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Rated: E · Fiction · Animal · #2252025
The Writer's Cramp Winner 6/7/21

Rabbit and mouse

So they were walking down the path, the rabbit and the mouse. It was a fine day in the woods. Neither spoke to the other. They were companions, in no need of speech.

Suddenly a big brown bear stood in front of them. The bear stood on its legs and growled.

“Stop right there you two! You are my brunch today.”

The rabbit and the mouse stood together.

“I think we will not join you for brunch, bear. We have other plans. But thank you for the invitation,” said the rabbit.

Then rabbit and mouse continued down the path.

Big brown bear sat down in the path, puzzled. He had never had anyone walk away from him before.

As rabbit and mouse continued down this path in the woods, a rattlesnake coiled in front of them.

“I will have you both for a snack today,” hissed the snake. The snake’s tail rattled loudly.

The rabbit and mouse again stood together.

“Perhaps we will take a rain check on that snack, snake. We have other plans. But thank you for the invitation,” said the mouse.

Snake slithered across the path, confused as to what he should do.

Again rabbit and mouse walked further down the path in the woods. Now a lion roared as he jumped out of the shadows.

“Stop! You are my lunch today.” He roared so loud the trees lost their leaves.

Rabbit and mouse stood together, beside each other.

“We must decline your request for us to join you for lunch, lion. We have other plans. But thank you for the invitation.”

Lion stood and watched them leave. He now had no pride, he had been refused.

Rabbit and mouse walked just a bit further down the path in the woods.

A blast of hot air stopped them as a dragon flew down to the path.

“You will be my dessert today, a flambé of mouse and rabbit,” said the fire-breathing dragon.

Rabbit and mouse had a bit of singed fur, but stood together.

“So sorry, but we have other plans for dessert, dragon. Call us in a week or two,” said the rabbit.

Dragon choked on his smoke. He flew into a burnt tree.

Rabbit and mouse continued down the path for a time. Suddenly mouse stopped.

“Do we really have other plans for our meal tonight?” he asked the rabbit.

“No. But I knew I didn’t want to be on the menu.”

W/C 410

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