy dick and balls, and over the rim of the towel was a huge gut the hung over, covered in the same dark hair. The flesh walls moved and the giant man said something you couldn't hear, he was mumbling something, and he held his foot next to the city causing everyone to screech in terror, it was HUGE. Like unimaginably huge. He then paused, and dropped the towel, revealing the privates in all their glory. To make his dick you would have to use thirty of our cities, you thought. He then walked away, walked back, and bent down so you could see his face. He had a brown goatee and a silver earring on his left ear, and a huge mane of brown hair, like a lion. Were you not so scared, you would have thought he was very hot. Then his brown eye hovered right over the city and more people screamed. And then your phone rang. "H-H-hello?" You said. "HI!" a voice yelled into the mic. "I'm Jeff Barker. The, um, giant naked man you see." "Please! Please don't hurt us! We only want to go home please!" "I would never hurt you all! I know this is scary for you guys, but you are in the right man's home. I am your sworn protector through and through. And about going home... well I'm a scientist, I have been studying parallel universes/dimensions for years, and I'm afraid that once a rip happens, it is irreversible." "Oh my lord. We are stuck here!!!??" You screamed. "Yes i'm very sorry. Now, i still want to help you but we need need to calm down. I'm going to ask you a few questions." "o-okay" "what is your name?" "M" "Hi M. How tall are you?" "5'9, but probably 2 nanometers to you." "Okay, what city is this?" "San Francisco" "Hmmm, we dont have one of those in this dimension" "Well now you do." You were starting to warm up to jeff. You supposed at least you ended with a nice hot guy. "Can I ask you some questions Jeff?" "sure little dude!" Jeff sat laying next to the city, his titanic form breathing in the horizon. "How tall are you?" "Well, in my world im 7'2, and to i must be like, a billion feet tall haha." "SEVEN FOOT TWO?! Jesus jeff you are big no matter what. Could we have been transported to anyone bigger? Also, if you don't mid me asking, what shoe size are you, your feet were HUGE, but they looked like they would be big no matter what." "you are right about that! Im a size 22. Very very big feet. Sorry you were in my toes earlier. Didn't realize." "it's okay, but if you are going to do that a lot I'd reccomend washing your feet. They stink haha." "Ha, okay. SO speaking of doing that more often, i guess you are all going to have to live with me from now on." "Alright, well, could be worse. I do love me a big hairy bear!" Jeff blushes at that comment. "okay, well, i need to figure out where to put you for good. I don't want to leave you all on the floor, so... Okay you might not LOVE this, but... i'm gonna have to put the city in my pubes while i walk around. That is the only place you won't fall from." "I mean, gross, but I'd like to not fall and it's not like me and my ant self can change your mind Haha." You secretly wanted this, as mentioned before, you are very gay. Jeff picked up the city in pointer finger and them, and they were about big enough to fit there. He lowered them down to his big ball of hair that sat atop his dick. He gently set them on it and pushed down a little, getting them nuzzled into the forest. He then patted his stomach and realized how hungry he was. he stopped to make a microwave pizza, being careful because there were millions of lives in his pubes. After scarfing down the pizza he walked to his room where he was going to make a "habitat" for his tiny hitchhikers. He set down a plastic bowl, filled it with dirt, and patted it down. He then made two holes and filled them with water, making a drinking supply. He would have to bring them food though, because he could plant crops, it was too tiny. He put the bowl next to his bed, and took the city out of his pubes. He put the city in the bowl on top of the dirt. He hoped M would tell everyone what was happening, they must all be terrified. He then realised some people may have fallen into his pubes and grabbed a magnifying glass. He pulled his pubes so he could see better and saw a couple hundred people laying down scared on his skin. The idea of people on him stimulated him a tiny bit, but his empathy won over. He grabbed a cue tip and lowered it down to people could climb on. he lowered it to the city but one of the people stayed on. They waved their arms at him, then grabbed their phone. His phone rang. It was M! "Hi M! Sorry you fell in my pubes haha, its so cool too see you! You are literally ADORABLE!" You blushed at this. "Hi jeff, don't worry, it was fun. I have a secret to share with you. I'm gay. And you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen." jeff was shocked! He thought M was so cute, but SO small. He could crush him with a hair! "Listen, M. You are the best little guy i've ever seen, but... how could US work? You are so small and I'm like the biggest that anyone could be." "I dunno. Maybe we should think about it." "yeah... well I have basketball practice. Should I leave the city here? Or is that dangerous?" "It's a little dangerous I think, maybe you should bring us." "OK! I cant really leave you in my bag or anything though, I have to put you all on my body... but where?" "How about your... goatee, so we can see the action?" "Youre so smart M. Goatee it is." Just as the citizens were setting down in the bowl, the giant picked the city up. He lifted them and they thought he was going to eat them! But he took them to his little beard, and nestled them in. It smelled in the goatee, like old food and bad breath. Jeff strutted his gigantic figure to his car. He had a little car, and he barely fit into it. He crammed himself in and drove to basketball practice. He felt pretty confident, having millions of lives resting in his hand, or goatee. He liked people depending on him, being a saviour, and right now lots of people depended on him. He changed into his basketball shorts and jersey, which barely hid his gut and huge dick, but he thought M would think he looked hot. He was considering M's proposal of dating more and more and thought they should. They would see enough of each other since they lived together now, and he loved the idea of a tiny boyfriend to devote himself too, to let explore him, to sleep in his hair, to admire him, and- as practice was going, a shorter guy bumped into jeff and the city came tumbling out of his goatee, although a man named Mikey came and caught it! Somehow, Mikey was bigger than jeff, he was a black man who was 7'6 and had size 25 shoes. He had a big belly and dreadlocks, and a nose ring. His real giant feature though was his hands. They were HUGE. In the palm of his hand, the city was the size of a marble, where to jeff it was the size of a ping pong ball. Mikey pulled Jeff aside. He held the city in his palm and couldn't even hear the screams of people in his hand. "YO. What tha fuck was a tiny city doing in yo beard Jeff?!" He looked at jeff in awe. "Well, It's a long story, but to sum it up, this city appeared in my carpet today so i swore to protect it, cause it's filled with tiny innocent people and my possible tiny boyfriend." Jeff blushed at this. "No way man! That is awesome of you. Hey, I bet me and the guys would love to meet tha lil dude. Why don't you bring him to game night tonight at roger's place?" "Okay!" "Also, if you ever need help, I am so down to babysit a whole city! I could be their big strong black protector. Sounds cool right?" "That sounds great mikey! A little tip though, it is best to keep them on your body so you can make sure they are safe. Somewhere hairy or indented like an armpit or a belly button. i will see you tonight!" Jeff was in a group for men of seven footers. They watched games together and played sports on teams. The group was jeff, white, 7'2, size 22, Mikey, black, 7'6, size 25, Roger, mexican, 7'3, size 23, Jim, hawaiian, 7'8, size 28. They were all great buds and liked being around people their size so they didn't feel so massive, so bringing you would change that mood. You sat in your apartment, an hour after Jeff told you that he wanted to be boyfriends, and that he wanted you to meet his friends, and jeff called again. "hey lil! Go to the top of the building, I made you sumthin." "Ok babe." You said dreamily. You went to the roof where there was a pod t=about as big as a volkswagen bug waiting. You got inside and closed the door. Jeffs giant face watched from above, and you could feel his breath all over you. Others in the city were still terrified and screaming and they refused to beleive that their life was this now. You, however, have more of a life than you ever did now. "Hi Hon." Jeff said through a speaker in the pod. "You can fly with this, that way you can move around roger's house without me. It only goes up too two feet away from me though so you don't get lost, and has a retractor so I can always find you. It has very little power and gas though so be careful. "Thank you babe!!!!!" Jeff grabbed the city and put it in his armpit. It smelled bad, but it was definitely the safest place to keep it. It was also very warm. you were not in your pod, you were in jeff's eyebrow as he drove to his friends house. He gave you an earpiece so you could talk to him without the phone. Jeff was wearing a very hot tank top that did not fit, exposing his whole hairy belly. The hair from his pits hung over the sleeves on the tanktop cause there was so much of it. He also wore just boxers, because his friends would just be wearing that too, so they could lounge easily. The boxers caused his pubes to hang out from all sides and showed off the outline of his entire dick. Just looking at him made M shiver. Once at Roger's house, jeff hugged his friends. Mikey said he would watch the city for the night while everyone had fun, so Jeff agreed. Jim and roger sat shirtless watching the game, holding beers. Jim was the biggest of the group, and was man spreading beyond belief. He took up over half the couch. He had a huge bulge through his boxers and his tattooed gut hung over half of it. "Here Jim. I'm Gonna shit, hold tha city." Mikey said. "Sure." Jim said. He placed the city on top of his bulge and spread his arms over the back of the couch. The people looked up in awe at this uncaring god of a man. Jim soon had a really bad itch in his nuts. "Hey jeff, Would it be okay if I asked them Nicely to scratch my nuts? They itch real bad," Jeff hesitated. "I mean... I guess it harms no one. Just be careful and make sure they all get back to the city." The people of the city heard a huge and loud voice say, "Hey down there. You all wouldn't mind doin me a favor right? Can you scratch my nuts? They itch real bad." A lot of the people were very bored and scared so they agreed. Jim poured million of people onto his nuts after pulling his boxers down. They were big, that even with millions of citizens, they only covered half of one nut. The people dug their fingers into the nuts and scratched very good. This actually felt really, really good to jim, so good that his dick began to get hard. He moaned as they scratched and accidentally came, releasing cum all over the people, and washing them off the nuts and into his butt crack. The people, soaked in cum and in the dark, were so scared. Jim didn't see them at first and was stimulated so hard that he farted. Then he noticed that the people were gone. "SHIT! Jeff The people are all in my crack! I didn't mean for them to get down there can you help me get them out?" "Oh no! We've gotta help them!" |
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