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When the parents disappear, four siblings go looking for them. They want to know why too. |
Why is the Light Still On? A hand and forearm reach out through a lighthouse to swat a helicopter as it approaches it. When that happens, the helicopter losses control as it spins out of control away from that lighthouse. It doesn’t take the helicopter too long before Brandon regains control of it and heads back toward that lighthouse. Suddenly, the helicopter stops because the hand is swatting the sky all around it. “I don’t think that they want us to come here.” “No, really! What makes you think that?” Nora asks. Brandon moves their helicopter away from the hand that barely scraps a finger against it. “The hand that’s trying to kill us is what I’m thinking.” Nora turns her head toward Brandon from the chair next to him on that helicopter. “So, what are we going to do now? It doesn’t look like that hand is going to let us come any closer to this lighthouse.” “That’s one of the reasons why I have stopped,” says Brandon. “I don’t know what to do now.” Just then, the hand and arm start returning to that lighthouse. But just before it gets there it jets back out again. Only this time it’s not swatting. It grabs hold of that helicopter and begins pulling it into that lighthouse. Brandon tries to get away from that grip. But he can’t as they are pulled into that lighthouse. # Gregory grabs the tablet away from Michael. “Would you stop looking at that video.” “I want to know how we got it and why,” says Michael. “And I think that I am close to seeing what it is.” “So am I,” says Susan as she leans in between Gregory and Connie in the front of the helicopter they are on. And points to where they are headed. ~~Image #2245597 Sharing Restricted~~ Susan pulls her finger back as everyone leans forward to see what she is pointing at. “We are almost there.” “I understand why we are going here,” says Connie. “But why do we have to do it at night.” “For the same reason, our parents have done it,” says Gregory. “To see that the lighthouse light is still on.” Their helicopter suddenly stops. Then lands among the rocks and boulders in front of that lighthouse. The four siblings get out of the helicopter and stand beside each other as they stare at where they are going. All four are shaking. And it’s not because of the wind that isn’t there. “Is that a graveyard over there?” Susan points again. “Yes, it is. That’s where we are going next to get to our parents,” answers Gregory. Connie looks at Gregory with a shocked look on her face. “Why are we going into a graveyard at night?” Gregory starts walking toward that graveyard. “Because I think that’s the fastest way to get to our parents.” # Suddenly, the four siblings stop in front of the door of that lighthouse. They all look up at the light from it that they can barely see from where they are at. All they can see is the beam from it as it goes around in a circle several more times before they return to looking at the closed door. “It doesn’t look like this door has been opened in a very long time,” says Michael. “I’m not surprised about that since most lighthouses aren’t used anymore.” “This is one of them,” continues Susan. “Because of radar and sonar, it hasn’t been needed for centuries. It hasn’t been until a few years ago when it started lighting this area again.” Gregory looks at Michael and Susan. “How do you know so much about this lighthouse?” “Because we did a whole lot of research on it when our parents came here almost six months ago,” answers Michael. “We wanted to know everything there is about it before we came here too.” “Twelve and ten,” says Connie. “I’m not surprised you still like doing research. You’re at that age. Wait until you are thirteen and fifteen like me and Gregory, you won’t want to do it anymore.” Susan doesn’t respond to what Connie has said. She just goes up to the door there to open it. she’s about to do that when a female ghost sticks her head and upper body through that door. “You are an uninvited guest. You’re not wanted here. Go away before you end up like one of us.” # The female ghost slowly does a half-circle behind the four siblings. They turn to see what is happening. What they see are a lot of ghosts there now. Most are just standing there facing the same direction that the four siblings are. But quite a few of them can be barely seen in the shadows. Michael is now looking at the single ghost at the door. “That is the hand that grabbed our parents in that video we mysterious got a few days ago.” “How do you know that’s the same hand?” Gregory asks. “All the ghosts I have seen so far look the same to me.” “I don’t know how I know it is the same one,” answers Michael. “But after watching that video a million times, I’m sure that it is.” The other three siblings turn to face the single ghost too. “Whether it’s the same hand or not, it doesn’t matter. We have come to get our parents,” says Connie. “And we aren’t going to leave here without them.” “They may have something to say about that,” says the single ghost. The four siblings turn back toward the other ghosts as she swipes her finger behind them. The ghosts have also turned toward the four siblings. And they are now walking toward them. Even the ones in the shadows have left those shadows to join the others as they start getting closer to the siblings who are slowly backing away from them. # All four siblings turn and run toward the door. But it is Michael who opens it. Only the doorknob just dissolves. Then the rest of the door dissolves too. The single ghost is still there. But now all of her can be seen as the siblings run right through her. Suddenly, Gregory stops in the middle of that room. He is almost knocked down as the other three siblings run into him. “The door isn’t the only thing that hasn’t been used in a very long time,” says Gregory. Gregory and his siblings slowly look around the room that they are in now. “I think that we should check out the basement first,” says Connie. “I thought that this was the basement,” responds Susan. “If lighthouses even have basements.” “They don’t,” says Gregory. “At least I don’t think that they do.” Michael walks toward the two generators there with the other three right behind him. “I think that this is the Generator Room. From the research that I and Susan have done, that’s what this room is called.” “That’s something else that’s weird about this place,” says Connie. “These generators aren’t on. So, why is the light in this light still on?” “I want to know why the light is on here too,” answers Gregory. “But the first thing we need to do is find our parents. Once we do that can find out what’s going on here.” # Gregory grabs Michael to stop him as he heads for the spiral staircase there. “I think that it’s best if we stay together to find them.” Michael turns to face Gregory. “look,” says Michael as he points to something behind Gregory. “The door is back.” Just then the single ghost walks through that door. Followed by several others. Soon that room is filled with ghosts as they push the four siblings toward that spiral staircase. “What are you doing here,” says Gregory as the four siblings start walking up that staircase backward. The four siblings stop just after they reach the next floor. They look back to see that the ghosts haven’t gone beyond that staircase. “Why are they following us?” “I think that we are about to find out why they are doing it, Michael,” answers Connie as she looks at the open door next to them. “True, I don’t know what kind of a room that it is. But I think that it’s a kitchen.” Susan runs past Connie into the kitchen. “I hope that it is because I’m starving.” “You are always hungry,” says Nora. Susan turns around as her three other siblings run into that kitchen. “What took you so long to get here?” Brandon asks. “We sent you that video over a month ago.” Michael smiles at his parents. “So, you’re the ones who sent us that video.” “Why did you send it to us?” Gregory asks. “Because we want us to be a family again,” answers Nora. “And we can’t be that unless you are here too.” Word Count = 1,476 |