Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2260468-Best-Friend-times-four-for-Kathy
Rated: E · Poetry · Friendship · #2260468
This is a poem is 1 of 4 in a series of poems called Best Friends times four.

For Kathleen Anne Horceak-Glick 8/3/17

"Best Friends Times Four"

Best Friends Times Four, I have four individuals in my life that have the classification of best friends and you are number one. You are the one who I met first when moved to a new school and I had no friends. You were the first to truly see me for who I am, you saw all my faults and all the good things that made me myself when I felt like I was nothing because of words my mom called. We would go out in the middle of July and sing Christmas Carols because we loved Christmas that much. We got each other in trouble all the time but we didn't care. I remember the fort we had in the field behind all the houses where our imaginations ran wild and we felt untamed and we didn't feel trapped in the little boxes we were expected to fit inside of. Those were the best times we had with each other. When we felt wild and free and didn't have a care in the world. I remember all the times you stuck up for me against your older sister then your ass would get kicked by her later. I remember all the times we played house in our own odd way and how we played barbies in our own odd way as well. We dreamed about boys we discussed what our idea of what would be the perfect boy in our own opinions. I loved the nights I snuck out and stayed the night during the week and how we watched Nick at Night and other stuff because we could. I remember the one night we went out egging and tee-peeing houses

and then tee-peeing your house to cover our butts.

Even though my mom didn't like you it didn't stop us from seeing each other even though I got into trouble every time, but I didn't care you were my best friend and nothing was going to stop me from hanging out with you. I remember how you helped me to realize that how my mom was treating me and talking to me was unacceptable and mean. I remember how your mom was there for me when my mom wasn't. I remember how much my mom resented that but I didn't care. You Kathy were my first friend and my first best friend and nothing is going to change that. Though we went and took our own paths in life and grew apart because life got in the way. Nothing will change that you my friend helped me to discover who I was at that particularly confusing time of my life.

Love you Kathy,

Thursday, August 3, 2017

Jennifer Crystal Gorecki-Tims

Remember this Tiffany song verse "Won't you come on around and Hold An Old Friends."

Best Friends Always

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