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An interactive tribute to Star Trek PBEM/Forum RPG |
For those of you who are unaware, there exists on the internet several groups of writers who collectively write fanfiction based in the ever expanding Star Trek universe. This was usually accomplished with each writer being in charge of one to three characters, and one writer serving as "gamemaster," who would set the plot as well as writing the Captain and other significant characters. Most of these collective writing experiences involved unique characters set in a Star Trek universe who at best had tenuous connections to the characters seen on the screen. For example, you might have a character who took an engineering class at the Academy from Miles O'Brien, but never a character who was related to him, was his best friend (after Bashir, of course), served with/under/over him. etc. So I decided to create this interactive as an attempt to recreate the fun I had writing with other writers to create unique stories in the Star Trek universe. So here are the rules: 1) Original characters please! -- Don't write a character who appeared in any Star Trek episode or movie, or one who has a significant relationship with such a character (familial, etc.) 2) Keep it canon -- Canon. I have seen that one little word cause major discord and falling out among writers. In 2007, CBS Consumer Products' Senior Director of Product Development Paula Block defined Star Trek canon as what was seen on movie and television screens, adding that licensed products weren't canon. Of course, as I understand it, when it came to the animated series, creator Gene Roddenberry didn't consider any of the episodes canon with the exception of Yesteryear. I'm told (though I never read this myself), that one of the writers for Picard considered one of the prequel comic adaptations more canon than what eventually ended up on screen. As for me, what I mean by "keep it canon" is to make sure that whatever you add is consistent to the previous entries on the thread you're adding to. If someone started a thread with an interpretation that you don't like, don't try to hijack that thread in a different direction that matches your interpretation. 3) No "more choices" options -- I absolutely hate seeing an interactive with 100 chapters, and 95 of them are all on one thread, with all of them being a list of choices that NO ONE ever goes back to backfill. I really don't want to see that here. 4) No crossovers -- To the best of my knowledge, the only two "official" crossovers seen on the screen were in the original series episode Assignment: Earth (which was supposed to have served as a potential pilot for a show involving Gary Seven and Roberta Lincoln) and the animated series episode "The Slaver Weapon" (featuring the Kzinti from from Larry Niven's Known Universe). All other crossovers have been in licensed products. So, my preferences are no crossovers, which includes the Kzinti. However, threads concerning the Aegis and their human operatives will be allowed. Also, if someone wants to try to work in the Thermians from Galaxy Quest, I'll allow that. But no Kzintis. 5) Superheroes and omnipotent beings need not apply -- The primary character in the thread being followed shouldn't be an augment. Q, Organian, rescued Borg, etc. 6) Just because it's 18+ doesn't mean it has to be 18+ -- The 18+ rating is to allow adult themes to be explored, if the thread evolves in that direction. It doesn't mean you need to feel the need to move a story immediately to an 18+ rating. Also, there are some fetishes seen explored in the interactives on WDC that you just have never seen or will never see on a Star Trek episode. So please don't add them here. 7) Write in the second person perspective -- In the second person perspective, the reader becomes the main character and is addressed as "you" throughout the story. 8) Final say -- I reserve the right to edit or delete entries as I feel necessary, I also reserve the right to add rules as I see necessary. I'll try to do so sparingly. 9) Have fun -- 'Nuf said |