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Rated: E · Fiction · Contest Entry · #2253423
Quotation Inspiration: Official Contest
"I could never in a hundred years get tired of this" - Susan Branch. I wouldn't have believed it, but that's what happened. It was so ridiculous that I was stunned. Donathan W. Matfield, from the big city of Losing Me, Foreverville, Texas, was someone that everyone respected. He went on a roadside trip to a small town called, Catching Me, Louisiana. After driving for many miles, he finally found it. He figured that he would find the woman of his dreams here. He didn't have any idea where or when, but was excited to find out. There was a beautiful woman that he heard about by the name of Sweetie D. Hicklebomb. The residents said that she lived on a farm that had the most beautiful horses. She had a knack for making people feel welcome. Whenever she invited someone over to her place, it was hard getting them to leave. There was an aura about her that drew people to her like a magnet. She had a comfortable place that instantaneously made you feel relaxed. Spotting her riding a horse one day, Donathan just about fell backward when he saw how beautiful she looked. If he was going to win her heart, he knew that he had his work cut out for him. With a plan of action in the making, he decided to proceed carefully by being on his best behavior.

The residents were looking forward to an event in town called "The Enjoyable Turntable Festival". At this event, the people were encouraged to get to know each other by singing, dancing, and reading poetry. Have a lot of fun, in other words. Getting up the courage to talk to her, Donathan thought that this would be the perfect way to do so.

Sweetie was having a lot of fun dancing. Donathan thought that he better start making his move, otherwise, he may not get another chance. He walked over to the gentleman she was dancing with and tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me", he said, "May I have the next dance with the lady?" Almost starting a scuffle from the fellow that she was dancing with, he quietly backed down and let him dance with her. This fellow kind of liked her. Donathan first approached her by saying, "Well, howdy, ma'am, I find it a pleasure to be able to dance with you. My name is Donathan W. Mattfield. You're none other than Sweetie D. Hicklebomb. I was immediately attracted to you when I saw you out on the farm. I was asking around town what your name was. I had a plan of how I would make my entrance. I was wondering, ma'am, if you would like to go out with me again, I would truly be honored if you would." He almost did a backward flip when she responded, "I would sure love to".

The day after the dance, Donathan couldn't believe his eyes how easily his plan had worked. He certainly was on cloud nine. Deciding where he would like to take her, would be his next step. So, if she would want to go out again, he wanted to make it special.

A mere reflection of better days to come was the little creek that ran down to the farm. Running up to the fence, the horses welcomed you with a warm friendly greeting. The calming effect brings tranquility to the mind. A landscape where you can go for solitude is the serene existence of tranquility for the mind. Finding solitude where you can be one on one with God, reading scriptures will give you peace within you that no one can understand. The question that you ask is "Why don't they understand?" The answer is that when you open up the Bible and read the Word of God, you will find inner peace.

Taking Sweetie down to the creek and reading the Word of God to her, is what Donathan decided to do. They rode down to the little on horseback. When their destination was reached, he took the Bible out of the saddlebag and began to read. The first thing that Sweetie did was to contradict the Bible. She wanted nothing to do with it; she had deaf ears when it came to the Bible. When he began to pray, her nerves were calmed, and she felt peace like she never felt before; her whole body was covered. This happened immediately after he prayed. Her insecurities were being transformed; she felt more comfortable and at ease in being more confident and secure. She was overjoyed with excitement; she had respect for him instantaneously when he prayed.

With the knowledge that she was loved by God, Our Creator, she was feeling contentment in her life; she felt satisfaction with great devotion in her heart. The loveliness that was present was in the character she effervesced; she wanted to know more and more about the Lord. Donathan was amazed at all this!

Sweetie and Donathan were enjoying their time together. Donathan felt that it was about the right time to pop the question. He got down on his knees and asked her if she would like to become his wife. She answered yes without any hesitation. Everyone wanted to know what was going on since she had a big smile on her face. She mentioned that she was delighted that Donathan had asked her to be his wife. Everyone was happy for them.

Donathan and Sweetie have been going out together for a few years, they're now engaged, and now it's time to plan their wedding. They wanted to have a big wedding with family and friends around. He thought that they would ride their horses up to the altar, tie them up, and join their hands together in holy matrimony. Dressed in beautiful colors, the bridesmaids would be a delight to the audience. Donathan and Sweetie wanted to exchange their own vows and sing a beautiful wedding song. After exchanging their own wedding vows, the minister would pronounce them man and wife. Then, what everyone wanted to hear, the minister said, "Donathan, you may now kiss the bride".

At the reception, a nice meal and a live band would be there for entertainment. The wedding was a hit. Everyone appeared to be happy; there were no problems that had to be dealt with. No one could ask for anything more.

Something unusual happened when everyone was set to go home. The gas was all drained out of the married couple's vehicle. Come to find out, the gas was drained from all the guests' vehicles as well. Now, the real question was, "What were they all going to do?" All of the gas stations were closed; everyone was stranded. How were they going to get to their motels?" Not far away there was a town named Heroesville. Whoever heard of Heroesville?" What state is it in?" It was in none other than the state of Missouri, Heroesville, Missouri. For what they needed, the name of the city was appropriate. All it took was one phone call. Working together, the residents brought a full tank of gas to each one of them. This was truly a blessing; they didn't accept payment from any of them.

When Donovan and Sweetie went out to their car, they discovered a mysterious person hovering around. They found out that this mysterious person was stalking Donathan. They later found out that it was a woman who was admiring him. She was wearing a mask like one you would see at a Masquerade Ball; she was crazy about him. When her mask was pulled off, it was surprising to find out that it was Sheena Quickster. Donathan had dated her in the past. By trying to pull the wool over his shoulders when she dated him, she ended up seducing him. Donathan didn't want any part of these shenanigans. Before he would think along those lines, he wanted to get to know someone. He was a kind soul who wanted to get married first.

Sheena's insistence in this incident created some problems. When the people tried to get her to leave, she refused to do so. It wasn't fair that Donathan had married Sweetie, because she was the better woman. It took some time, but Sheena was finally escorted off the premises. Donathan and Sweetie were so relieved that everyone was okay.

Finally, everyone got to go home, but were concerned about everything that had taken place. Was this incident really over, or was it just the beginning; time will only tell.

Donathan and Sweetie, now known as Donathan W. and Sweetie D. Hicklebomb-Mattfield, left on their honeymoon to a place called Loverville Lane Island. It was a private resort in Trulove, Hawaii. They were treated like royalty there, and didn't want to go home.

Going about her daily routine, Sweetie heard a knock on the door. "Who could that be?, she wondered. When her thoughts reverberated back to the incident regarding Sheena Quickster, she was a bit frightened. She couldn't help but feel that she could be in some big trouble. "Who's there?", she asked. She had no doubt that it was Sheena Quickster, by the sound of her voice. Cautiously letting her in, she pulled herself together. Sheena sensed tension in Sweetie's voice. In a very soft and polite voice, Sheena asked her where Donathan was. Sweetie was dumbstruck, not knowing to tell her or not. Her instincts told her not to say anything, afraid that Sheena was going to take Donathan away from her.

Donathan noticed another car at their house when he was about to drive up there. Worried that Sweetie was having problems, he proceeded very carefully. He was troubled when he spotted Sheena through the window. "What was she doing there?, he said to himself.

Here is a wrap-up to the story of Donathan W. and Sweetie D. Hicklebomb-Mattfield. Despite the hardships they endured, this was a couple that stayed together. This was a one-of-a-kind couple; they loved each other very much, and their friendship was growing stronger every day. Each day their bond grew closer and closer.

As time went on, they ended up having four kids, two boys and two girls. They named their kids: Everett Jerold Mattfield, Alfonso Jerome Mattfield, Doltonnaya Rashay Mattfield, and Marvalina Maureen Mattfield. Two sets of twins. They were very surprised at how this came about. This event brought much joy to the residents of Catching Me, Louisiana. This was a miracle that nobody in this town ever experienced; the birth of two sets of twins. Their kids were beautiful in their own way. The most amazing thing was that they were two sets of identical twins. They were known to play tricks on people whenever they would get them confused; the twins would act in a role of the other twin. Then, eventually, they would tell the truth, since they couldn't stand telling a lie like that. Bless their little hearts; they learned how to be honest at a tender age. This was a quality that they put first priority on. A valuable lesson was learned here and that was the fact that dishonesty hurts. Honesty pays off in the long run. It's always best when you tell the truth.

2000 Words

Written by Anna Marie Carlson
Sunday, July 27, 2021

© Copyright 2021 Anna Marie Carlson (annamc.poet at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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