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A story inspired by shonen manga, particularly One Piece, and Fairy Tail. |
After saving the village from bandits, Aphrodite and her girls headed forward to the next interesting location. Aphrodite, a pale skinned woman of average height, with long wavy pink hair, was wearing a black tank top, white jeans, and black heels. Katana, a tall woman of Asian descent, with long black hair tied into a ponytail with a strip of white cloth, she was wearing white stripes of cloth wrapped around her chest, arms, crotch, and legs, on her hip was her sword resting in its sheath. Rose, a short pale skinned woman, with shoulder length brown hair, she was wearing a yellow dress, and brown boots, on her right hand was a tattoo of a rose. Ember, a brown skinned woman of average height, with short red hair, was wearing a white tee shirt, and a black leather jacket, jeans, boots, and fingerless gloves. Her nails are painted red, and she was wearing red eye shadow. "What is that?" Ember asked, pointing into the distance at a shining white object. After walking a bit further, Rose said. "It looks like a fountain, but for us to be able to see it from here it must be a pretty big one." "Then let's go to the fountain!" Aphrodite cheerfully said, and with that the girls had their next destination. Arriving at the fountain, the girls stared in amazement at how big it was, it was a little over three stories high, as they walked forward the ground changed from dirt to white marble. A sign stood in front of them, it said, 'Welcome to Fountain Town.', behind the sign was two bridges, that went over a moat of water. Crossing the bridge to the left the girls saw the same white marble ground, which was split in half by a river of water, a bridge connected the two halves together. On both sides there were buildings made of the same white marble as the ground, around each building was a square of grass on the ground, with plant and trees growing, a mailbox stood at the edge of the square. At the end of the river was a set of stairs on each side that connected as they went up, the stairs led to a higher level also made of marble with holes in its side, with water flowing out into the moat surrounding it and flowing into the river. On the second level the girls could see more marble buildings, some with signs for clothing, and food. There was another level higher than the second one, at the top was a huge fountain of water that shot into the sky before falling down to the second level. A few people were walking around, others were going in or coming out of the marble buildings, one was in the grass square around a building watering some plants. Looking around Rose said. "It looks like this is the residential district of the town, probably the financial district is up on the next level." "We should probably get some food while we are here." Ember said. With that the girls headed up to the second level. Upon reaching the second level, it looked just like the first, with the ground being separated by a river of water, with bridges connecting the two halves together. The river went to another set of stairs that went up to the top level, where the fountain of water was being shot into the sky before it came back down into a moat that lead back into the river. Aphrodite looked in awe at the fountain top, and ran off into the crowd, Katana chased after her calling out. "Wait, my love!" "There she goes." Ember said. "It looks like I'm stuck with you." "Yeah, I'm so thrilled." Rose said, sarcastically. "Let's look for a grocery store, you have the money right?" "Yup." Ember said, putting her hand into her pocket and bringing out two glittering gold coins. "Two should be enough, right?" "It should, lets get the food, take it home, and then we can explore." Rose said, as she moved toward one of the stores. Rolling her eyes Ember sarcastically said. "Whatever you say boss." Aphrodite, running through the town, followed by Katana, headed to the stairs that lead up to the third level, where the water was being shot to the sky. As she reached the stairs, Aphrodite saw a sign placed right infront of the stairs that said 'No Entry.'. Stoping infront of the sign, Aphrodite let out a sign and said. "I wanted to see were the water was coming out." "It is probably closed to keep people from getting hurt." Katana said after catching up to Aphrodite. Hearing this, Aphrodite started to walk around the sign and climb up the stairs, Katana watched as she did this and asked. "What are you doing, my love?" "You said it was here to keep people from getting hurt, but I don't have to worry about that." Aphrodite said smiling. Before Aphrodite could take another step up a low voice yelled out. "What do you think you are doing?" Both girls turned their heads to see a pale skinned man with short brown hair, the end of his eyebrows continued up until they connected with his hair. The man was wearing a black suit, that had pockets on both sides of the chest, with small white sticks poking out if them, he also had a police badge on the side of his hip. The man stood behind Katana and looked annoyed as he said. "I'll ask you again, what do you think you are doing?" "I'm going to see the top of the fountain." Aphrodite said. The man closed his eyes and let out an exhausted sigh and reached into his chest pocket and pulled out a purple lollipop, that he then put it his mouth. Looking back at Aphrodite he said. "Now, get away from there, or you are under arrest." With a huff, Aphrodite got off the stairs and went back over to Katana. The man stared at the two girls before saying. "If I catch either of you here again, I will arrest you, we clear?" "Yes, officer." Katana said, bowing. "Good." The man said as he turned and started walking away. "Hey, wait!" Aphrodite called out to the man. "What?" The man said, turning around to face the girls. "Can I have one of those?" Aphrodite asked, pointing to the lollipop in the man's mouth. "Please." "No." The man said as he turned and started to walk away again. "Meanie!" Aphrodite yelled. "Come, my love, let us see if we can find you some at a store." Katana said. "Fine." Aphrodite said, and with that the two women headed to the nearest store. After they finished their shopping, Ember and Rose, walked into a building called 'Gunter's Bar'. The inside of the building looked nothing like the outside, which was beautiful white marble, the walls looked like they were made of wood planks, and the only light was coming in through the windows, two on each wall. Circular tables with four chairs per table were set up all around the bar, and on the wall opposite of the door was a bar, behind it were a couple of shelves with bottles of alcohol on them. Behind the bar stood a tall brown skinned man, with short white hair and mustache, he wore a blue shirt, tan pants, and a white apron, with a name tag that said 'Gunter'. The two girls walked to the bar, and sat down, the bartender, Gunter asked. "What can I get you?" "I'll have a beer." Ember said. "That will be two gold." Gunter said. "Will this do?" Ember asked, giving the bartender a glittering gold coin. "Goddess gold." Gunter said. "That will be more than enough." Taking the gold coin from Ember, Gunter bent down under the bar, and straightened back up with a cup of white liquid. Gunter placed the cup in front of Ember, looking at the cup Ember asked. "What is this?" "Milk." Gunter said. "I didn't ask for milk." Ember said, moving the milk aside, in front of Rose. Rose, sitting next to Ember was barely listening to the conversation, as her attention was on the many wanted posters hung up on the right side wall. Looking closer at the posters, Rose noticed they were all of children. "Oh, my mistake." Gunter said, as he bent down under the bar again, this time he placed a juice box in front of Ember. Looking at the juice box in front of her, Ember's red hair started to light on fire as she said. "I asked you for a beer, where is my beer?" "Alcohol is bad for you." Gunter said. "It will destroy your kidneys, this is much safer to drink." "I paid you for a beer, so give me a beer!" Ember yelled, her hair now completely engulfed in flames. "Calm down, hot head." Rose said, as she picked up the cup of milk and poured it over Ember's head, putting out the flames. "What the hell, small fry, you want to start something?" Ember yelled at Rose. Ignoring Ember, Rose said to the bartender. "Excuse me, bartender." "Gunter." Gunter said. "My names Gunter." "Ok, Gunter, what's with the missing person posters?" Rose asked as she pointed to the wall of posters. Ember, milk still running down her face, looked to where Rose was pointing. "I noticed they're all children." "Yes, I'm sad to say we've had many children go missing this last year." Gunter said, putting one hand up to the side of his mouth, and looking around quickly, he bent over the bar right in the girl's faces and said. "I shouldn't tell you this, but I heard that those guys over there have something to do with it." Gunter pointed a finger to the back left corner of the bar, Ember and Rose turned their heads to see who he was pointing to. Sitting at a table where four people, the first was a light brown skinned man, with short brown hair, wearing a black top hat, black pants, and no shirt. Cuddling up to the man was a pale woman with long blonde hair, wearing a white shirt with the phrase 'Bite Me' on it, and pink shorts. Another man had white skin with black spots over his body, he had two long rabbit ears on his head, sprouting from his messy black hair, long whiskers that grow from his cheeks, and big buck teeth, he was wearing a blue shirt and pants. The last man had tan skin and short spiky dark brown hair, he had a mechanical right hand, and was wearing an open orange button up shirt, exposing his bear chest, and blue shorts. "The man in the hat is Fredrick and the rest is his gang." Gunter said. "They're the local troublemakers." Noticing that he's being watched, Fredrick looked over at the bar, and smiled when he saw the girls watching him. Seeing their boss smiling, the other two guys turned to look at the girls, smiling at each other, they stood up and walked over to the bar. Reaching the bar, the tan skinned man wrapped his arm around Rose, while the bunny man wrapped his arm around Ember, the milk finally drying off her. "What are two beauties like you doing here all alone?" The tan skinned man asked. "I'm a bunny man, cheek cheek." The bunny man said "Come with me and I can give you the night of your life, cheek cheek." "Sorry, but we're taken." Rose said. "Yeah, so get your arm off me." Ember said. "I'm sure we could treat you better than any man you have." The tan skinned one said. "Yeah, cheek cheek." The bunny man said. "I'll show you the saying about bunny men is true, cheek cheek." "I said, get your arm off me." Ember angrily said, as her body started to heat up. The bunny man screamed in pain and removed his arm from Ember's shoulder, his arm red and burned. "What the hell, cheek cheek!" The bunny man cried. "You burned me, cheek cheek." "I'll roast you alive, if you and your friend don't leave us alone." Ember threatened, putting her hand in front of the bunny man, and igniting it on fire. Taking his arm off Rose the tan skinned guy, walked over to the bunny man and said. "We'll leave you girls alone." The two men walked back over to their table and sat down. Rose got out of her seat, turned to Ember, and said. "Come on, let's go find Dite." "Fine, not like I'm getting my beer anytime soon." Ember said, getting out of her seat, glaring at Gunter. As the two girls headed to the exit, they passed by Fredrick's table. Fredrick smiled as they passed and said. "You two should watch yourselves out there, never know who may be around the corner." "Is that a threat?" Ember asked. "No, just some friendly advice." Fredrick said, the blonde woman cuddling up to him giggled, then said. "Won't want you to go missing." Rose and Ember looked at each other before they headed out the door of the bar. Aphrodite and Katana exited a candy store called 'Sweet Tooth Decay', Aphrodite holding a big rainbow colored lollipop, a childlike smile on her face as she licked it and said. "This is delicious, are you sure you don't want some, Katana?" "Yes, I am fine." Katana said. "I do not care for sweets." "Your loss." Aphrodite said, as she continued to happily lick her big lollipop. "We should find the others, it is getting dark." Katana said. The two girls started walking away from the store when they heard a man say. "Please Mayor, you have to have some news, my son, he's been gone for months now." The two girls looked around and saw and middle aged man with short blue hair, wearing a black shirt, blue pants, and white shoes. The man was talking to an elder man with short gray hair, and a nose that seemed to be too big for his face, he was wearing a yellow button up shirt with red and blue poka-dots, white pants, and black shoes. The big nose man said. "I'm sorry Peter, but we still haven't found any clues to where the missing children have gone." Katana and Aphrodite walked toward the two men and Katana asked. "Where was your son last seen?" The two men turned their heads to look at the two women standing in front of them, Peter said. "We were at the park, I looked away for one second and he was gone, that was three months ago." "We have checked the park, but there has been no trail." The big nose man said. "I don't believe I know you two, I'm Mayor Youth." "Has anyone told you, you have a big nose." Aphrodite said. "My love, that is not polite." Katana said. "That's alright." The Mayor laughed. "And you have a big lollipop." "Yeah, that mean guy wouldn't give me one of his, so we had to go buy one." Aphrodite said. "I assume you are talking about William." The Mayor said. "He is our chief of police." "Anyway, I am Katana, and this is Aphrodite." Katana told the Mayor. "We just arrived here earlier today." "Well welcome to Fountain Town." The Mayor said. "I hope you've enjoyed your time here." "This place is so cool!" Aphrodite said. Turning her attention back to Peter, Katana asked. "You said your son been missing for three months?" "Yes." Peter said. "And I overheard you say that you had no clue as to where the missing children have gone." Katana said. "Children, not child." "Yes, this is not the first missing child case we have had this year." The Mayor said. "The police have been looking everywhere "We'll help you look." Aphrodite said with a smile. "Really, you'll help." Peter said. "You really don't have to get involved in this town problems." The mayor said. "It is fine." Katana said. "Once my love has her mind set on something, nothing will change it." "Ok, then I hope you have better luck then we've had." The Mayor said. "Sorry to cut this conversation short but I must be going, good night." The Mayor turned and walked away, leaving Aphrodite, Katana, and Peter still standing around. Peter said. "Thank you for helping, please let me help you, I own a hotel and you are welcome there for free while you look for my son." "Thank you, but that will not be necessary." Katana said. "We have our own place to stay." "You do?" Peter asked. "Yes, once our other friends get her, we can go." Katana said. "Dite!" A voice called out. The girls and Peter, looked around and saw Ember and Rose, running toward them. When they got to Aphrodite they went in to hug her, but stopped when they saw her holding her big lollipop. Ember asked. "Why do you have that?" "It's the most delicious thing ever!" Aphrodite said. "Do you want some?" "No, I'm good." Ember said. "Have you two heard about the missing children?" Rose asked. "Yes, and we have agreed to help them search." Katana said. "Yes, and all of us in the town thank you." Peter said. "Whose the guy?" Ember asked. "This is Peter, one of the missing kids is his son." Katana said. "If you need anything while you are here, don't hesitate to ask." Peter said. Aphrodite yawned and Rose said. "I think we should head back, it's getting late and we've been walking around all day." "Right, let us go." Katana says. With that Aphrodite and Rose disapeared into a swirling portal. Before Katana and Ember could go in, Peter asked. "How did they do that?" "It is a portal to a pocket universe." Ember said, as she held up her arm, and pulled down the sleeve of her jacket to reveal a gold bracelet. "This bracelet let's us go in and out of the portal." "Once we go into the portal, we can exit back to the same location we entered." Katana explained. "That is, unless the one wearing the bracelet is still outside the portal, then the ones inside will exit next to the one wearing the bracelet." "Make sense?" Ember asked. "Not really." Peter said. "Well, it don't really have too, I guess." Ember said as Katana stepped into the portal, Ember followed behind, and the portal closed, leaving Peter standing there not sure that what he saw was real. Inside the portal the girls stood in a large house, Katana turned and asked Rose. "Did you guys get more food?" "Yeah, it's already in the kitchen." Rose said. The girls went into the kitchen and had dinner before they went into the bedroom. The bedroom was big with pink walls and a large bed. Aphrodite approached the bed and her clothes began to change, her normal clothes were replaced with her pink pajamas, once dressed she got up onto the bed. Ember and Rose's clothes also changed, Embers normal clothes were replaced with a black tee shirt and white panties, Rose's dress was replaced with a yellow nighty. Katana was the only on who did not change her clothes, instead just swapped her clothe out for fresh ones. After all the girls were dressed for bed, they all climbed on the bed with Aphrodite, Ember on her right, Katana and Rose on her left. Embraced by her girls Aphrodite fell asleep with a big smile on her face. Chapter notes: This is the start of my first story arc, and I'm having so much fun writing it. The idea for fountain town started with it being just a town with a big fountain in the middle, but I thought that would be too boring, so I made the town the fountain. I decided it was time to explain the living situation for the characters, the idea for the pocket dimension was inspired by Fire Emblem Fates. Here are some lore stuff: Goddess gold, is gold that gods use, it is worth 100 pieces of mortal gold. Bunny men & Bunny women are one of the many sub human species in this world. The are like normal humans except they have rabbit ears instead of human ears, buck teeth, whiskers, and small fluffy tails. They can have the same hair colors and skin colors as normal humans, but almost always have patterns on their skin. As always, if you have any criticism please let me know. Also I would like to have some input on the relationship between the girls. Right now I have it where the other girls are in love with Aphrodite, but she doesn't act on it, but I want to know if people would prefer if they were all her official girlfriends, having her refer to them as such and maybe even having them kiss. I don't want to just do that because I don't want people to see it as some lez smut story, but if anyone actually reads and like this it would be good to have some options. |