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A stranger's view on a royal kitchen where an unknown arrives for meal |
Sosk kept to the back of the kitchens in a corner where he could observe without being noticed. He had his dark curly hair cropped short but left his beard long, unlike the locals. He watches every interaction through narrow dark brown eyes searching the castle folk for something more interesting than chewing noises. Sosk had taken work with a blacksmith, turned out he was strong enough to put in a full day and there was a king who needs a lot of old metalwork replaced. And that’s how he got here. Still he wasn’t looking to stay. Unless.. In a middle seat sat a mound of a hooded coat waiting for a hot bowl to cool. Not much to tell at a glance but this one looks like trouble. A boy about ten, dark red hair and pale skin peeps in and out of the diners then grabs on the hood pulling it off the hidden one. Beneath the hood pours out waves of deep brown hair. Fists beat on the table turning a scowled face at the boy. It’s a woman, a very beautiful young woman. She eyes the boy with fury as everyone in the kitchen goes quiet watching the altercation. Sosk knows the boy is the king’s son, but the woman had not been here before. She wears a rich caramel skin, an exotic air to her that few could place. “Well boy?” she snarls at the prince. “It wasn’t so hard..” the kid answers as everyone erupts into a roar of laughter. Obviously it is a joke Sosk doesn’t understand. Kamilina brings him a slice of meat pie and he asks about the joke. “Oh that’s Bear slayer.” Kamilina laughs and dips a cup of ale for him to go with his meal. “Bear slayer?” He repeats the strange name. “The gossips in court say she killed a big bear and she teaches the little prince magic.” The fair haired maiden that is Kamilina sits, watching the room. “Earlier today she put a spell on the boy to prevent him from speaking until he broke it. It was very peaceful around here.” “A spell?” Sosk couldn’t hide his surprise. Women like that didn’t use magic. Kamilina got up to serve a few more of the tradesmen as he watches Bear slayer with the prince. She didn’t fit around these people, but they didn’t know that. “Bear Slayer!” a few of the men started chanting. “Tell the story.” Bear slayer looks about warily then narrows her eyes on the culprit responsible, the prince shrugs with a smile then points up to the staircase. The king looks down fondly. A tizzy of movement as the servants all try to greet the king. “Enough, it is your kitchen Nettie. I only wanted to hear the story again.” King Kerr takes a spot on the stairs. “I will tell it your majesty.” Bear slayer relents. “The snow was on the Northern mountains, far beyond the Bettel Outpost. I was wrapped in furs trying to save my own life when the biggest white bear comes roaring out of the snowdrifts intent upon making me his meal.” Taking a moment to twist her hands she opens them up to reveal a large image of the bear in the air. As she tells the story further the bear chases a woman through the illusion until it attacks, red flows over the image. “As death comes near his words made a deal. If I defeat it he will take the bear in my place, but I must agree to not give him any trouble in the future. I am no fool, I agree.” Smiling the boy gives her a look of adoration then twists his head under her arm. Bear slayer wraps her arm around the boy who snuggles close. The king gives them both a soft gaze before taking his leave of the stairwell. The men tell accolades together and sing old war songs as Bear slayer joins in. The prince curls up to sleep and Bear slayer sighs before going to lift him up. “This one cannot hold his ale yet..” with shining eyes from drink she hefts the boy up and takes him up the stairs. Sosk watches it all trying to make sense of the woman and the story. The only thing for sure is she’s Dresca born and the bear should have slain her. Helle of Dresca, chief’s daughter and sacrifice to the God of Winter. She shouldn’t know war songs in different languages or have strength enough to carry the boy. But Helle did not recognize him, and she was never a woman of magic. So maybe it wasn’t her. But he should know his own sister! |