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A picture book about two friends on an adventure to MOOlight Mountain. |
[LAYOUT DETAILS]: The first scene is one page [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: We are looking down and to the east at a forest with a bunch of little creatures in the trees and on the ground. There are puffy clouds dotting the sky and the sun is blocked by some of the clouds (the sun is blocked by clouds on every page until that changes). Near the bottom right corner we see Elle Emenopeed who is a black caterpillar type creature whose body is a chain of spheres with colorful letters all over the spheres. The important letters are on her back where the first sphere after her head has an 'E', the back of the second sphere is blank, the back of the third sphere is an 'L' and the back of the fourth sphere is an 'E'. There are also random letters on the sides and bottoms of the spheres on her body. She's always smiling and friendly looking. She's on the ground looking out of the page at the reader [DIALOGUE]: : "Psssst! Hello! Down here!" ------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one full page [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: We are now zoomed in on Elle with trees in the background. There are funny looking creatures in the trees in the background. Elle is looking out of the page at the reader. [DIALOGUE]: : "Hi there! My name is Elle Emenopeed, but my friends call me Elle. I'm going on an adventure to MOOnlight Mountain to find a hidden treasure. Do you like adventures? Why don't you come along, we'll have a great time! We just need to find my best friend Sunny to join us." -------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene two pages wide [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: On the left page we have Elle coming out of the forest. On the right page we see a small hill with a door on it and Sunny coming out of the door. The door has the aleph naught symbol on it (picture at the bottom of this slide). Sunny is a sunflower whose flower pot is like his pants held up with suspenders (straight in the front, crossed in the back with smiley faces on them), he has stick figure legs coming out of the bottom of the pot (wearing untied running shoes with lightning bolts on the sides) and he has arms coming off the stem. His pot has a small hook on the side of it that will hold his watering can after he picks it up. There is a watering can next to the door that he is reaching for as he is coming out of the door. There is one line coming from his mouth going to his speech text and another line that goes back into the door. He's looking at Elle. [DIALOGUE]: : "Ahhh geez, not again" : "Sunny! Sunny! Are you ready for another big adventure? We're going to MOOnlight Mountain!" --------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: We see Sunny and Elle together. Sunny now has the watering can hanging from the hook on his pot. Sunny looks frustrated, maybe a little scared. Elle is happy as always, a big smile on her face, she just looks excited to see her friend. Sunny is holding her face close to his. [DIALOGUE]: : "Elle, you need to listen to me carefully....we're not where you think we are...we're trapped in a story book!." : "Oh Sunny, you know why I love you? Because your imagination is as wild as mine. That's why we're so good at adventures together! And this one is going to be the biggest adventure we've ever had! And you're right...one day people are going to write stories about our grand adventures." --------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: TBD [DIALOGUE]: : "No, Elle, I mean we are literally in a story book right now. Haven't you noticed that a lot of the things in this place are a little crazy? Like don't you think it's weird that I just walked out of a door in the middle of nowhere?" : "Hahahaha, I don't there's anything strange about walking through doors Sunny. Great explorers go through doors all the time, that's how they find new places and make sense of the old ones. And you and I are the best explorers!" : "OK, that's not what I..." --------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: Elle and Sunny are in front of a garden surrounded by a wodden fence. In the garden is a bunch of 'Party Thyme'. They are Thyme plants and some of them have party hats on and balloons, some are shooting off fireworks. They all look like they're having a great time with some yelling "wooo" and some saying "Party!". They're all smiling and yelling except for one in the middle whose balloon is mostly deflated and it doesn't look happy, his leaves are a little droopy. Sunny is frustrated trying to explain to Elle. Elle is waving to the Party Thyme. [DIALOGUE]: : "See Elle, look at the Party Thyme. They're always having a party, day and night, never ending. Real thyme doesn't have parties, it just grows quietly in the garden." : "I think you could learn a lot from the Party Thyme Sunny. They're always living life to the fullest! It would be weird if they didn't do that...You can't make Thyme stand still in that magnificent garden!" : "Hey guys, lookin' good!" -------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This page is split in two panels (two different scenes), one at the top of the page, one at the bottom. The separator between the panels is slightly diagonal. [SCENE DESCRIPTION - TOP]: In the top scene, Elle and Sunny are walking away from the party Thyme in the background (we are looking at them almost head-on but a little to the side) and talking to each other. [DIALOGUE – TOP PANEL]: : You need to believe me Elle, we're in an ACTUAL storybook, I just know it. : MOOnlight Mountain awaits! We need to hurry to catch the bus so we can get to the boat house. [SCENE DESCRIPTION - BOTTOM]: In the bottom scene we see them from the side talking. There is an airplane in the background with pig faces in the plane windows. Sunny is looking up at the plane with wide eyes, Elle is looking ahead [DIALOGUE – BOTTOM PANEL]: : We're not going to find anything real on MOOlight Mountain or anywhere else. Nothing happening in this book is even possible. : Everything great is impossible before it becomes possible, Sunny. That's what real adventures are about! -------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: Elle and Sunny are at Punctuation Station. We are looking at them from behind (they are both looking into the page). The station is just a big sign on two posts. The sign says "Punctuation-Station?!" (the title has quotation marks around it) with the subheading "Get to where you're going; period...". Sunny is pointing with his thumb over his houlder at a few ants by a small ant hill and the ants have marshmallow bodies carrying pieces of chocolate. Below the sign is a small school bus that only has one bench seat behind the driver, but the rest of it looks like a normal school bus. Deloris theSauraus is in the driver's seat and the Piper Dogs are on the seat behind her. Deloris is an old lady dinosaur and the piper dogs are small dogs dressed in tartan with tartan berets and bagpipes. [DIALOGUE]: : "We don't even have any money to take the bus Elle. Also, those ants are made of marshamllows...not real" : "You don't need money to take a bus Sunny, you just need to have a place to go" -------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: Elle and Sunny are getting on the bus. We are inside the bus looking toward the back of the bus from the very front inside the bus in front of the bus driver. The bus driver is Deloris theSeauraus. She is a dinosaur that is like a cross between a hippo and a dinosaur. She wears glasses with a chain on it and has a name tag that says Deloris theSauraus. The bus only has one bench seat behind the driver that fits 4 people. In the seat, the piper dogs are currently sitting. One of them is a dog and one is a cat. They are both dressed as pipers with tratan shirts and kilts as well as tartan berets. They each have bagpipes. Sunny is looking back at the seat/piperdogs with confusion and Elle is talking to Deloris [DIALOGUE]: : "Hi! My name is Elle, and this is my best friend Sunny. We're going to the Great Shark Lake" : "Welcome aboard! My name is Deloris theSaurus, I'll be your driver today. Please have a seat and we'll get going." ------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page slit into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: Same view as the last page. Now Elle and Sunny are sitting with the piper dogs on the bench seat. They sit from left to right: Elle, Angus Piper Dog (dog), Sunny, Haggis Piper Dog (cat). Deloris is just facing forward driving the bus. Elle is looking over at Angus. Sunny has his arms crossed looking at Haggis. [DIALOGUE (Top Panel)]: : "Nice to meet you. My name is Elle Emenopeed, I'm a Letterbug from the Tree Forest. That's my best friend Sunny" : "Nice to meet you lads! I'm Angus Piper Dog and this is my brother, Haggis Piper Dog. We're bus-riding pipers" : "Haggis Piper Dog? But you're a cat...you can't be a Piper Dog if you're a cat..." : "Aye, I'm a cat...You think a cat can't play the pipes laddie? Hit it Angus!" [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: The Piper dogs are playing the pipes, elle has her head up smiling like she's dancing. There are music notes all around them. Deloris has her head pointed up kind of like Snoopy when he dances with a smile on her face. Sunny looks upset, he's staring straight ahead (not looking at the reader) and he's pulling down on his petals like they're pigtails : "I love my job" -------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: Elle and Sunny are off the bus and the bus is driving away in the distance with musical notes all around it. Sunny and Elle are walking and talking to each other. Sunny has a surprised look on his face, he has his hands out toward Elle with his palms up. Elle looks pensive. There's also a plane flying overhead in the background. All the passengers are pigs. [DIALOGUE]: : "First of all, that bus ride was ridiculously short. We could have just walked here. Second, cats don't play bag pipes....dogs don't play bag pipes. That's not normal. Elle, things like that only happen in story books. You know that wasn't normal..." : "You know Sunny, I think I actually agree with you. There was nothing normal about th -------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page slit into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: Elle and Sunny are facing each other. Elle has an excited look on her face like she's yelling with joy. Sunny has his head down doing a face palm. [DIALOGUE]: : "Yeah....yeah, that Piper Dog music wasn't normal...it was PURE MAGIC!" [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: We are now looking at them partially from behind (isometric) as they are walking down a path toward a lake with a boat. Elle looks like she's singing and dancing with music notes around her. Sunny is still face palming. : "What is happening.." --------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: Elle and Sunny are at the shore next to a boat where Captain Fins is standing. Captain Fins is a friendly shark with a captain's hat standing on his tail (no arms, no legs just a cartoon shark). Elle is smiling as always. Sunny looks nervous. [DIALOGUE]: {CAPTAIN FINS}: "Welcome to the Great Shark Lake! My name is Captain Fins. Are you looking for a boat ride?" : "Yes please! We're going to Upside Town." : "Boat ride??? But Elle, I can't swim...and I don't want to sail over a lake of sharks..." [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: Looks very much like the top scene with a slightly different view. [DIALOGUE]: {CAPTAIN FINS}: "No worries little seedling! We have plenty of floatation devices and the lake is only shaped like a shark. The only things swimming in this lake are regular old game fish like trout and bass. Nothing to worry about!" ------------------------------------------ [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: Elle, Sunny, and Captain Fins are on the boat sailing on the lake. Captain Fins is wearing a life jacket and water wings on both his side fins and his back fin. Sunny is wearing a little purple inner tube around his pot with little yellow anchors painted all over it. Sunny is watering himself with his watering can, still looking nervous and he's looking away from Elle and Captain Fins. Elle is talking to Captain Fins. Captain Fins is steering the boat and looking at Sunny with a confused face. Below the boat in the water are 2 fish playing cards. Their dialogue is in air bubbles in the water. [DIALOGUE]: : "Sunny waters himself when he gets too nervous. Even great adventurers like him get nervous sometimes." {Left Fish}: "Go fish" {Right Fish}: "I thought we were playing crazy 8's?" {Left Fish}: "We are, it's your turn...you're like a goldfish" -------------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: Elle, Sunny, and Captain Fins are still on the boat sailing on the lake. Sunny is still watering himself and they are all looking to the right. Captain Fins is pointing. Sunny now looks confused. [DIALOGUE]: {Captain Fins}: "We're almost there. You can see the Walter Wheel over there, that's the power station for Upside Town." : "….Walter Wheel?" ------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: Elle and Sunny are getting off the boat looking at the Walter Wheel in the background. In the background there is a big cliff next to the lake with a waterfall falling over it. Next to the waterfall at the bottom of the cliff is a building with a big wheel on the side of it. There is a hamster named Walter running in the wheel with sweat splashing off him. Next to the wheel at the bottom of the waterfall is a big bottle like you would see on a hamster cage with a straw that Walter is trying to drink from while he's running. The top of the bottle is open and the waterfall spills entirely into it. Captain Fins is shouting toward Walter. [DIALOGUE]: {CAPTAIN FINS}: "Hello Walter! How's work today?" [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: Now zoomed in on Walter in the wheel. He looks sweaty and his feet are blurred because he's running so fast. His lips are a little stretched out in front of him trying to reach the straw at the bottom of the bottle. : "Can't talk...gotta run real fast...can't stop" ------------------------------------ [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: Elle and Sunny are on a road, you can see the boat with Captain Fins on it in the distant background sailing away. We also see the Walter Wheel in the distant background. Sunny is talking, Elle is looking at him. Sunny's watering can is back on his pot hook. [DIALOGUE]: : "Piper dogs? Walter Wheels? Elle, you're my best friend, but if you still can't see we're in a storybook, you're cra..." [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: Close up on Sunny and Elle's faces. Elle is hugging Sunny and has her nose tucked in his petals because she's smelling his petals. Elle has a huge smile. Sunny has another confued look on his face. : "...what are you doing?" : "Unlike you, I like to take time to stop and smell the flowers…mmmm smells like friendship!" : "...let's go." ---------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene two pages wide [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: We see the road Elle and Sunny are on stretching toward a city (Upside Town). Elle and Sunny are at the bottom left corner of the left page and our perspective is from behind them isometrically. There is a billboard next to the road that says "Welcome to Upside Town" with the subheading "Where every side is the bright side". Upside Town looks like a busy scene (like a where's Waldo scene) that fills the right page and part of the upper right of the left page. Among other random city things, we see these scattered around town: - A taxi driving down a street that says PetTaxi on the side with a porcupine driving and a cat sticking its head out the back window. There is a fish in a fish bowl in the trunk (the trunk is open). - A billboard advertisement that says "Bidet Mate bathroom supplies". It has a picture of a kangaroo holding a toilet brush - A small building with a garage door on the front that's open. There is a sign above the door that says "Clubhouse" with a logo next to it that is a club (like playing card club) with a chevron pointing up above it. There are a bunch of playing cards with arms and legs high fiving and hugging inside, they are all clubs - Next to the clubhouse is a mini building with a little sign that says "Tiny's Restaurant and Bar" and walking in the door is a tiny stick figure with a cloth over one shoulder that reaches the ground (imagine someone with a towel over one shoulder where the person is only 3 feet tall) - A store called "Will & Kate's Pine Soda Shop" - Other random buildings, streets, and non-human characters [NO DIALOGUE] ------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again. But here, the Sunny on the bottom panel is grabbing the divider and pointing up into the top divider [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: Elle and Sunny are on a sidewalk in the town in front of a wall with a bunch of kids drawings glued to it. Sunny has just walked through a spider web that was strung between a lamp post and the wall and is pulling it off his face. [DIALOG]: : "We need to get a map. Great adventurers always have maps." [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: They are still in the same area but a little further down the sidewalk. Sunny is grabbing the divider between the panels (pulling it down a little) and pointing up and to the left at the top panel with his other hand. Elle is about to enter a door to a store "Quadrilaterals and More". In the background where Sunny dropped the spider web, there is a spider walking on two of his legs holding a paper grocery bag that says 'Flys' on it and the spider is wearing glasses. : "Look! I can literally see us from 20 seconds ago Elle!" : "That's called a memory Sunny...How do we look? We always look fantastic in my memories!" {SPIDER (in the background)}: "ummm...where's my house??" ----------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: Elle and Sunny are inside the 'Quadrilaterals and More' store. All the characters are including Sunny and Elle are now drawn with squares and rectangles. There is a counter with two shelves behind it. Behind the counter are two shelves. The left shelves has random non-rectangular stuff on it and the right shelf has different coloured rectangles on it (supposed to be phones). There is one shop keeper in front of each shelf (not sure what they are yet, but they are also drawn with rectangles and cubes). On the far right of the counter is a small daisy in a pot (an actual plant, not a character) and it has square petals etc. We are looking straight on at the counter/shelves and Sunny and Elle are in front of the counter. Sunny has his arms out and is looking down at himself. [DIALOG]: : "So now we all look like rectangles and no one seems to mind...sure" [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: We are looking at the same scene but Elle is talking to the right shop keeper and Sunny is leaning with one elbow on the counter next to the daisy talking to it (it is just a small daisy in a pot; no face or arms or anything) watering himself with his watering can. The spider is in there now talking to the shop keeper on the left. The spider also now has a rectangular-type look. : "I'll take a purple please." {Sunny (talking to the daisy}: "Well hello. My name is sunny" : "I'd like all your toothpicks please" ------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: Elle and Sunny are outside again in front of a hotdog stand with an old dog working it (sweaty with a chef's hat). The stand has a sign that says "Old Speller's Big City Hot Dogs". Elle has a purple phone she just got from the store that she is looking at. Sunny is looking past her to the right pointing to the right. [DIALOG]: : "Ok, I just need to check Snuggle Maps to find the way to MOOnlight Mountain" : "It's a mountain Elle, we can see it over there in the distance..." [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: We are looking over Elle's shoulder at her phone. We see the 'Snuggle Maps' logo at the top right corner of the screen with a search bar next to it with 'MOOnlight Mountain' typed in. The map is just a white background with a mountatin icon at the top, a dot at the bottom, and a straight dashed line connecting them. : "Looks like we just need to follow the River of Endless wonders to MOOnlight Mountain!" ------------------------------------ [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: Elle and Sunny are walking on a path out of Upside Town. We are looking back at them isometrically with the city in the distant background with the path stretching back to it. [DIALOG]: : "'The River of Endless Wonders'? Doesn't that sound like a storybook river to you?? What unreal nonsense are we going to see there? Dragons, wizards, talking penguins?" : "It's just a name Sunny. The world is full of real wonders, and if you keep worrying about storybooks, you're going to miss them." ------------------------------------ [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: Elle and Sunny are still on the path. Elle is looking at Sunny. Sunny is reaching up to the text with the words he's saying and has grabbed the first 'L' in Elle's name in the text he's saying [DIALOG (Top Panel)]: : "'Oh really? Like how all the things we've been saying are being written in the sky right above us exactly like in storybooks? Have you noticed these E_LE?" [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: Elle now has the letter Sunny pulled down and is sticking it on her back where the missing 'L' was. She's excited. Sunny has his head down and his hands on his pot like someone with their hands on their hips. [DIALOG (Bottom Panel)]: : "Sunny, you found it!!! I've been looking everywhere for this!! We're such a great team!" ----------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: The River of Endless Wonders flows up from the bottom left of the page, turns right and flows parallel to the path Sunny and Elle are walking on. The river says 3 different things (speech lines come out of the river with the words at 3 different points). Sunny is looking up in the air confused, Elle is walking forward with her eyes closed smiling. There are some trees in the background higher up. Between two of the trees, there is a spider web with four ends. Two ends are tied with knots to one tree, one near the bottom, one halfway up. Another end is tied with a knot halfway up the other tree, and the spider from before is in the process of tying the last end near the bottom of the other tree. The web is broken in multiple places (same web Sunny walked through). The bag labeled 'Flys' full of flys is on the ground next to the spider. Surrounding the web on the ground is a circle of toothpicks stuck in the ground like a midieval wooden spike barricade. The toothpicks alternate pointing inward and outward. [DIALOG]: : "I wonder why the sky is blue" "I wonder how electricity works" "I wonder if Humans are special" : "Did you say something?" : "Nope. I'm just listening to the soothing sounds of nature" : "What is a Hoo-mons?" ---------------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: The River of Endless Wonders and path Elle and Sunny are walking on run near the bottom of the page. In the background higher up on the grass, there is a snowman with a top-hat shivering with its stick arms crossed. Sunny is pointing at the snowman, Elle has a hand on his arm like she's trying to push it down. [DIALOG]: : "I wonder why apples fall" "I wonder what stuff is made from" "I wonder how we see through glass" : "Elle, there's a snowman on the grass..in summertime..and it's shivering!" : "It's impolite to point Sunny! And you'd be shivering too if you were covered in snow!" ------------------------------------------ [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: The River of Endless Wonders and path Elle and Sunny are walking on run near the bottom of the page. In the background there is a small grassy knoll [DIALOG]: : "I wonder how balloons float" "I wonder where the sun goes at night" : "We're getting close Sunny! You'll feel better when we get to the top of MOOnlight Mountain and find the treasure!" -------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: The scene is the same as the previous page. Sunny and Elle are both on the path and Sunny is talking to Elle. [DIALOG]: : "I wonder why hot metal glows" : "There won't be any treasure there, just more nonsense storybook stuff. Don't you want to get out of this book? Don't you want to see what's out there in the real world where real flowers and real Letterbugs live?..." [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: The scene is the same as the previous page. Sunny is now on the knoll facing away from us with his arms outstretched. Elle is laying on her stomach on the path with her back legs bent up and crossed like a kid on the floor watching TV. She's pointed toward Sunny but her head is turned toward the reader with one elbow on the ground and her head wresting on her first. She is smiling at the reader. : "I wonder why there are four seasons" : "...I want to be the one writing the books, I don't want to be a character in them. I know we can get out. Somewhere out there is a way out of this storybook..." ------------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel)]: The scene is the same as the previous page. Sunny is still on the knoll facing away from us with his arms outstretched but moved from where they were. Elle is still laying on her stomach on the path with her back legs bent up and crossed like a kid on the floor watching TV. Now she has both elbows on the ground with her head resting on both hands looking at Sunny. The sun is starting to come out from behind the clouds. [DIALOG]: : "I wonder what's absurd" : "...I don't want to stay in a place where the absurd is mundane. A real adventure would be getting off these pages and facing the outside world like brave pioneers facing the unknown and never being afraid of ..." [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel)]: The scene is the same as the previous page. The sun is now out from behind the clouds and all the colours are brighter. Sunny is looking at the sun with a terrified look and his petals sticking straight out. Elle is still watching Sunny. Sunny is in the process of pulling dark goggles out of his pot. : "I wonder if all non-trivial zeros lie on the critical line" : "...Ahhh geez the sun!" ------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: Sunny is now wearing black goggles held by a strap around his head. The goggle lenses are thick and black. He is also watering himself walking off the knoll toward the path but not directly facing Elle. We a little are zoomed in on Elle's face (Sunny is in the background behind her) so the river is no longer in view. Elle is facing and talking to the reader, smiling while talking. [DIALOG]: : "We should really get moving!" : "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, Sunny's afraid of the sun...He thinks it makes his petals look too bright." --------------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: We are zoomed out as Sunny and Elle are going up MOOnlight mountain. The side is nearly vertical and the top of it is surrounded by clouds so you can't see the top. Sunny looks like he's rushing (still wearing the goggles and watering himself) and Elle is trying to keep up. Even though it is a nearly vertical slope, they go up it like they're walking on flat ground like cartoon characters do. [NO DIALOG]: ------------------------------------ [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is two pages wide: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: We are on top of MOOnlight mountain. The top of the mountain is perpetually night so we see a clear night sky filled with starts. The stars are all shaped like miniature cartoon cows with big heads. In the far distance, behind the cow stars there is a strip of very small diamond shaped stars that represent the Milky Way. Sunny's petals are back to normal and he is in the process of putting his goggles back in his pot. His watering can is back on the hook. There is a penguin with glasses wearing a sweater vest at the right of the right page holding a magnifying glass looking up at a comet also shaped like a miniature cow with streaks behind it saying "Mooooooo". [NO DIALOG]: ---------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: On the left of the page, Sunny is poking one of the cow-stars with his finger. The star he is poking looks like it has brightened up and we see it saying 'MOOO..'. Sunny looks like he's rolling his eyes. Elle is talking to the penguin on the right of the page. The penguin is pointing at the comet [DIALOG]: : "Predictable" : "Hello. My name is Elle Emenopeed and that is my best friend Sunny. We came to MOOnlight Mountain to find treasure!" {PROFESSOR BUTTERTART}: "Welcome! I'm Professor Buttertart, and if you're looking for treasure, you're in the right place. This is the best place to study the whole wide Universe, the ultimate treasure! You see that there, that's a very rare Cowmet!" : "Wow!" ---------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top Panel]: Now Elle and P. Buttertart are talking near top left of the page (looking at the sky – P.B. calls his magnifying glass an examining circle and is pointing at it). In the bottom right corner of the page, there is a small rip in the page drawn in (it looks like there is a small tear in the page, but it's drawn in). Sunny is walking toward the corner with the rip. He's looking at the rip curiously, not paying attention to Elle or P.B. [DIALOG]: {PROFESSOR BUTTERTART}: "I've spent most of my life up here under the stars, exploring reality itself. I go on incredible adventures everyday, just by looking through my trusty examining circle. I can teach you all the things I've learned...that is, if you're interested in a great adventure!" : "???" SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom Panel]: Elle and P.B. are still talking to each other, P.B. is again looking at the stars with his magnifying glass while Elle talks. Sunny is now pulling on the rip in the corner and looks like he's about to fall into the whitespace being revealed by him pulling on it (he's leaning into the whitespace and looks unstable). [DIALOG]: : "Are you kidding me?! Adventures are my absolute favourite thing! Well, adventures and my best friend Sunny, but I think Sunny is still on his own adventure." : "What the.." ---------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: The page is just blank white with Sunny in the middle sitting on his own shadow looking like he just fell onto the page. He looks excited and is looking directly at the reader. He is also pointing at the reader. In the background to the upper right is a door with the same symbol that was on the door he came out of at the beginning of the book just standing in the middle of nowhere. [DIALOG]: : "AHA!! READER!!! I KNEW IT!!!!!" ----------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page split into a top and bottom section again: [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Top panel)]: Sunny is walking toward the door with his head turned toward the reader talking (the page is still just blank white and sunny has a shadowy patch under where he's walking). He's throwing his watering can to the side. [DIALOG]: : "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I'm just excited because I found my way out of this storybook. It's great that you're reading books, really great. Maybe when I get to the real world, we can read story books together. We can read about dragons, or wizards, or maybe even Hoo-mons, whatever that is..." [SCENE DESCRIPTION (Bottom panel)]: Sunny has his hand on the door knob looking back at the reader. His watering can is laying on the ground where he threw it down. : "Here we go! I wish Elle was here, I'll have to come back for her later. But for now, it's time for another big adventure!" ---------------------------------- [LAYOUT DETAILS]: This scene is one page: [SCENE DESCRIPTION]: The door is partially open (like it's closing), we don't see Sunny because he's on the other side (he went through). We just the door, the watering can, and his dialogue coming out from behind the door. [DIALOG]: : "Ahhh geez, not again" |