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What the world needs more of is love, caring and sharing.
Minute Missionaries

When I was young, I thought being a missionary was cool. You went to exotic places and meet new people and best of all you were making God happy. As I grew up I found out that it was one of the toughest jobs in the world. Many times missionaries in foreign lands are persecuted. A number of them have even been tortured for a period of time and killed. Some of them live in the jungle or slums in a third world country. Sometimes the are caught in the middle of civil wars. Most of them don't have the basic luxuries that we Americans, who are so blessed that we downright don't know it and take for granted.

         Eventually I realized that we could all be part of the mission field.
         Supporting the expenses of their spreading the word of God.
         Praying for God's people in the mission field. Both missionaries and the people they come in contact with need prayers. Prayers can be that the Holy Spirit leads the encounters and that he puts his hedge of protection around all of them! You may not be able to donate money but you can sure ask God for their funding to be met. We can pray that they all sustain strength to run the race God has set for them. What about them needing strength to turn from temptation and keep their eyes on God and endure till they go to Heaven. Pray for the families of the missionaries here and wherever the are ministering. Pray for all others who affect their ministries in any way. Share their names and work with others who will pray. Don't know a missionary? Pick a country and use that as the connection.
         I'm sure if you ask God and think about it there are many others you can further their missions. What you may not realize is if you spend:
                   6 minutes a day = 2190 minutes or 36.5 hours
                   10 minutes a day =3650 minutes = 60.83hours
                             14 minutes a day = 5110 minutes = 85.17 more than two weeks                              in the mission field.
          An excuse is just a cop out.
Daniel          was busy but he made a point to pray seven times a day. I know if we          really tried we could fit seven 2 minute sessions in somewhere.          
         Pick          seven things you could ask God for them and Pray for one thing in          each 2 minute period.
         Yes,          you can even pray in the shower. God is with you everywhere you go.          Besides it does you good. It helps you to remember God will meet          your needs, but at the same time doesn't want all to be about you.

          Now I know that God uses very special servants to perform such hazardous duties. On the other hand, Gods word tells all of us Christians to witness and spread his word and his overcoming love to the whole world. He wants us purposely to make sure the Gospel is heard and the sick are healed in all nations. God is not a respecter of persons. Neither was Jesus who we are supposed (emulate,mimic, mirror) to replicate.

Awhile back I was contemplating this. I asked God "What can I do. I don't speak another language. I'm to old. I was trying to find a way around it." When I finally stopped whining, God began to talk. He told me that I couldn't do all of that. That's why he gave me a different life training and purpose. It left me at a loss. Why did he say we are all supposed to do this and then tell me that I couldn't? Was their something wrong with me? What did I do wrong?

After much prayer I asked these questions. This time however, I stayed quiet long enough for an answer. God showed me that like a school, everyone's job is seriously. Whether you are a principal, a teacher, an aid or a janitor the school cannot run successfully without each of them. Even the school board has to function correctly if our younger generation is going to learn.

"But God, I have no idea to maintain a school and I'm not educated enough for the other jobs." I could feel Our wonderful and patient Heavenly Father smile. He replied, "That is just an example. In terms of the whole world there are many more positions available." As I pondered his words he showed me many of them.
That's when I became a minute missionary. Missionary, a definition according to wikipedia : relating to or characteristic of a missionary or a religious mission. Do you know that in two 4 minute segments a day you could devote 48 1/2 hours per year to spreading Gods word and love. We can share God' love and his word in so many ways.

I have come up with a few ideas. Are there any needs in your community?
What          about the local government? Do they need to know God to be more          effective in their decisions? What about all of the government          employees in your area? This may include everyone from the garbage          persons to the mayor and city council.
         You          also have county employees. Of course the Federal government and all          of its personnel need a tremendous amount of prayer consistently.          
Are          their any schools in your area? Do the students need God in their          lives? What about the teachers, aides, coaches and principles who          guide them? Of course schools need maintenance and janitors have          needs too. What about the local school board? Do you suppose if they          all have God in their hearts, and their choices lined up with his          word, that the rules, dress code or curriculum would change? Do any          of the kids have family? Great that's another choice.

I          am sure that day cares in your area could use the same          considerations.

What          about the health care professionals and clients at the local cancer          treatment, dialyses treatment, hospital, physical therapy, surgical          or mental health facility? As long as you are talking to God ask          about salvation and Godly wisdom for their friends and family.          

Have          you called or been in any type of a business establishment lately?          Was anyone working? They could use a prayer too. That is something          we never get too much of.          

Do          you know of anyone who is sick or going through a difficult time.          They could use extra prayers right now.          

Something          else God tells us to do is edify the body of Christ (Ephesians 4:12)          and to pray for one another. Pray for unity in the church, the          elders, deacons, church board and church staff. Ask God for a fresh          anointing to fall upon his people and church. Pray for your pastor          who has one of the most difficult and important jobs their are. Pray          for his family because it is one place the devil loves to attack.

Or          you could use the time to call on a sick neighbor. Help an elderly          person load their groceries. Hold the door or elevator for a          handicapped person or a woman with her hands full of kids.          

I          used to drive a lot for work (ugh!). I realized that for several          reasons God had orchestrated it. I kept asking him to change things          but he didn't. Needless to say in a job like that you run up on          traffic jams, wrecks and have to pull over for sirens. I would get          frustrated so bad until one day God said "I put you in this place          at this time for a reason. Do you understand?" I just sat there          dumbfounded for a minute then realized what he meant. From that time          on whenever this happens I immediately pray, then I call a few          people that I know who will also pray and pray some more. I pray for          the emergency vehicle as a point of contact for all calls and          personnel it has had in the past month and all it will encounter in          the next month. I also pray that no one involved or in that comes          within the vicinity shall perish until they have repented and          accepted Jesus Christ to be their Lord and Savior. I don't think          it"s ever too late. In the bible there is a verse about how God          can answer a prayer before you ever know to pray it. Don't worry          though everyone needs prayer whether it is a desperate situation or          not. We do this no matter who might be hearing. In fact you can even          ask them to pray with you. There have been a few occasions when one          of the grandchildren have said Uh Oh! Lets pray.          

Maybe this list will help you start somewhere. Ask our Great Creator The God of the universe, Our Father in Heaven where and how he wants you to start. After all it's your world and your job!

Prayer brings us closer to God.
Commandment to pray without ceasing.
Promotes selflessness
Don't be embarrassed to pray unless you are embarrassed about God. If that's the case have someone pray for you about that dangerous plot of the devil quickly!
God hears and answers the prayers of a righteous man
If we pray for others others will be praying for us and next time that's who it could be!

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