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Rated: E · Poetry · Teen · #2246623
J-SMRT The Haiku
I am Hartmo rumor
You are the darkness bo staff glow
We are together

Envy ivy deep
Rouge and rogue tata
I am becoming

Soft parade and tourtettes
Hiver the lemma
Oung baedmae semper hum tata

Shiver the madness
Dark bo becoming power
Ouio Sera Victro Hung

Om rei ting Schwalbert
Temper to unit mother
Act in dovesmeat bland

Herrdura pigmy
Demura bourgoise
An 261.8

Apple Eden Sith
Em John Swart Destroyer Worlds
I am darkness bh'o

voices calling from
wind and grove! Your song, which seems
overflowing with pain's

crest, gave me a
tormented sleep in the hour,
nocturnal and then

, like mine, you seemed to
twilight-laden song

from the depths of being,
in you the essence of dumb
things flame.Enigmatic,

high hymns, are you a
question, a groan — a cry lament
ation from the round

of world? [in]finity
a spirit dwells:out of the course o[f]
everything a woe-

He tempts no more, has
no jewels. Shines with grit and lust
for battle.His look…his

kiss is short and burn
His seed now shot from holy
shaft.He pushes into

pain and danger.filled
yearning sprouts — it is a
sigh of freedom from thralls

of being.The cries be
ing are cries torrent,voices
from hate, forest, mountain valley,

the blessed one of my
soul captive souls! thanksgiving
freedom anaktam pastm

Prefect 304
Myst bus 381 star star
Earthbound coming down

This is the the first thing that I wrote. This is the next thing I wrote in Diana's house. This was authored in Courtney's Den.
© Copyright 2021 Paul Regan (shangtsungmak at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2246623-The-Poem-Batula-By-Noil-AKA-Real-Howl-2