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An Article By Firebrand Times Guest Journalist, Bride A. Livewire |
There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; who feel that they have nothing to lose. People who have stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it. -Martin Luther King, Jr. "A person who is demoralized is unable to access true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures...he will to believe it...That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization." -Yuri Bezmenov 10/21/21 Disclaimer: There go a saying: "if yall throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelped loudest is the one that got hit." There go folks that get fired up about these topics, and I aim to be polite whether folks is or aint. But I aint one of those conservatives that tuck tail and get pushed around, and Im p*ssed at those who are. Welcome to America. ('man,' used as man and woman) It aint ever been political, dont even entertain the idea... Its done ALWAYS been a battle between good and evil. Its the way its always been. We done seen folks true colors; and a lab virus aint the reason- it was the solution to ending ANY form of good. All the virus did was rain and caused the evil to come out like worms. And the evil saw opportunity for control. I full blown believe Satan only partially knew what the fall was gone cause; and everything else was just icing on the d*mn cake...His only TRUE intent was to be like God- but to be adored but in a twisted way, much like how folks call good bad, and bad good- he wanted control and to be praised for his evil; to be seen as a savior through his continued oppression by telling man GOD was the liar, and by telling man the truth was subjective- by telling man he needed to be liberated...And he rejoiced when a conscience grew...He rejoiced at watching man suffer shame for HIS lies... Because man believed what he said, hes off the hook now; man made the choice. Why should he be blamed for their own ignorance? The shouldve listened- the truth has been there all along. But he invented twisting the truth. Then like now, yall are used as hostages for a bigger plan. Satan aint ever got no new tricks in his bag, why should he learn any? His same old tricks STILL work, and man still falls for it. He aint need yall to do his bidding...He just needs man to question God... Question good. Question morality; evil does the rest- pervert the truth and blame good for the foolishness of choosing to go yalls own way. Its a distraction, and yall are JUST hostages. HOSTAGES to evil people. Yall praise the rich who preach socialism, and let elites make life decisions for yall and dictate yall very lives. Yall exalt celebrities who are broken inside; who flaunt their sins in normality...And yall treat them better than yall treat the person next door to yall who got different views than yall... Let the media project reality to yall- and have sjw groups, Democrats, and liberals OWN groups of folks. Even being BLACK is political now... To allow these groups to use genuinely hurt folk for gain. For Black Lives Matter to spread the evil of a lie of racism and oppression of blacks in America- were AFRICANS and other immigrants set hope on; a country that CREATES black millionaires, entrepreneurs, sports icons, and boasts of black influence over dang near all major music genres. Were there is a black supreme court justice, and even black police officers- Even if America WAS racist at its WORST it done tipped the scale with 'affirmative action,' which is actual REALLY racist if yall think about it...If yall aint share their oppressed views and see the light- to realize yall was created equal by GOD, and getting yall to question the very love of yalls creator- to open yalls eyes to see it was the evil in (some not all) MAN that hurt a race at the time...Only to put yalls faith in them and not Jesus- if only yall could realize yalls potential...But, naw...No sale, they aint gone have it- cause yall more valuable to them in hate, cause yall aint of no use to them after loving and forgiving the very race (of some not all) that hurt yall. If BLM were for yall, why when yall go and think for yourselves and decide to be conservatives/ Republicans, why they turn on yall quicker than double struck lightning and use some of the SAME diabolical racial slurs on yall slave owners used? Its cause they want exalt themselves above yall and they want to be the answer to all yalls problems... Black Lives Matter and Satan share a common goal: To replace Jesus as yalls savior... To allow The LGBTQ to spread ACTUAL hate, its called deflecting- doing something but blaming others; it bullies folks to support the ORGANIZATION...It aint ever about the individuals. It makes money off yall at any chance it can- it gets all it can, and can all it gets. These corporations doing these 'pride' things are capitalizing off yall. They could care less. They stick a dang rainbow on anything and call it 'pride month' at yalls expense of the hole in yalls hearts that can only be filled by God. The organization strips yall down to nothing BUT sexuality- we cant even get a glimpse of who yall REALLY are to appreciate yall as human beings and love yall genuinely, without the veil of sexuality they done covered yall with. Getting yall to hate folks and call them names cause they aint support an ACT...It aint YALL personally...The organization bullies any opposing view; telling homosexuals that society oppresses them; it NEVER tells them the truth about folks. It gives isolated incidents of ignorant folks who dont TRULY love people- this organization exalts itself above folks who done been legitly oppressed...Cause homosexuals aint ever been through slavery, or done been denied the right to vote like certain races or genders, or both, or genders that TO THIS DAY are still treated like property in certain countries/cultures; who done been oppressed in the past...I aint recall they ever have...They sow hate against anything that can get folks to think differently, or that is fixing to tell them the truth. Yall more valuable to them in a lie, than in truth. If it aint so, why they attack those who go 'straight' or de-transition, when they claim to fight so hard for folks to make their own choices in sexuality? Some support group... The LGBTQ and Satan share a common goal: To keep yall from Jesus... These 'social justice warriors' hate yall more than the desert hates rain- you hate somebody you continually lie to- they hate yall just like Satan does: Yalls just hostages in their own twisted, selfish agendas. Yall make them feel powerful and worshiped by all- how dare yall NOT support us? We are God. We'll just force yall to kneel to us. Look at us! Promote us EVERYWERE. They want to be praised for liberating yall; cause yall questioned God- which, led yall into their bondage- 'society is yalls enemy,' it aint got no nothing to do with the choices yall done made...Or the choice to go on yalls own way- they just feed on yalls conscience from questioning God; they feed on yalls insecurities- they SUPPORT yall hating yourselves while yall starve for their acceptance, or theyd be out a job...Cause if yall knew God accepted yall if yall would just trust in Him; and yall accepted yourselves through Him, yall aint need them. Oppression pays well, just ask these politicians who done shown their TRUE evil. As they locked yall down with EXTREMES like mere animals. Ask liberals who suppress freedom of speech. Ask vaccine pharmaceuticals. Ask the media/social media. Ask big tech. Ask Democrat ran cities who defunded the police and crime done rose 150%...Ask this administration. Ask communism. Ask China... Oppressions only aim is to get yall hating who yall are, and to create division. Its goal is to be yalls God.To get yall to live by its rules, instead of by Gods plan. A divided house cant stand, and they KNOW this; so they divide and conquer. All these groups got to say is: 'Hath God said?' They sound like the father of lies- Cause were theres strife and envy theres confusion and every evil work, in the name of 'equity' women fight men who identify as women in the ultimate fighting competitions- and lose so BADLY, it hurts like h*ll to watch if yall can...But these groups are quiet as church mice on this abuse of women...As long as a man who aint identify as a man aint do it, it aint matter... They believe men who identify as women should be able to work in womens abuse shelters; were women done been subjected to heinous violations against them by bottom of the barrel typed men. But if somebody brings up gender, yall bigots for trying to distinguish the two... Yalls daughters restrooms in school are open to BOTH genders...But yalls a 'phobe' for bring up the fact its a bad idea cause youths hormones go racing faster than small town gossip... A little lie here, and little lie there- to get the youth to disregard and trample the very document that got traces of God in it; God has always loved man extravagantly to allow him the freedom of choice to reject Him... Same old tricks, Satan- same old tricks...Satan knows man always got a choice, and all he got to do is present another option that caters to mans rebellion... Man loves himself more than anything. Thats why man needs God. To know how to love one another. Because man is incapable of this on his own. And thats how all of this madness got folks insane. They done crushed yall; knowing yall gone fight like h*ll for survival out of love for yourselves. While the media told yall your insanity was because you loved others. They sound like the father of lies- And now in desperation as yall beg and plead with the evil yall put all trust in- as yall beg for the same freedom that God gave yall; the document that knows love through freedom- this government asks: 'Hath God said?' Bride A. Livewire ![]() ![]() ![]() _______________________ With No Repentance “Posterity! you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom! I hope you will make a good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven that I ever took half the pains to preserve it.” ― John Adams There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; who feel that they have nothing to lose. People who have stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it. -Martin Luther King, Jr. "A person who is demoralized is unable to access true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures...he will to believe it...That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization." -Yuri Bezmenov Disclaimer: There go a saying: "if yall throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelped loudest is the one that got hit." There go folks that get fired up about these topics, and I aim to be polite whether folks is or aint. But I aint one of those conservatives that tuck tail and get pushed around, and Im p*ssed at those who are. Welcome to America. Preface- The Word "repent" basically means to change ones mind. Most folk done religiousized the word, but thats what it really means. Thats why when Jesus went about saying, "Repent, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near," (Matt 3:2) it was to emphasize that the old law and way of relating to God done changed. It was the end of self righteousness; it was time to come to truth. Theres a gaggle of examples I couldve used with this topic, but I wanted to pick one most folks done overlooked. Luke 15:11-32 King James Version And he said, A certain man had two sons: And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that falleth to me. And he divided unto them his living. And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living. And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want. And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him. And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants. And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry: For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry. Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he heard musick and dancing. And he called one of the servants, and asked what these things meant. And he said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound. And he was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him. And he answering said to his father, Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment: and yet thou never gavest me a kid, that I might make merry with my friends: But as soon as this thy son was come, which hath devoured thy living with harlots, thou hast killed for him the fatted calf. And he said unto him, Son, thou art ever with me, and all that I have is thine. It was meet that we should make merry, and be glad: for this thy brother was dead, and is alive again; and was lost, and is found. To start with, the son done already been unhappy with his present state. What makes changing the mind harder than bricks to folks, is that its gone require telling the truth. With all we done seen with the fiasco with covid and the politicalization of it, folks done used a lot of this as an excuse for a lot of stuff. Some got more fear of it ending, than when it began. It gave some the comfort and excuse for not liking their lives and a legit reason to isolate. They were always isolated. And as sure as sunshine when things continued to get squirely, it was yet another excuse to get in a horn tossing mood...An excuse to be mean as a snake to everybody because of self hatred. It was just another permit to seek riotous behavior. I wrote an article that emphasized on "personal hells." The difference this time is the unwillingness to admit the obvious Hell that is in the US now. No repentance. The son wanted a certain lifestyle immediately. The kid couldnt even wait, he was even fine with the disregard to his father, and later, to his own brother. Aint no nothing matter but his desires and views over everybody else...No matter the damage that done occurred at his home because of his greed. He aint take into consideration how this done impacted his father, or his brother- for all we know it could be impacted the family business as a whole. Theres an interesting thing about the ring that was placed on the sons finger at his return. The father was obviously wealthy, and in those times, a ring was a sign of being an heir or another important role. It was also used as a way to sign deeds. The ring was used to make imprints on covenants and such. So the overall suffered because of ones greed. The son went out and lived an extreme life, clean up until he noticed himself and everything around him was ruined. When he realized he made the wrong choice- he came to himself- the son changed his mind, or "repented." His narrative was done. He couldnt live that way no longer. He was more miserable after he got what he wanted. The parable ends on a positive note but only because he changed his mind. Some folks are currently miserable holding onto their narratives, but still pretend like their "new lives" were worth giving up everything that they had before...That wasnt even broken to begin with... To shoot it straight to yall, aint no dang reason youngins should even be smack dab in the middle of our little 'feud' in the US...And its a feud. When folks started mainstreaming using kids as political weapons in schools it was an instant feud; just gone and add water. This thing should be amongst us adults for the sake of the future. Im all for being polite and respecting others views- getting along and what have you- but if yall aint get the memo, I aint fixing to get pushed around nor turn the youth over to yall. I'll be a thorn in folks side until they repent. Personal time: I got a job at one of the most secular place folks can think of. Its also leftist majority, obviously. Conservatives there are scared spitless to say anything for the most part. And naw, I dont get into tussles like most of yall would think; I actually get along with everybody, especially with the girls- I mentioned the playing around that I get into at work on the feed once- but to be square, dont nobody mess with me. Im bold about my stance on things, but some folks still try insinuate stuff to me... And its to their regret. I feel sorry for them to tell it honest. Theres a such thing as being miserable and aint even knowing it. I can only imagine being miserable and being aware of the denial as being worst. There go this girl at my job. She feels the need to constantly poke at me and my beliefs, but her major problem is that she aint as smart as she thinks she is. What makes a 'personal Hell' a personal Hell, is aint knowing its a Hell in general; until the existence of a Heaven is considered. Everybody and they cousin and them know Im a Christian. Folks at work invite me to places that aint to my culture and I politely decline. Why on earth would I send myself to a place thats against how I live? Aint make horse sense. Its dumb to go someplace to resist sinful behavior, when its as easy as pie to simply aint go. So this girl feels need to call my life 'boring' and make fun: But shes blind to the truth, like most are. I live a life worth living. Ive written about personal hells. What makes a 'personal hell' a personal hell, is aint knowing its a Hell in general; until the existence of a heaven is considered. An accepted hell will make Heaven look as if its nonsense, and through the torment of it, will make pleasant excuses to reject Heaven. She hates her job and you can tell- she drags herself into work everyday- she constantly talks about her husband who dont do nothing and ignores her; and she raises her two youngins while her hubby watches sports all day. On top of all of this, shes a political time bomb. She legit gets mad about opposing political views. She aint got no repentance to change nothing in her life. Even with options open to folks, some would rather continue on suffering in their pride. Aint no way figuring if I can change a dang awful circumstance in my life, I aint fixing to do it. Sometimes its the fear of the result why folks aint want to change. Theyre so used to suffering that positivity is propaganda. Yall see this now. All the hooping and a hollering before the election from some folks, and in their big britches, they aint gone ever admit they made a mistake. Inflation is the highest its been in like 40 years, the border is open wide with s*x trafficking and drugs flooding into the U.S...Women done dang near got sent back in time considering their rights due to transgenders in womens sports (which, only women who dont play sports support,) crime is higher than eagle beaks, gas prices gone through the roof, shelves d*mn near bare, teen suic*de jumped 50% especially concerning teen girls; and folks still aint repenting... 'Racism'- (and 'oppression') which Democrats use to fuel their power- is being crammed down folks throats to the point its wearing them out. Dont nobody want to hear identity politics nomore. Still, no repenting on making a mistake from some. Folks try to attack the Bible for fueling slavery, when no common sense is used. Obviously, folks abused the Word for a profit...Slavery was a business. If the Word was used properly there wouldnt even been slavery in America. The problem is, and always will be, people. Dont be so simple, folks...Just cause CRT and Obama say something, dont make it gospel. Yall need to wake up. Everytime Democrats get in power slavery and oppression of all kinds is back in the U.S. Interesting. The excessive lockdowns done broken folks beyond repair. Some aint gone ever recoup. Constant talk about covid. Constant with no hope of returning to normal. Its killing folks and its painful to watch. I know a girl whos on anxiety medication because of it. Plain as day liberties got violated, folks lost jobs due to vaccine mandates, but the news projects it like only one side was opposed to the mandate. There was plenty from the left who aint want it also. As a matter of fact, I know a guy from the left who 'all of a sudden' went to another job after possibly 10 yrs of employment when the mandates kicked off. The staff shortages due to the mandates is putting a strain on our already destroyed economy. And lets not talk about those babies wearing mask in schools. Kids need facial expressions to adjust accordingly. Real science proved they aint even at a dangerous risk. And speaking of science... Science is political, race is political, gender is political, sexuality is political, but funny how we aint have none of these problems about a year ago... An accepted Hell will make Heaven look as if its nonsense, and through the torment of it, will make pleasant excuses to reject Heaven. No repentance. Russia and Ukraine, China and Taiwan problems after 4 years of peace between nations. The Afghanistan disaster were we just left billions in weapons to terrorists, also, were our own young troops got left behind and died...No repentance while folks is still trying to attack Trump... And dont none of this mean nothing to some. They believe the mainstream news and consider this better because of their inability to control emotions... With no repentance. ___________________________ First World Preface Ever wonder how an abusive relationship works? Probably figuring physical abuse drives the fear to leave. Aint so- its the verbal and mental abuse that causes the slavery. For the sake of debate, Im fixing to just use male on female relationship abuse as the example cause its considered as common as cornbread. The damage is at the roots. Either low self esteem was already down there, or it got created; but thats the foundation. Its often created by isolation. The victim is isolated emotionally. Being alone is d*mning. Theres a parable in the Bible about Abrahams bosom and Hell that Jesus told- While most pay mind to the awful description of suffering in the parable, I noticed something else- while the man is talking from Hell he can see Paradise, but nothing can be done cause a chasm divides it- which is awful enough. I also noticed there aint no mention of anybody else around him, which is worse than before, cause Prov 27:20 says that Hell and destruction are never full. So its ever being fed. Fed into isolation, cause that would be Hell. Prisons even got something called 'the hole,' and in past times folks was thrown in 'pits,' Hell is even described as the pit. Hell has to be in isolation, cause any form of support, or support group, is a form of love. God is love itself, and a Biblical definition of 'death' is separation from God...Thats what Jesus was in so much agony about in the garden...Being separated from Father God. Once self worth is up for grabs, its easy to control folks. Its through that foundation that the fear comes. Its signing over your rights, basically. And as extreme as the verbal and emotional abuse gets, the more tolerance builds. It builds to the point that physical abuse aint even a factor, cause theyre calloused. A low self esteem is to the bones, and physical is just surface level. Anything to fill the void of worthlessness. Anything. Afterwhiles, its seen as caring- even lying is caring, cause they assume its for their best interest. Any form of attention is seen as caring: even if its blatantly harmful. As time goes on, they justify it by either accepting blame, or downplaying it. Some Americans done got good mind for over two years extreme lying and abuse done isolated them into a personal Hell... But its easier to sign over rights, and accept the abuse out of fear... And try to force others to live in your Hell cause you feel safe there. ______________________________________________________________ Leave it up to folks of a free country to aint appreciate at it, support communism, and make their 1st world problems seem bigger than 3rd world, or other world problems. Nobody cares about yalls race- Im a black guy from the inner city, telling yall this- Nobody cares about yalls gender. Nobody cares about yalls sexuality, or yalls self perceived fear of "violence." Its ridiculous. Out of all these d*mn bills Biden is passing, its funny yall want climate change, but that money couldve went to feeding the homeless...Cause its to stop the Earths temperature from raising a couple degrees in almost 100 yrs with these policies, got folks not wanting to have kids cause of the 'danger' of the earth imploding or something. No thinking involved. China looks like a stereotypical mob boss chain smoking cigars with all the pollution they kick out. Climate change is based off of inaccurate models that are impossible to predict the future. Yet, everytime something woke comes along, yall aint connected it to yalls taxes getting raised. Terrorism done taken front seat in Afghanistan. The Taliban dont even let girls learn after the age of 13, let alone the low d*mn down dirty things they do to women...But...Lets talk about how feminist feel they aint paid equal to men, or sexual liberation. I would debunk these situations but for sake of length, these are 1st world problems. Aint no whisper they full blown harvesting organs through religious persecution in China....But...Lets talk about the great lie of 'systematic racism' in America. Speaking of persecution, aint no freedom of religion, freedom of speech, or complaint of sexualities in some countries...Some countries still stone folks, but...Lets talk about 'equity.' 1st world problems. Folks want to feud about a vaccine for a virus that the CDC said themselves that got an above 98% survival rate- yall mad as a wet hen cause folks aint want to be forced to do something. Yet, there go countries that aint even got clean, running water...But...Lets cancel folks for having a different opinion on these matters, 1st world problems. Theres countries that got dictators in office. Stark commies. Folks aint vote on nothing beneficial, and these folks hold power like a comic book super villain. They run their citizens into the dang ground. The rich are RICH, and everybody else is poor as a field mouse. But...Lets follow mainstream media, Hollywood celebrities, athletes, and folks so rich, they aint think yall good enough to hold the trash bags for their on- call maids...But...'F' Trump, right? Yall and these 1st world problems... The point Im making is, is some of yall are softer than a whisper in a library. Life used to be hard forreal. Research it. Only in America, folks use their freedom to promote being a victim, cause they fear they cant cut it in the most prosperous nation on earth. Asinine, really. ______________________________________ Satans Attack On Women And children Satans attack on women and children has been exhaustive. No doubt we see his more blatant attacks on marriage and the nuclear family, but his attack on women and children shows just how “subtle” he is. Its easier and more acceptable to point fingers than admit at times folks just aint heed the Word of God or our great documents. There has been many nations that had world power, and some aint nowhere to be found. The only reason America has been prosperous is because of God. NOW we got folks in America who boldly dont believe in God or need His grace. Look at the path that we’re on. Folks boast of “MY truth” and got signs that say what “WE BELIEVE,” instead of believing on Jesus Christ which IS grace and truth. Worshipping a creation other than the Creator sends things into a chaotic state, from this you get redefinition and folks assuming the offices of God; things that weren’t ever intended to be ruled by man. Men and women are equal. Races are equal. Time and time again we see the perversion of anything sacred inspired by Satan himself. Perversion of both The Word and our documents are the true blame for most of the despicable acts in America-we all know this- but liberals tend to blame manipulated blueprints instead of the acts of some ill-intended construction workers. The many wiles. Same tricks, same dang devil, the same author of perversion. He perverted Gods words to Adam and Eve in the beginning. Then he tried to manipulate Psalm 91 to The Word Himself during the temptation in the wilderness only to fail- but succeeded with inspiring slave owners to pervert John 13:16; and to get folks to believe that abortion is in the Constitution. To get mind on his hatred for women and children, yall got to know the power thats in women and the hope thats in children. Satan hates women like the desert hates rain. First, cause women bare children- God LOVES children-and second, cause women continue on the creation of God in His image. What God creates Satan does his level best to pervert. The worst of the worst in Satans hatred for women has always been sexualizing them cause it runs like a clock. It works so good, that FAR left feminists even support sex work. Any violation of women whether physical or emotional got his fingerprints on it. The real sickening reason prostitution is the worlds oldest profession is cause hes the only one old enough to be the original employer. The sexual liberation in the 60s-70s was one of the biggest attacks on women to date by Satan (yes, even bigger than allowing full blown men to compete in womens sports.) We’re still dealing with the consequences of it all today. By folks claiming to free women sexually, they only enslaved women TO sexualization. It was a movement darker than the inside of a wolf, but women paid more than anybody. The introduction of Playboy magazine did the same dang thing. It projected pornography as “classy.” There aint nothing classy about pornography. The reason why pornographic images get held in memory so long is cause that part of the brain is dedicated to your spouse for sexual enticement. It works without yall knowing. Thats why if you was a youngin and saw a dirty magazine yall can recall what was seen so easy. Yall never seem to forget it. So how did Satan convince folks? Perversion, manipulation, and demoralization/sexualization. To break somebody down like a rifle, the person must be demoralized and treated as property first, then ownership is obtained. That was the true power behind the government overreach of the lockdowns. If the breakdown sticks, what was broken down as rare as hens teeth rebuilds itself. Some aint gone ever rebuild. Its communism at its finest. Its unconscious control. Americans were treated like property instead of human beings. Folks was isolated with an intent: to break yall down like the least common denominator. “Social distancing” and all that there. To keep folks from picketing on my lawn, I aint say covid aint real…Im just saying it was REAL overblown for multiple reasons. All this was demoralizing folks. The media intentionally spread fear faster small town gossip. Human beings were sacrificed for ratings. Take a gander round: Living “off the grid” is a thing thats common place now. Its like a trend. Folks dont talk to each other scared half to death. Gatherings and every family based Holiday was attacked. Reckon my word aint good enough so here go some booklearned folks who said it better: There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; who feel that they have nothing to lose. People who have stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don’t have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it. -Martin Luther King, Jr. “A person who is demoralized is unable to access true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures…he will to believe it…That’s the tragedy of the situation of demoralization.” -Yuri Bezmenov But its got to be seen as welcomed in some cases to really work. Its “liberation” from “oppression.” A false outlet of hope is used. Its made to look like theyre powerless against a powerful struggle. Its presented as a way out, and power of ownership over self is transferred to someone who can “free” them. We believe in limiting government for a good reason: 2020-2022… Children Only a foolish man is at war with an enemy he aint studied up on. Now watch Satan use his same patterns with perversion, manipulation, and demoralization/sexualization on children. Same tricks, same dang devil, the same author: God made them male and female for the purpose of marriage. That used to bury alot of arguments. The transgender movement mainly targets youngins. Its true. Folks got an eye full of what was getting taught in our public schools during the lockdown. There done been reports of teachers whos calling kids by a preferred name instead of their actual names without parents knowing. I read an article once about a teacher who got caught keeping a little closet thing in class for the purpose of students to change clothes into opposite sex garments. If Obama widespreaded dangerous ideologies, then Biden trended it. NEVER have we seen such a support of the perversion of our kids in America. Its demonically inspired. Our children and teens are being sexualized by the way. Yea-believe it. Why on Gods green Earth folks see it decent to teach gender and sexuality to kids who can barely color inside of the lines is evil as all get out. You figure teen girls cant afford clothes by how they dress now. Sexualizing kids is Satans thing. Child pornography is of the devil. We got a wide open border and child sex trafficking is flooding into our states. Yall remember the child sex trafficking ring in Utah County, Utah? It was linked to a satanic cult. Speaking of satanic cults, it aint no mystery why the church of satan got in a fuss about Texas standing firm against abortion. Which brings me to Satan and abortion… There was a demon mentioned in the Old Testament named Molech (Lev 18:21, 2 Kings 21:6) who folks was sacrificing their kids to, passing them through fire. Now unless through Biden raising taxes to give our money away, hes giving it to demons on welfare, this demon is still working. Pharaoh gave orders to throw every newborn Hebrew boy into the Nile River, THEN later in the New Testament, we see Herod get in a horn tossing mood and send soldiers to kill every boy under two looking for Jesus. Which brings us to Planned Parenthood… Im guessing we all the know the truth about its founder and its intent, so I’ll spare yall. See? Satan hates women and children. ________________________________ In Name Only Preface- “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” ― Thomas Jefferson "Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." -George Washington "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." -Benjamin Franklin “Those who stand for nothing fall for everything.” – Alexander Hamilton "We are right to take alarm at the first experiment upon our liberties." -James Madison "Sad will be the day when the American people forget their traditions and their history, and so longer remember that the country they love, the institutions they cherish, and the freedom they hope to preserve, were born from the throes of armed resistance to tyranny, and nursed in the rugged arms of fearless men." -Roger Sherman "This magistrate is not the king. The people are the king." -Gouverneur Morris Jan 06th. Big effing deal. Yall need to let that go- cause Im sure the founders of this country would think that to be a normal dang day at the office. Instead of drinking the kool aid of CRT, research the types of men the founders were... The only reason the media keeps spoon feeding those images is to cover up, and draw attention from the riots- which I quit counting at 100 days STRAIGHT- but are in still full swing today- yall just hide and watch for folks to get hussied, and they gone return like a ceiling fan. Around 50 blacks were murdered; including a respectable BLACK retired police officer named David Dorn, with millions in property damage that accumulated. Police officers themselves got injured, but who cares about the police now anyways... Folks would rather listen to rich folks with private security preach socialism and defunding the police. Funny comparison this is. Those massive Trump rallies aint even have violence from our end. I sat and watched, who was it, Pelosi- call the 'Chaz zone' in Seattle something stupid like a 'summer of love,' or something...No- it was a terrorist-type take over with riots, folks getting killed, drug abuse in public view, and sexual assaults on women...It was Woodstock 99 on fentanyl, and that was a TERRIBLE idea- you could tell by the d*mn bands that they invited- just asinine, really... So some of our boys got unruly on Jan 06th, I aint say they aint- but these aint no comparisons whatsoever. If folks even got arrested during the riots, they got released faster than greased lightning. Once the broken windows, unarmed folk who got shot, and the political prisoners got added on up -which are still in prison- its just amazing some folks even got something to say...And even then, one cant say it was completely just one set of folks...Even Putin made a comment about the prisoners being held... RUSSIAN leader Putin, by the way- the same guy that said: 'Trump ought to be left alone, cause hes too unpredictable'...RUSSIAN leader Putin, by the way... The dang capitol done been under bomb threat before, and all kinds of mess- folks just saw 'insurrection' and 'domestic terrorism' on the news and believed that was the greatest dang assault on American soil. I can tell some dont read or nothing, or dont even know what an insurrection is, and there go folks in power counting on the easily swayed not to know no nothing about history- thats how they weaponize folks. At times, sadly, I find those that are so out of touch to be adorable; like those who think the Afghanistan withdrawal went smooth sailing. For those of who read my articles, I rant around the clock face about the dangers of religion. Folks aint got to believe in God to be religious, cause folks live in forms of religion everyday. Folks is religious in their views and all sorts- religion shows an image without understanding, abiding in, or flat out being a hypocrite about something just for appearance purposes. The most dangerous reason folks get religious about a situation is to make stuff fit into a tidy little box cause of a rejection of a truth- its a cop out so folks aint offend others. A non publicized example of this is when Christians go and date non believers, and soon, as sure as sunshine- they end up watering down the Word for their significant others sake. Without even realizing it some of yall are real religious. Political correctness and 'wokeism' is a religion that leads to communism. Its dangerous cause its a FORCED religion, and most follow it out of fear. Religion done painted images of Jesus in these movies- sitting on a rock with a halo- as folks ignore him scathingly rebuking the Pharisees, turning over money changing tables in the temple with a whip, or his rebukes of the disciples...Following Jesus in His day could get folks put out the church at that time. Thats why Nicodemus visited Him 'at night.' Or the book of Galatians, were Paul just handed an entire church their a**es, cause of them falling away from the true gospel of grace- Paul was writing epistles from prison. Even the images of the founding fathers with their hands in the breast of their jackets passive like, is rid*mndiculous too... Yall really need to do some research...These folks were rough and wasnt for the light of heart. Martin Luther King, who by the Word of God built his civil rights campaign on, is known for his marches and his lovely 'I have a dream' speech...But folks overlook this: January 26, 1956 -- He was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama as part of a “Get Tough” campaign to intimidate the bus boycotters. Four days later, on January 30, his home was bombed. March 22, 1956 -- King, Rosa Parks and more than 100 others were arrested on charges of organizing the Montgomery Bus Boycott in protest of Parks' treatment. September 3, 1958 -- While attempting to attend the arraignment of a man accused of assaulting Abernathy, King is arrested outside Montgomery’s Recorder’s Court and charged with loitering. He is released a short time later on $100 bond. September 5, 1958 -- King was convicted of disobeying a police order and fined $14. He chooses to spend 14 days in jail, but is soon released when Police Commissioner Clyde Sellers pays his fine. October 19, 1960 -- He was arrested in Atlanta, Georgia during a sit-in while waiting to be served at a restaurant. He was sentenced to four months in jail, but after intervention by then presidential candidate John Kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy, he was released. May 4, 1961 -- He was arrested in Albany, Georgia for obstructing the sidewalk and parading without a permit. July 27, 1962 -- He was arrested again and jailed for holding a prayer vigil in Albany, Georgia. April 12, 1963 -- He and Ralph Abernathy were arrested in Birmingham, Alabama for demonstrating without a permit. During his time in jail, he he wrote what is now known as his historic “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” June 11, 1964 -- He was arrested for protesting for the integration of public accommodations in St. Augustine, Florida. February 2, 1965 -- He was arrested in Selma, Alabama during a voting rights demonstration, but the demonstrations continued leading to demonstrators being beaten at the Pettus Bridge by state highway patrolmen and sheriff’s deputies. And this went on... I appreciate Christ being crucified, and the apostles being martyred for me to boldly stand with God. I appreciate the number of settlers that died, or the founding fathers who laid the foundation for my country that I aint gone just hand over without a fight. I appreciate those, black and white, that fell in wars for my freedoms...I appreciate Martin Luther King for being bold enough, and later being murdered, showing us what a true civil rights leader looks like...Instead of a marxist group that shows its detestable face every 4 years... Bottom line: When it comes down to it, I can accept the good with the bad. I can accept the beauty and the ugliness of history- but I respect and study those who died changing the future. Thats true Christianity, Patriotism, and Equality... Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth? King James Bible Galatians 4:16 _____________________________________________________________ Besides what folks think about Jan 06th, there go some stuff that needs to get said. I done repeated around the sun what I believe in and what I support; and what I aint gone do is water down this article or apologize or appease folks. I aint fixing to be 'politically correct,' which I aint, or none of the sort...There aint no participation prizes with me- this should be widespread information by now. If the contents of this article gets twisted, thats something yall need to deal with within yourselves. Aint no whisper that Im a Christian. I mentioned time and time again my views on violence and self defense. I mentioned my biblical views on God ordained authorities, and chain of command- my views on America, military, my political party, and tradition- my whole newspaper is based off of these things. So the ball gone bounce were it may. I made peace with some folks hating my a** here, anyway. I dont feel the need to try to compel yall to use critical thinking no longer; or show yall evidence on certain things. Cause I done accepted the fact that we're in a critical part in history- this is it- and aint no amount of proof gone steer folks otherwise. The red pills only gone work for those who done had enough; and the truth has always been the truth. The gospel of Jesus Christ was, and is, the only thing thats gone save folks from this ongoing and present evil. If I just sounded darker than the inside of a wolf, that aint my intent- its just contending with proof and facts is getting older than sin. I still got to do it cause a view got to have a foundation, but Im annoyed at this point. Actually, Ive been annoyed. Other than September 11th- an awful day, and one of Americas worst memories- Jan 06th was one of the few times we saw Americans be American. Once again, I aint fixing to apologize to appease folks, I just encourage yall to think for yourselves. I done seen some awful things in life; but I remember 9/11...I aint think it was real. I saw it live on the news. I cant continue to write on all the emotions of it, cause it was stomach turning; but what I want to write about was the aftermath. We saw Americans who believed in, loved, and supported America come together. All races, nationalities, and cultures proved that America is a potluck of folks with dreams and unity. Once again the media tried to ruin it, but we prevailed. We supported the h*ll out of our military. Folks was civil. Flags were a flying. I remember. And then I remember the number of American and Gadsden flags outside of the capitol on Jan 06th. Before things got squirely, and we aint gone argue uselessly- we gone just remember THAT picture. I sat up and watched those that serve and veterans, sound like lefties and mainstream news. Veterans who know better- I also watched these same folks support CRT. Its a slap in Americas face with no excuse, cause veterans first hand remember a different America. I sat and watched some of our services turn on a candidate that was pro military; while some of our veterans that aint 'in name only' were out there that day. In sorts, the veterans I know are the most patriotic folks I done ever met...Theres a dang flag in every room of their house, it seems- so here go the question, and all folks got to do is open their eyes: Why are there so many veterans on the front line of this war we're in now? And why are there some that sound like Mark Milley? The point of this article is to show that passion gone sooner or later produce an action, thats just how it is- its also to call out turncoats, and Americans that are 'in name only.' Usually when folks write about Jan 06th here it reads like MSNBC. I got a different angle. While folks play around and want to turn on other Americans about a political party or a vaccine, folks need to quit it and pay attention to China. I cant harp on this enough. Without their communist influence, blatant attacks on America, and THE CORONA VIRUS, Jan 06th was possibly the only dang American resistance recently they saw other than Trump- Trump was on Chinas a** like wet boxer briefs. What part of enemy threat aint some of yall getting? At least they know they fixing to have a problem with a certain set of folks, cause lets be honest: Those protestors wasnt 'in name only.' With the good intent without the nonsense, they were of genuine spirit of our founding fathers. Am I saying that all folks who support certain views should go out and protest or whatnot? Well, naw- some just cant for many reasons- this article aint written to condemn folks. This article was written to get folks who do share our views to quit turning on us who aint 'in name only.' Come now, let us reason together: It would help if some 'Americans,' veterans, and those who serve- Christians, conservatives, and Republicans would quit coming down on the folks who gave a d*mn. Could it had gone better, well, YEA...Did some act triffling? Absolutely. Was there some behavior that went completely against our values? YES... We PEACEFULLY protest- only one side aint got to, but WE know better... But instead of pointing out those facts, yall prefer to be turncoats... While knowing, and agreeing with the true reason why them folks was out there... So I'll have the balls to be honest about the behavior of SOME of my people- some got out of hand. But I aint 'in name only,' and I KNOW why they were out there- So I hope this helps, but what would also help even more would be if some of yall aint be: In name only. _________________________________________ To Sell Ones Birthright I take in a heap of things into consideration when I write articles. Its a mixture of Truth, morality, leadership, and loyalty. Too bad Im alone. I at one time looked up to past generations; these here folks who handed down good learning and experience to the youngins- who stood for something, folks who would charged h*ll with a bucket of ice water desperate to keep future generations afloat. Then reality hit me one day, as a matter of particulars, two years ago: I watched the older folks sink their own battleships. The year was 2020. The year I watched cowardice and opportunity FOR cowards to gain control. I aint really quite sure what happened -other than Satan putting on a show- but I learned faster than the smell of a fart in a fan factory, that most folks raised in an honorable mention considered their own upbringing a sin; and as worthless as a duck with no webbed feet. But at least the alien creature still got its bill to depend on... Cause future generations cant depend on some of yall nomore. Yall got ME out here warring before due time. Yall supposed to be still training ME. I cant even come to some of yall for advice. You aint know WHO you talking to nowadays. What the h*ll happened?! I remember veterans and how they used to be so d*mn patriotic these folks could strut sitting down. I remember women who used to raise daughters in light of motherhood. They used to look like those ducks with the little ducklings that followed them. Now, you got LIBERAL veterans and MOTHERS supporting abortion and headlining changing their kids sexuality. Hard and angry women. Soft and weak men. I remember masculine men. As sure as sunshine, had yall gone and tried to sell this leftist liberal bullsh*t to any of the elders that raised me, youd get a strong licking or something worst...And thats only if they aint laugh yall to scorn instead. Itd be the day that yall gone and tell the strong women who raised a heap of kids from my childhood- who was poor as church mice but still did it- to get an abortion...They never even considered it. Explain HOW some of yall from previous, harder than brick generations, can turn quicker than water? To gone and support sexualities that are OBVIOUSLY intended to dismantle the nuclear family system, especially, when yalls is from a nuclear family? Aint yall from the SAME civil rights movement when whites marched with blacks, but cant seem to hold yalls nuts and blatantly TELL blacks to quit k*lling each other and aborting their kids at THREE times their own population rate? NOW yall out here with that p*ss water organization Black Lives Matter, who are FOR removing fathers from the home, when THATS the major problem with the black community? Yall gotten so dim that yall cant seem to see that they pop up every four years, and they only think that SOME black lives matter? Cause if they thought that black lives matter, they would protest against everything that I just named. Silly, some of yall. And as for how parents are ruining their kids now- yall sit by as grandparents and watch yalls kids pump THEIR kids full of twisted ideology. Yall should be madder than a snake that married a garden hose. What happened to: "I aint raise yall like this?" YALL LIBERAL FOLKS RAISED CONSERVATIVE. I dont blame the new generation really. They aint too much in tuned with lies too good. This is their first rodeo. But I DO blame some of yall liberal folks who were raised conservative. To sit and aint know that the media lies. Yall probably loved Kennedy and probably hated Reagan. Its true. I sit and hear folks slam Reagan, but for some reason cant quite find info on his impressive record... Yall know...Like how yall are completely handicapped from looking up Trumps record for yourselves. Heres a lesson in politics and this is for those who just feel like research aint neccessary: The overall prosperity on a nation is a direct reflection of strong, positive leadership. We was WINNING when Trump was in office. Other countries feared and respected us. Employment was chasing us down. It was possibly the LOWEST unemployment rate in our nations history across the board for ALL races. We was our own energy source. I got a long list of his accomplishments in my port. Look at it. But the news told yall a tall tale and yall bet the farm on it, aint it? Its like when the media couldnt understand WHY folks took Reagans death so hard. The media is LIBERAL. They aint no nothing but activists, thats it. Leftist policies dont work. Look at yalls gas prices and the tax hoarding attack on fossil fuels. The reason the climate is changing is cause the earth is dying from sin. Its a sin issue. And in this past two years, its moving warped speed. I aint ever seen such evil. The earth is ALIVE. Its made from the SAME thing YOU made from. Man was never intended to die, but we got a sin issue. But keep turning from God with an obvious proof of the existence of Satan. Keep it up. And yall fixing to keep it up until its too late. Satan is putting on a show. But remember how yall was raised. Upbringings aint for sale...At least mine aint. _____________________________________________ Logically Speaking Logic is missing from debate nowdays. Propaganda, buzzwords, and political jargon seem to dominate debate. Critical thinking is also missing. Critical thinking is the ability to acknowledge, factor in, or consider different angles to a problem, in order to see a bigger picture. What folks got now is called "tunnel vision" which is fueled by their own anger and disappointments. Critical thinking is also seen as "common sense" sometimes. This is missing in debate as well. Anything that is projected to the public by mainstream media becomes folks' gospel...Whether they had a certain upbringing, or done SEEN something opposing a narrative- it makes no nothing to them- its washed way like it aint ever happened. These are the same that dont seem to see that the media makes merchandise out of them; and they never realize that they aint nothing to them but a rating at the end of the day. Lets look at "hate speech:" First, let me address the plain as biscuits truth: Yea, there done been some folks who got intentional hate in their hearts when opposing a view, which is in fact, hate speech. So I can acknowledge that it do exist. The problem is that some are using it as a buzzword to force folks to support stuff they aint want to. In this case it done been categorized as such to dominate an opposing view. Its also communism at it finest. All through revolutions and the initial spread of communism itself in history, freedom of speech got to be attacked first. Its purpose is to spread a particular view through force. Homosexuality is a perfect example. Some dont support it, and speaking out against it is called "hate speech." That aint so? It aint forced on folks to support it? Lets try this: If what I done said aint true, then why folks try to force others to support it by calling them "homo-phobes" and "bigots."... Which, the name calling THERE is actually hate speech cause it comes from a place of anger from the person who says it... Next topic. Gun control: Guns dont kill people, people kill people. Anything can be a "killing machine." Serial killers for decades done used knives. It aint the object thats a killing machine, its the person using the object repeatedly. Plain as day. Automatics done been used lawfully in repeated events such as wars...And as long as there is a Devil, evil will continue. Some need to admit that. Im gone skip over the 2nd Amendment, cause folks cant seem to wrap their brains around it. It aint that hard to get wind of. I would bring up the purpose for tyranny, but some dont think it can ever happen. Tyranny in a nutshell is a force of government control. The founders thought about this. Some of yall aint got no idea that forms of tyranny done happened already, but lets move on. I done heard the point were folks try to debate the things in relation to hunting. I aint got no mind were that came from. Its dumb as a prairie dog. Just imagine hunting with a fully auto... Lets use some logic that hits close to home for yall: Dont get cocky from yalls safe neighborhoods. Criminals gone always get guns. ALWAYS. I live in a high crime area, and some of the drug dealers got more fire power than the police. Its common as cornbread to see folks open trunks and you see AK's and ARs at car washes...We aint even flinch we so used to seeing it. As a matter of fact, next door in Missouri, there go a number of gas stations that the dang owners got AK-47s sitting in the corners behind the glass with them. In plain view...What Im saying is... Yall gone whine till criminals are the only ones with these weapons. And crime can happen anywhere. Be thankful for those "gun happy" patriots who live in yalls suburban areas...They might save yalls a** if something heavier than what neighborhood watch can handle come lurking. Remember: The police got to get there before they can do something, and time goes slow as molasses when yalls family is in danger. There go some gun owners who believe in protecting innocent folks from the bad gun owners. If yall want these weapons gone, YALL gone be the only ones without them. Inner city folks can get them like change at a laundromat if we want... Think about that the next time yall holding up signs and complaining. Next. The death penalty: But then again, some of yall dont believe in spanking yalls kids either. The death penalty done deterred alot of folks fixing to do something evil, hence, how a spanking works. Its something about physical pain or facing death, that makes folks think twice. Some folks are literally evil. Just look at the worlds most famous serial killers. The problem is folks got human compassion to were theyll gamble with their own lives. Put it this way: For we folks who believe in God, forgiveness is a mandate. The Holy Spirit comforts us. For yall that dont, its a country mile to move on for yall. Things got to hit close to home before yall finally get it. Forbid the next statement- its just used as an example- yall got all this human compassion until somebody does something lower than hell to yall, or a family member... Like abduct a child and murder them. Thats when yall want to murder the person yourselves, or get mad if the criminal only gets a slap on the wrist... Then, yall would support the death penalty. Moving on. Cancel culture: Dont be silly and try to justify it. Its the same as my hate speech comment. Biological men playing in women sports: The debate aint how good a woman is at a sport. The point is being matched against a man. I like how folks claim to stand for womens rights but support this. There was a time wasnt even no womens sports. How easy yall forget... What about scholarships? Some girls really love sports and want to play as a career- others are banking all they got on sports to get into college. They should be allowed to do so without competing against a biological man with bigger muscle mass and larger lung capacity. Nothing against women, but the best WNBA player cant compete fully against the top male NBA player. We are biologically different. Aint so? We both the same? Then why is the regulation WNBA basketball smaller than the males NBA basketball? Smaller hands. I cant even believe I wasted my time writing this d*mn article. This is a silly debate. |