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Rated: 18+ · Folder · Horror/Scary · #2257563
Radio station causes man to go crazy
We sat in an Applebee’s just the three of us. Outside a afternoon Florida thunderstorm had formed. Violent streaks of lightning illuminating The parking lot.” So what did you tell
them“ asked Julia?” I told them what we agreed to tell them Mike went crazy killed our boss and a few others before taking his life workplace violence” I said while shrugging.” Yeah no one‘s going to believe that transmissions from some basic 80s station made a man lose it“ this was Eduardo. A long time friend of hours. Who had worked at the plant as long as Julia and I. “ yeah and i’m still wondering how the hell we survived“ I asked?” Basic dumb luck hey are you going to eat those nachos“?” Eduardo you’re an asshole“ Julia said.” Nope I’m feeling lucky and hungry give me them nachos“.” Eduardo order your own mooch.” No it’s OK i’m not hungry” I said sliding the nachos to him and grabbing my vodka and sprite. “ The transmissions they got weirder and weirder do you remember The first one“? Asks Julia“ yeah that the Pittsburg Dolphins had won The Charlie Cup finals” I said.” and I asked what the hell was a CharlieCup ” Eduardo said A small grin on his face.“ they called it something weird too” Said Julia.” Yeah it wasn’t called a hockey team but an icing team“ I said.” And then from there it only got weirder“ Julia said.” Which drove Mike crazy trying to find outwear The transmissions were coming from” I said thinking back to a few weeks ago when this had all started.
It was an regular afternoon at the plant I stood running The machine. On the radio Barry Manilow was singing about how music makes The young girls cry. When it happened again The radio turned to static not thinking much of it I continued to work. When suddenly A 19 40‘s voice announced.“ A Grand day for U.S forces as A successful Capture of Berlin and Moscow has occurred“.” U.S Cardinal George patent had this to say“.” My fellow Americans as God has blessed us with these grand triumphs over our enemies“.” I promise to uphold The promise of Penecostal law in this land”. Than it was over and now some big central Florida lawyer commercial played. I looked around me and spotted Dave Who was giving me a what the fuck look.I looked
Around to see Who else had heard that weird noise prank I wasn’t even sure what it even was. I spotted Eduardo but he was too far away to ask. But I did see Mike Who had A weird look on his face. Which should of been my first sign. Suddenly I hear snapping and I am startled to see The brown fingers of Julia in front of my face.“ Sam Sam come back to us Sam“ she says with a grin. Then I see A chicken wing coming straight for me, and I say“ dammit Edoardo don’t do that“. But I’m grinning and everything is OK.“ do you want it I kind of OU for eating all of your food”?” No I’m good I think I’m going to go home but thanks anyways Eduardo“ I say.
I leave The restaurant getting into my car I started it not turning on the radio. I’ve had enough radio I think as I leave the parking lot, and start driving home finally I reach my apartment complex. It’s a One floor deal which means no upstairs neighbors stomping. I had enough of that back in my old apartment. I climb out of my car and walk into my apartment. Thinking that there was another sign another report this one really scaring Mike. We were at work I was operating as usual Eduardo moving pallets and Dave standing nearby doing QA. On the radio some folk song about ships in Michigan played. I stood thinking about my date night with Lena and if she was going to wear that Black dress I liked. The one with the spaghetti straps that showed off her Latin suddenly I was interrupted Bistatic. Oh shit I thought not again“ grim news today for the West Coast“ A news man suddenly said.” Japanese forces have dropped two nuclear bombs One in Los Angeles and one in San Francisco”.” Among the Dead was governor Mike Collins”.” Who you might remember from this news clip“.” As your governor We will do our best to defend California from the imperialist Japanese“. But I didn’t hear anything after that as my mouth fell open. I grabbed at the machine to steady myself looking around. That was our bosses voice I wanted to shout are fucking bosses voice how!? Suddenly Dave was running by and Edoardo was shouting“ Quick get the first aid kit“! Quickly I turned to see Mike he was laying on the floor out cold. Then suddenly everything was warm confused I

thought was it always this warm did I wet myself then I feel warm lips on mine and it all floods back to me. As I see the beautiful face of Lena her tan skin and dark hair it’s long to all the way to her back, and I think how lucky I am to have her.” Hey babe what’s up“, she says a cute smile on her face. I know it’s rhetorical but I say“ did you see the news“?” Yeah and I’m so sorry sit with me“ she says taking my hard hand with her soft tan one. She leads me to the couch and I sit she sits on my lap. I kiss her pulling her close to me “ oh babe my days been hell“ I say.“ I know it’s all over the news it even made it to that one left wing news network you hate so much” she says giving me a playful kiss.I Sighed and kiss her and pull her in close then the kissing becomes more passionate until we end up making love right there on the couch. After two rounds and a snack I feel better and we cuddle we watch a movie something funny. I hold her I shower I lay down in bed we cuddle and kiss. But my mind is not here instead it’s back on that clip on the damn radio The governor‘s voice it had sounded no it was The voice of Mike. Mike our boss Who was nice but don’t piss him off don’t slack off. Then it hit me like a terrible light in a dark room did everyone’s name end up in an Radio report? Would Edoardo‘s or Julius or dave’s? Or even me was there a me slated to die suddenly I couldn’t sleep. I slipped out of bed and ran to the car. Flinging it open then laughing as I forgot my keys.I went back for them and climbed in.
I started my car this time switching on the radio. With the terrible singing that’ said “785 the love station”. I pulled out of my parking spot not knowing where I was going as I pulled out on to the road. Still hearing nothing I drove and drove by this time I was on A.1.A driving north towards Palm Coast. It had been 10 minutes and nothing so I kept driving. Almost 1 hour and 30 I was cruising through Saint Augustine still nothing. Two hours I was entering Jacksonville towards Nassau County still nothing. I was debating whether to go into Georgia when it happened. A burst of reports that would be hell on me“ Grim news today as Russian forces execute English chancellor Sam Wayne’s he will be missed“.” Dictator Sam Wayne’s eliminates all Jewish people completing the dream of Adolf Hitler. “Terrorist Sam Wayns brought to justice after bombing an Oklahoma“.” Terrorist Sam Wayne’s poisons Ohio River killing thousands declaring God told him to do it“.” No”! Make it stop I scream not like this“! I yell.
We sit in an Applebee’s Julia Lena and I.” What did you tell them I asked“?” I told them a driving accident no one‘s going to believe and 80s Radio station“,” caused my boyfriend to drive into another car”. “Oh lena I’m so sorry ” Julia says rubbing Lena‘s arm with her hand.
“ me too if there’s anything we can do“ Edoardo says. “ I just don’t know why how could this happen“? “ and don’t give me some bullshit answer like it’s God‘s plan or something i’m pissed at God“ lena yells. “ nobody knows” Edoardo starts to say. But Lena isn’t listening as she realizes if the radio station made her man go crazy maybe. Suddenly Lena is standing and running “ Weight“ comes Julia‘s voice. But Lena can’t hear her she can’t hear anything as she pushes Open the Applebee’s doors and runs towards her car.
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