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In Honor of WDC's Birthday |
Well Folks it's that time of year...And I think I skipped last year probably because obvious reasons but here we try to see what we can come up with before we stop seeing balloons and birthday hats
(OK Peeps this is pretty simple this is an RP Campfire where you can RP as anything you want, Humans, Anthros, Monsters, let's try to keep this campfire family friendly) Name: Buzzy Wingfly Age: 22 Sex: Male Species: Housefly Humanimal Occupation: Accountant Hometown: Mudville Planet Mizzer Bio: Lives in one of the Underground Invertebrate Communities of Planet Mizzer where Humans and Humanimals alike have been living like its the 1990s for five thousand years, Buzzy did what his parents always told him to do and got a boring office job, since then he's had a miserable time and has been dreaming of reconnecting with his youth, one morning after a few too many at the bar he realizes he's late for work, so with no time for breakfast he hastily gets dressed, grabs his briefcase and zips off to work only to be got in...A Wrinkle in Time... |
Buzzy didn't know what had happened first he was zipping through the tunnels of Mudville on his way to work at Vermin Conglomerate then there was this blinding flash of light...And now he was in like a child's playroom full of toys and games and other things a child would like |
Name: Wabu Yortal Age: Can't Recall Sex: Male Species: Tortoise Occupation: Unemployed Hometown: Wanderer Bio: Wabu's memories consist of travel, learning, and more travel. Always wandering, he has never settled down in any place for long. |
After a few moments of trying to figure out how he got to this place Buzzy decided to head for the only exit in the room, he was stopped when what first appeared to be a lovely young human lady with long blonde hair and a green dress but on closer inspection she had pointy ears like a Vulcan...Or an Elf... "Who are you?" Buzzy asked "I am Mother Nature..." Said the Lady "...And I have brought you here...We will be waiting for the others..." |
Wabu was always traveling, always learning. There was always something to see, much like the waterfall he was staring at now. "Just wonderful," he said. |
"Why have you brought me here?" Buzzy asked "I had stuff to do, I was already late for work!" "Didn't you hate your job?" Mother Nature asked cocking her head For a moment Buzzy was frozen he didn't know how to respond at first then he said "That's a good thing!" He said "To hate your job, Mizzer Humanimals should hate their job! Because if it feels good don't do it! Because if it feels good it must appeal to your primitive animal instincts which is what we're trying to avoid!" |
Wabu took out some art supplies, and began to paint the scene in front of him. Maybe he'd make a few copies, and sell the extras. He tended to get decent money. Enough for some food, and a room for the night at any rate. |
"Did you ever stop and think about why the Mizzer Humanimals believe that?" Mother Nature asked "Who was the one who first said if it feels good it must be appealing to your primitive animal instincts?" Buzzy tried to think back as far as he could remember but he couldn't remember being taught anyone specific saying that it was just common knowledge all the adults said it |
Wabu smiled as he completed his painting. "Just perfect." He then set up another canvas, checked his supplies, and began working on another. |
"I know you've been dreaming about being a child again..." Mother Nature said "...That's why you're in this Toddler's Playroom...It's what you've been dreaming about so your mind created it when you were brought to my domain." Buzzy looked at all the children's toys scattered about his feet and realized she was right, for nights he had been dreaming about his Maggot Days, playing with his toys, watching TV back when he was...Happy |
Wabu soon finished another painting, packed up, and began walking again, the paintings on a pole to dry, which he carefully held. |
"But seriously..." Buzzy said "...Why did you bring ME here? I'm nobody important just a an accountant for Vermin Conglomerate." "I need you..." Mother Nature said "...Because I'm in danger." "Wait what." Buzzy said |
"In danger...From what?" Buzzy asked "Before I answer that..." Mother Nature said "...First tell me, when you look at me, what do you see?" Buzzy not sure where this was going said "...I see a lady, with long blonde hair and long green gown, you have pointy ears so maybe you're an Elf?" "I have no physical form." Mother Nature said "What you see is what you imagine I would look like." |
At this point, a figure, resembling a certain actor from a certain show, showed up. "Lady, do you have to blame everything bad that happens on me?" he asked. "Seriously - you're one to talk. I wasn't the one who made the Ice Age, nor any of those other Natural Disasters." |
"You know what you're doing..." Mother Nature said "...You're working to cause the human race to go extinct...With this creepy cult of elites who think if they can destroy the human race for you you'll promote them to Godhood and they won't have to worry about 'the commoners' ever again!" |
"That's not my doing," the Devil said. "Humans make up a good percentage of the clientele in a number of nightclubs I run. Hard to run them if I don't have customers. Maybe you ought to look at my twin brother - always putting nasty thoughts into folks minds, and blaming me. Me, I just what to know what folks desires are, and I try to help them." |
Just wondering since you watch me on Deviantart if you made your character a Tortoise because of some of my recent stories "The point is..." Mother Nature said "...This Cult exists of these Elite Humans who want to destroy their Fellow Humans under the belief they will become Gods." |
Nope. "Well, that won't work," the Devil said. "No Mass Murderer ever became a God, that I'm aware of." |
"Well someone is telling them that's the case..." Mother Nature said "Um...Excuse me..." Buzzy said |
"Why am I here?" Buzzy asked "What can one Fly do to save Mother Nature?" "You're not supposed to be alone." Mother Nature said "You were supposed to be a member of a team, for some reason the others haven't showed up yet..." |
"I suppose I can do a freebie," the Devil said. He snapped his fingers, and a tortoise appeared. "What in the world?" Wabu asked, the scene having changed on him. "How did I get here?" "Let's call it a use of Divine Magic, and not look into it too deeply," said a man, who resembled a certain actor, said. "You look like the guy from Lucifer," Wabu said. The man grinned. "I just like that show." |
"We don't have physical forms..." Mother Nature said "...You see us as you imagine we look like." "I actually have control over what form I take." The Devil said "You can't help how others perceive you." |
"Someone's trying to destroy the human race," Buzzy said "And for some reason we've been chosen to do something about it." |
"To be honest, sounds like something that the Authorities should be filled in on, as they have access to things like the Police and Military," said Wabu. "I mean, what can untrained civilians do that they can't do better?" The Devil looked at Mother Nature and said, in a Stage Whisper, "The turtle's got a point! What do they have that Law Enforcement and Armed Forces don't have?" |
Please tell me we're not gonna have the character endlessly arguing the point of realism with the magical figure like we did with the Kemono Friends story "We can't have the police of military fight them, because...These extremely rich and powerful men and women have both the power to buy off anyone and also they have psychic powers, they have made deals with demons and they can cause most people to forget why they were even coming for them and go back home, you two and a few others were born with a kind of psychic immunity." |
To be fair, the whole Recruit Teens With Attitude trope is filled with issues, and even explains them. At least the psychic powers/immunity thing makes this a bit more justifiable. "So, we have this immunity to their powers?" said Wabu. "Basically," the Devil said. Then, in a Stage Whisper, he said, "Of course, she doesn't like explaining these things. She just like to tell people to do what she says. Me, I'd at least say, 'The reason you've been picked for the job is because you have innate abilities that make you able to avoid the powers of the other guy.' Also, even if we did find a police officer or soldier that has the immunity, there's the Chain of Command thing, and the person on the high end might not have the immunity." "Sounds like a good enough reason to be picked," said Wabu. |
Just remember this campfire is basically 'Make-it-up-as-we-go-along' "I can grant you abilities based on your talents." Mother Nature said "Wabu you can paint real objects on the air, so if you paint a sword you will get an actual sword." "I'm an accountant," Buzzy said "What can I do?" "You can release swarms of numbers from your briefcase." "Numbers?" Buzzy said "Your swarm of numbers will hurt them like bees." Mother Nature said "Because of of their pact with Demons these people hate everything good and true and beautiful that includes Math. They particularly dislike Math because its harder to twist with lies." |
"Well, something tells me that we're going to need some extra help," Wabu said. He got out his cell phone. "Tell me, if I was to paint some creature, like a deer, would it obey me?" "Within reason," said Mother Nature. "A normal deer couldn't use human-style weaponry for instance." "What about a skeleton?" Wabu asked. "A skeleton?" Mother Nature asked. "Like in horror movies and games? Might be too violent." "What about good-natured ones?" Wabu asked. "What are you talking about?" Mother Nature asked. "Who'd make a heroic one?" "Guess you've never heard of Sir Daniel Fortesque from the MediEvil series," said Wabu. "Bit of an interesting story, where a heroic skeleton fights an evil wizard's forces, before facing the wizard himself." "Interesting," said Mother Nature. "Might work. Most paintings will be a reflection of yourself, in some way." |
"I mean..." Buzzy said "You basically have the power to make an unlimited amount of minions, and I apparently have a briefcase of...Number Bees...So in a way we're already not alone." |
"Ever play Dungeons and Dragons?" Wabu asked, as he got to one site on his phone. "Most say that the most powerful creature is the Tarrasque - 676 hit points, immune to nonmagical attacks, and you can't charm or frighten it. But, with the right team, and weapons, and magic, it can go down easily. A bunch of kobolds on the other hand, individually very weak, but together, in large numbers, and with strategy, they can take the team that killed the Tarrasque, and turn them into dead meat." |
"I don't play Dungeons and Dragons." Buzzy said "So a good chunk of what you said is complete gibberish to me." I'm just keeping in character here "But have you read Greek Mythology?" Asked Mother Nature Buzzy rubbed his head "It's been a long time since I read a fiction book..." Buzzy sighed "...I can't remember the last time it was..." "Well if you did, you'd know the name Sisyphus..." Said Mother Nature "...The Man who's punishment in Hades is the continually roll a boulder up a hill for trying to cheat death..." Then she remembered Wabu "Oh right! You're not from the Humanimal Universe you're from a different Dimension where Humans and Anthro Animals have lived relatively peacefully for years but anyway while there are many pockets of this Demonic Club across the Universe the Oldest Stronghold is in the Humanimal Universe on a Planet called Sisyphus..." |
"One can always learn a thing or two from fiction," said Wabu. "So, how about we get going, instead of standing around jabbering?" |
"All right." Mother Nature said "Good to see one of you is enthusiastic." So she whisked them away to Planet Sisyphus which was on a planet that had no atmosphere there was only one city on the planet that was under a bubble shield one building stood above the rest an Ivory Tower that was where the elites hung out |
"Well, first thing to do is learn about these guys," said Wabu. "Best place for that, tends to be something like a library." |
"Not gonna find any information about them there." Mother Nature said "These guys are officially 'Off the books' no one really knows who inhabits the Ivory Tower only that none of the ordinary people who live in the city can go there and they're all terrified of it...A Psychic Hypnotic Suggestion implanted in their minds Mother Nature entered a crater tunnel outside the city under the planets surface she created a bubble of air so the two creatures could breathe. "First thing you must know." Mother Nature said "Is these folks are really old, The demons granted indefinite life as long as they do what the Demons tell them to...Second their cannibals, they eat nothing but the meat of of their fellow humans because the demons tell them to...They tell them humans are the only real meat because God gave them a soul distinguishing them from all other life, so eating any other plants or animals is no better eating the dirt or clay they were formed from." |
"Of course, they will die to mortal injuries," the Devil said, as he showed up. "Good old rock to the back of the head will do the trick, as will a blade to the heart. Throwing them out of a high window will do the trick too." "So, kill them anyway we can?" Wabu asked. |
"Remember when I said this was a Multiverse Club?" Mother Nature said "This is just the Chapter in this Universe and for this Mission you only need to kill one on account of his plan to kill several Planets worth of people, to send a message to the rest of them." |
"High powered silenced rifle might do the job," said Wabu. "Trick is to find the right location." |
"Yes..." Mother Nature said "...Unfortunately we're playing a long game with the Demons, you two have been summoned for one mission then you will be returned to your ordinary lives next time we need to take out one of the club members may be centuries later in the future." |
"Would it do the job?" Wabu asked. "When you say that you want us to kill someone, helps if we know of any rules. I mean, would a ton of explosives do the job, or would a ton be too much, and we only need to blow the guy's vehicle up while they're driving around?" "Where do you get those ideas?" Buzzy asked. "I read a lot of books," said Wabu. |
"Because this one is finally attempting to do an attempt at mass murder..." Mother Nature said "...Which they only have the energy to do once in several hundred years, most of the time they are content to dispatch a human life three times a day at breakfast, lunch and supper...But this time one is leaving the safety of the Ivory Tower...The safest and yet most dangerous place to dispatch him, will be when he's driving his personal Space Cruiser in the empty void of Space." |
"Then, the answer is simple," said Wabu. "Have him run out of fuel in the middle of nowhere, disable his communication systems, and cause him to lose breathable atmosphere. Do it right, might even look like an accident." |
"You are totally scary..." Buzzy said "...What is your history I know you paint but what else did you do?" |
"I've lived a long time, seen a lot of things," said Wabu. "I will tell you that Necromancy was fun. Of course, after a while, Adventuring doesn't pay the bills, and even the Traditional Monsters settle down and become Civilized. Had a chat with a dragon I know not too long ago, who grew up in the Really Old Days, bemoaning the fact that his one grandson runs a bank instead of laying on his hoard. Then there's those guys who make games based on the Old Days without a lick of understanding. Makes an old tortoise like me want to cry. Oh well, got to move forward with the times!" |
"Wow!" Was Buzzy had to say "You really are from another Dimension!" "I can take you close enough to the Space Cruiser..." Mother Nature said "...After that you'll have to get closer on your own." Wabu painted some space suits |
"One hopes that there's gold at the quest," said Wabu, as he checked the suits over. "Of course, given the way the IRS is, make sure to pay the taxes properly." "Really?" Buzzy asked. "IRS is scarier than any Monster I've ever faced," said Wabu. "Even dragons are scared of them." |
"There's no monetary reward for this..." Mother Nature said "...You are to be returned to your ordinary lives as if nothing happened taking away nothing but the memory...Remember this is a war that is taking place in secret over a long period of time...We don't want the Demons catching on to what we're doing." |
"I'll keep that in mind," said Wabu. "I hope you have a knife kid - always comes in handy." |
"I don't have a knife, I was an accountant on my way to work not a warrior..." Then Buzzy realized something and looked in his briefcase "I have a letter opener though." |
And so, putting on the Space Suits Wabu had created for them, Mother Nature took them somewhere in the Sisyphus Solar System between the planets, to lie in wait behind a meteorite for the Space Cruiser to pass by |
"Okay, ideas on what to do include messing with the fuel lines, breaking a window open, sending some sort of space monster with a fast digestive system after him - make sure it breaks down after we're gone so that future folks aren't threatened, summon a black hole that sucks him in and closes afterwards, summon a horse of space pirates that vanish afterwards," Wabu was saying. "That's a lot of ideas," said Buzzy. "Feel free to come up with some," said Wabu. "It's been a while since I've done this sort of thing." "You've done this before?" Buzzy asked. "Every Adventurer's a Hired Killer, one way or another," said Wabu. "That being said, I don't think I killed anyone who didn't deserve it. Real trick is trying to convince a Paladin that he, or she, is no different than an Assassin." |
"Um..." Buzzy began thinking "Space monster, black hole and Space Pirates seem a little much to summon on such short notice because I think he's coming this way!" |
Wabu looked at the vehicle. "Then, let's go simple." He then painted two small-sized stones. He passed one to Buzzy. "What do I do with this?" Buzzy asked. "Throw it at his engine block, or whatever it's called," said Wabu. "It's dense enough that it ought to disable the vehicle." He grabbed the second one. "As for this one - I'll throw it through the driver's window. Should expose the interior to the vacuum of space. It will look like an accident." |
The Space Cruiser came by it looked like a red Cadillac decked out for space travel, Buzzy through his stone it shook the engine block but didn't dislodge it, Wabu through his stone at the bubble shield window it became lodged in the window, the Driver...A man who seemed to have become albino, bone white skin and hair noticed this and pushed a button on his suit so his space helmet covered his head |
It was at that moment, Wabu managed to get himself to the passenger side, and tear the door off with something a fireman might use. "Always have a backup plan," he muttered, as he thrust at the man's side with a long spike. |
Of course the Man felt that, and while Buzzy and Wabu were immune to the psychic powers that affected the mind they weren't immune to the powers that affected the body, the man used telekinesis to shove Wabu away |
Wabu painted another stone, rather sharp and spiky, and threw it at the man's head. He then painted himself a large shield, just in case. |
It cracked the man's helmet he gasped as the hiss of air leaking out he gasped out "Why...." "We should be asking you that." Buzzy said "We know about your plan to kill a lot of people." "There...Is no...Such thing..." The Man gasped with his dying breaths "...As good and evil..." "There's only power and those too weak to seek it..." Wabu grumbled "...I've heard that one before, multiple times." |
Buzzy looked at Wabu. "What did you do for a living?" "Some things ain't worth talking about," said Wabu. "Now, let's shove this thing so that it looks like he suffered an accident and crashed into the asteroid. Ought to fool folks into thinking that to be the cause of the damage." |
Wow we solved this plot in record time! 'Save the head!' Mother Nature's voice came to their heads 'We need the head to send back to his 'friends' with the message attached.' |
"Then we'd better make it look like something knocked it off," said Wabu, as he stepped towards the front with his one object. He swung, smashing the window, causing a large shard to go through, almost taking the head off. "Almost got it in one blow," Wabu muttered. He then carefully reached in, and pulled, ripping the connections between head and body. "Hopefully, when law enforcement show up, they'll think his head floated away." "You're scary, you know, right?" said Buzzy. "I've had crazy days before," said Wabu. |
And with that they were taken back to Mother Nature's Realm "Seems I didn't do anything." Buzzy said "Wabu did everything, I was either just watching or what I did do made no difference at all." "Sometimes it is that way." Mother Nature said "People like you with Psychic Shield Ability are rare so we try to recruit as many of you as possible when we require them. Besides for Wabu this was probably 'same old, same old' but you have gotten something greater...You no longer feel like you have to keep doing things you hate just to please others." |
"Look at it this way," said Wabu. "You don't have as much blood on your hands as I do." He looked at Mother Nature. "Let me know when you find someone that can do this professionally, and not someone who'd rather stay retired from what folks call wetwork. I'd rather that folks think that I'm a doddering old tortoise that likes to paint the scenery." |
When Buzzy was returned to Mudville he came in to tell his Boss he was quitting and finally he was free The End! |