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An Article By Guest Journalist Of Firebrand Times, Bride A. Livewire |
There is nothing more dangerous than to build a society with a large segment of people in that society who feel that they have no stake in it; who feel that they have nothing to lose. People who have stake in their society, protect that society, but when they don't have it, they unconsciously want to destroy it. -Martin Luther King, Jr. "A person who is demoralized is unable to access true information. The facts tell him nothing, even if I shower him with information, with authentic proof, with documents and pictures...he will to believe it...That's the tragedy of the situation of demoralization." -Yuri Bezmenov 10/19/21 Disclaimer: There go a saying: "if yall throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelped loudest is the one that got hit." There go folks that get fired up about these topics, and I aim to be polite whether folks is or aint. But I aint one of those conservatives that tuck tail and get pushed around, and Im p*ssed at those who are. Welcome to America. Wait. Yall dont remember THIS?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJKrGUOh5mw&list=PL8x34XnbeJYyiP1vU-Bjl_HH0JbWRB... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Were yall at? Yall know- the feminists that are dang near the root to all political conflict. Weres the 'my body, my choice,' charade? They done even said cause we aint got no uterus we aint get no say so- So, men can be denied the BLESSING of being fathers cause its 'yalls body, yall choice?' Can yall imagine if MEN had this attitude, or said this about ANYTHING?! Men would have to go to another planet, cause feminists would lose their ever loving MINDS. We'd be accused of kidnap and m*rder- (funny how that would be finally understood) we'd be oppressors, slave owners, bigots- called SELFISH; we'd be denying that men and women were created equal; and ALL THAT. But SHUT UP and get the jab, huh? So the government can tell yall what to do with yall body, but God and men cant...I mean, WERE yall at?! Let me end this with a powerful statement: Its the MANS seed that determines the sex of a child, and children get their identities from their FATHERS. MEN train sons how to be men, fathers, and how to treat women; while daughters get their first interaction of male stability and an example of what type of man they should date/marry from their dad. Its called 'daddy issues' for a reason... Alien how yall dont know this... No, Im waiting for yall- can I move on? Youre a peach, thanks. WERE am I were I JUST compared a human life to a lab born virus vaccine... Yall want to know what I aint like about some of you 'politicians'- you folks who just got an agenda thats self serving? Yall dont care about NOBODY. Yall say yall do. Yall wolves in sheep's clothing, spreading ideologies from yall own misfortunes. An experimental vaccine. Yea, it is...Turn the news off and use your thinker. It was under emergency use when it happened. I guess since the FDA approved it, yall fixing to forget that an administration tried mandated it in its experimental phase. Oh, I'm sorry - It CANT be mandated at a federal level cause that's unconstitutional, so it was 'called upon ' on employers etc. THEN, hospitals. Biden weaseled in a clause with hospitals that accept medicare...Thats d*mn near ALL hospitals, all, if I aint mistaken. So, reject medicare or mandate it. Like a dang hospital is fixing to reject medicare...C'mon yall. By the way, the border is open. Yea. Like 7-11. Illegals aint got to get it, get tested, or wear masks. Yall want to know a fun fact? Haiti, which done refused all dealings with the vax- LITERALLY they the least vaxxed place on the globe; they was all huddled under a bridge waiting to get into the US by the thousands...So get the jab with a wide open border...No, that aint get yalls attention? Yalls rather pick on folks who believe in choice? Ever think on how much money these vax companies are getting? No? Okay. Nevermind. Now, I personally aint care if yall get the vax or not. I aint gone hate yall one way or another EVER: Cause I aint racist. Nobody likes it when folks throw a word around in PROPER context... Aint even no debate with measles shots, etc. I dont think it done ever been MANDATED. Why I say that? Cause I done heard about parents declining them in babies...Once again, its THEIR choice whether yall disagree or not. Besides- do yall REALLY want to compare a lab virus with childhood disease vaccines? This is a ridiculous article- what the h*ll is an 'anti vaxxer?! Wouldnt an ANTI VAXXER CONDEMN a vaccine? Were yall see all these folks protesting saying: 'Down with the vaccine?' Were?! What yall see is folks protesting medical tyranny. Its from an totalitarian government over reach. I forgot some dont read or nothing, and just consider the news gospel. Here: totalitarian tō-tăl″ĭ-târ′ē-ən adjective 1. Of, relating to, being, or imposing a form of government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control over all aspects of life, the individual is subordinated to the state, and opposing political and cultural expression is suppressed. 2. A system of government where the people have virtually no authority and the state wields absolute control of every aspect of the country, socially, financially and politically. 3. characterized by a government in which the political authority exercises absolute and centralized control NO SCHOOL. WORK. NOTHING UNLESS WE SAY SO. THIS is what folks are in a horn tossing mood about... But the media got yall blaming Republicans and Trump supporters. See, the lockdowns BROKE yall. Through threatening yalls health and fear, folks is willing to sign over complete control over their lives for peace of mind, in the case, giving the government all power without a fight. The media paints this picture of folks screaming about the Constitution as 'insurrectionist' ( and PLEASE look up the REAL definition of insurrection,) when its THOSE folks who know what the Constitution IS. One of the MAJOR things about the Constitution is its ability to limit government power. Without it, its COMMUNISM. They LIED to yall. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wait. Yall dont remember THIS?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GYGO7IJktLU&list=PL8x34XnbeJYyiP1vU-Bjl_HH0JbWRB... Yea. I remember ALL of it, cause I do research. Dang. Some of yall JUST found out the media and all these folks be lying- Its called a red pill. Heres a glass of water- easy, dont choke... I read a journalist compare somebody wearing a seat belt to another who aint, and the one wearing the seat belt complain about THEIR safety. Sounds silly, right? THINK ABOUT IT. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wait till the end were the reporter asks about the mandate: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-4vsQdKCkuk&list=PL8x34XnbeJYyiP1vU-Bjl_HH0JbWRB... Welcome to America. Bride A. Livewire ![]() |