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Deciding not to run for re-election in 2021 |
IT's A WRAP! I am Not Running for Re-election! I have been looking for the time to write this message to family, friends, residents, and supporters. I have found the time, and I will try to keep this short (a longer version later). On March 2, I formally announced that I would not seek re-election as Mayor of the great little City of Mount Rainier, MD. I did it with some hesitation, but with the serious resolution that it was time to walk away, and walk away, I did. It has been a pleasure and an honor to serve as Mayor of this City. It was my goal to become mayor and make a difference in the City that rejected my entry. When I arrived on December 13, 1968, I was at home at last. I had lived in DC for three full months and hated every minute of it. Then I found this cool little country town, and the rest is history. Since arriving, I have raised my children, the neighbors' children, and held on to few that were neither. I have met so many people from across the state of Maryland in my capacity as Councilmember and Mayor that it would take a book to just list all of the names. For me, that might be the reason that I lasted so long as Mayor -- meeting so many wonderful people. Not being able to keep up with all of those people are seeing them may also be my greatest sadness for leaving office. For the record, I believe that I accomplished many of my goals, plus some that were not goals. The City of Mount Rainier has not only become "A City on the Move," but a destination. It is no longer an unknown quiet suburban town or bedroom community. It is a destination for many moving to the DMV. So, if you didn't come to the City while I served as Mayor, maybe you will come sometime in the not so distant future, and I will happily give you the Malinda Miles' tour of her great little City of which she is so very proud to be a small part of its history. Thank you to everyone that supported and voted for me over the years. Thank you to William Miles, who first told me that I should run for Mayor when we first moved into our home at 423` 29th Street. Most of all, thank you to my Mother, Florence H. B. Williams, and my four adult children, Shalinda White, William Miles II, Nneka Barnes, and Ashika Williams, for being in "on-demand service and support throughout this long journey. Without this built-in campaign operation, I am not sure that I could have made the cut. I also must give some credit to some folks who were my other family for more than 20+ years at the National Education Association (NEA), who taught me about organizing and campaigning and get my message across. If it had not been for them, my first campaign would not have gotten off the ground. All of you know who you are on that other very long list. THANK YOU. I would be totally derelict in my duties if I did not give the loudest shout-out to my grandchildren and great-grandchildren who came along and pitched right in to promoting and keeping me in the mayor's position. They still make me smile, thinking about them campaigning and promoting their grandmother for Mayor. When I told them that this run was over and that I was not running for Mayor this year, one of them said, "You can't do that. You have been Mayor all of my life. What am I supposed to say about your now?" Believe it or not, many have asked what they should call me now because many of them have only known me as Mayor Miles since coming to the City sixteen years ago. That one is much easier than the grandchildren's one. I was born Malinda. My Mother had that name picked out for me before I was conceived. However, I have been told by every previous mayor that I have met or currently know that once a mayor always a mayor, so I guess you can still call me Mayor Malinda Miles. The formal and formal address will always be the honorable or your honor. Although November 2019, in the immigration court in Baltimore, the judge looked at me and stated for the record, "You are in my court, Mayor, and I be damned if I am going to call you your honor!" So, obviously, what you call me will depend on where you are coming from, but just don't call me late for the party, casino, or out of my given name, and I promise you will be on solid ground. LOL Finally, to answer what will I do with me, now that I will not be Mayor. I will still be me. LOL, again. I have and still am considering moving back to Georgia or Florida, but that is my distant future. I will not be at City Council meetings every 1st and 3rd Tuesday. I will for a while participate in SOME of the Zoom meetings, but not ten or more a day to keep up on what I need to know for the City. I will get off of many boards, committees, commissions, and other groups and become much more selective in the ones I sit on. In short, I will continue to live in Mount Rainier and stay connected to my family, neighbors, friends, and associates. Thank you to everyone for the ride of my life over the past fifty-plus years in this great little City, Mount Rainier, Maryland. |