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a group of students take a sailing trip and wind up deserted on an island
"this is so great!", jackie exclaimed stepping out of the car," i cant believe that we are going to be setting off in the sunset tommorrow on our first sailing trip." the rest of the girls smiled in agreement. it was summer break and the group of friends had been waiting for this trip for a long time. as jackie stood their amazied by the boat her four friends began to unload the car. "come on jackie.", victoria snapped," you'll have time to stare at the boat later right now we have to unpack the car." "alright, jeez vikki. i'm coming.", jackie rolled her eyes. "is she going to be like this the whole trip", she wispered to felicia. Felicia just laughed it off," you know how she is" "yeah bossy and a pain in the butt sometimes". " i can hear you.", vikki called over her shoulder as she walked towards the boat. crystal and sarah shooked their heads at the three as they moved towards the boat. " those three are a trip", sarah laughed. crystal nodded and laughed in agreement. "i wonder where the boys are," jackie commented as they neared the ramp of the boat. "right here!" they shouted in unison jumping from the boat to the dock causing jackie to jump back bumping into sarah and making her things fall out her hands. at this the boys fell out in hysterical laughter. " that was not funny guys. come and help her pick up her things.", victoria demanded. "yes mother.", kevin mocked through tears but the boys, still laughing, helped sarah with her things and offered to get the rest of their stuff out the car. while the guys went to do that the girls dropped their things on the deck of the boat and went to check out the rest of their living space for the next few weeks. "this boat is perfect!", vikki exclaimed as they walked through the boat going down the first set of stairs passing the dining area. there were two round tables facing each other with brown leather covering the booth like seats. there was also a microfridge which had plenty of space for food and drinks. beside the fridge was a small oven with two burners on top and beside that was a sink. a little ways away from the dining area was a short hall way that lead to a small room. "that must be the captains room.", sarah commented. "joshua's father must have alot of money to afford a boat like this.",crystal said while heading to the next set of stairs. at the bottom of the stairs there was a narrow hall connecting four rooms. the walls where all made of wood and the carpet was a evergreen color. there was only enough room for them to walk side by side two at a time with little room between them and the wall. they checked out each room, two of which where already claimed by the boys. they also had evergreen carpet and up on the wall were different pictures of ships and islands. two of the rooms where triplets while the other two were doubles. in each room, there were two closets and a dresser for each person. at the end of the hall was a bath room that had a shower, toleit and sink. "this is hardly perfect.", jackie complained as they all began to turn around and walk back to the stairs," it only has one full bath room, there's only so much space for us to walk, and...." she trailed off staring, mouth open as the captain stepped out from the stairs. "..and a fine captain!",felicia finshed for her. he gave them a wide grin. "i hope you ladies like the accomodations." "just great..." "couldn't be better.." "wonderful..." "pleasant...", they all stamered out except for jackie who exclaimed, " Perfect!!" the girls all turned to look at her. "what?!"she shrugged dumbfoundly. they all burst out in laughter as the captian gestured for them to follow him up the stairs where the guys were waiting for them. "what are ya'll laughing at now?",joshua asked. "none of your business.", victoria shot back grinning she loved pulling his strings. "look vikki dont start with me." "yeah, what are you going to do if i do." "this.", he said playfully grabbing her and bringing her close. she pretended to try and backaway but he held on to her and kissed her. the rest of the group groaned. " i mean, please guys could you take that somewhere else.",shane rolled his eyes. ignoring them vikki and joshua continued to kiss a little longer. " your just jealous", vikki said turning to the group. "whatever man.", brandon responed with the back up of the rest of his friends. "i liked the way you guys just picked out your rooms without the rest of us.", victoria said to joshua who now had his arms wrapped around her waist. "Hey it is my boat", he responded catching that she was trying to change the subject. "well, not techncally it is your fathers" she retorted. "whatever.", lawrence piped up," we were here first and don't tell me that if you did not come first ya'll wouldn't have chosen rooms without us." "probably, but we're girls we can do that." "yeah. ok" "hey guys there are some formallities i have to get threw before you unpack so if you can join me on deck.", the captain broke in. everyone came to attention and began to walk up the stairs and find a comfortable spot on the deck. the girls chose the burgundy padded seats that circled the rear of the boat. joshua leaned back on vikki's legs while the other guys stood or just found a spot on the floor to sit. they had been planning this trip for about two years now and couldnt wait to get started. "ok for those of you that don't know, my name is johnathan but you can call me john." the captian continued," alright somethings about the boat. there are five rooms. four of which you have already seen the other one is on the second level and is where i sleep. you can use the stove and oven to cook but nothing big like a turkey or anything. the boat is already stocked with water, plates, cups, utnesils and napkins complaments of Mr. Jackson.". "we have to thank your father for letting us use your boat josh.", crystal broke in placing a hand on joshua's shoulder. "thanks would be getting this boat back in one piece with out a single scratch." he looked up,"it took forever for me to convience him to let us use it." on that note john cut back in,"that is why im here. to get everyone back safe and sound. i will be needing some help though. so after you unpack and get some lunch i will be teaching you some things about the boat and how to sail. so i will leave you to get settled while i make sure everything is ready to go for tommorrow morning." that said they all got up and started down the steps towards their rooms. "he has the nicest eyes doesn't he.", vikki whispered to crystal. "his eyes? forget about his eyes did you see that butt!",she exclaimed back. the guys rolled their eyes. "is that all you guys have to talk about?", shane rolled his eyes. kevin playing along continued,"i know! all you have on your minds are boys, boys, boys! such pigs degratting us men like that." they all laughed at him. " so when did you become a man?"vikki asked. "last night with your mom." he returned causing the boys to laugh. joshua quickly stopped when he saw vikki glaring at him. the girls tried not to laugh but they could not hide their smiles. vikki grabbed some of her things and walk down the stairs to the rooms glaring at kevin as she passed him. the rest of her friends keep laughing as joshua, jackie, and felicia followed behind her. "that girl can never take a joke. can she", kevin said under his breath. ************************ " come on vick it was just a joke.", joshua pleaded through the door. "whatever josh you didn't have to laugh!", she yelled back through the door. joshua turned to his friends standing there next to him. jackie and felicia both just shrugged their shoulders not knowing what to say to him. he turned back to the door," come on vick open the door and let me in." "no just go back up stairs." "fine, have it your way." joshua looked at felicia, " can you guys try to talk to her?" they nodded in agreement and he turned to go up the stairs. jackie knocked on the door,"let us in vick." "you guys can go away to!" "girl you better open this door! its our room too you know.", felicia snapped at her. they heard the door unlock and they went in. "victoria what is your problem it was just a joke.", jackie started in. "a joke that was directed at me.", vick responded. Felicia rolled her eyes," you are too sensitive. i mean dag its not like he was seriously trying to hurt your feelings. you know how kevin gets." "i am not sensitive" jackie rolled her eyes, "whatever victoria if you aren't sensitive i don't know who is". "why didn't you let josh in?",felishia asked "i don't know i guess i did not want to talk to him right now." "you know vicky you really should not shut him out like that." "i know..." vikki trailed off into her thoughts. she thought of the first time she met josh. it was at a party felishia and jackie dragged her too. she really didnt want to go because of all the work she had but she was just starting to have fun when she saw him looking directly at her. he was something to look at himself. those green eyes caught her breath and she couldnt help but smile at him. she felt a little foolish but he started to walk toward her she began to feel nervous. looking him over he had dirty blond hair cut short and taned musclar arms and legs. she loved a man with muscular legs... "vick you alright?", jackie asked "yea im alright just thinking about that party shane had." "that was a good one...", felishia paused,"...well we better start unpacking." by now everyone had gone to there perspective rooms and started to unpack. sarah and crystal roomed together and kevin, lawrence, and kevin roomed together. leaving shane and joshua together. ******************** "man! what are u doing?" "putting my stuff away. what does it look like?!", brandon responded to his little brother. Lawrence rolled his eyes,"can we get through this without another sibling quarrel." ignoring him they went on. "your putting your stuff on my side of the closet!", kevin exclaimed. "whatever man what does it matter?" "it matters because i want to keep my stuff together." " your going to be going through my stuff anyway" " i don't want to weat your chunkie butt stuff." lawrence tried to hold in his laugh but couldn't. both kevin and brandon turn and looked at him. "what are you guys ten because you are obviously not in your twenties.", lawrence laughed. kevin and brandon looked at each other and then at lawrence smiling. brandon walked towards him as kevin went to the door and opened it. "what are u guys doing?!", lawrence worriedly asked. brandon grabbed him and forced him out the door and kevin closed and locked it. "now that was funny", brandon laughed. "good work fat boy!", kevin patted him on the shoulder. brandon pushed him away. they laughed as they finished putting their clothes away while in the hallway lawrence was pleading with them to open the door. "come on guys. let me back in! i havent finished unpacking yet.", he banged on the door. ***************** "what in the world is going on out there?", sarah wondered out loud. "i dont know.", kieshia responded,"lets go see." they poked their heads out the door seeing lawrence yelling and banging on the door. he turned and saw them starring at him. "They won't let me back in.", he pointed at the door. crystal laughed while sarah just smiled and shook her head. "hope u get back in", she said. then they went back into their room and lawrence returned to yelling and beating on the door. "those guys are crazy.", crystal laughed,"this is going to be an intresting trip." "so what did you think about the captian?", crystal asked grinning. what do i think about him? sarah thought to her self the man is fine. "he is alright", she finally said out loud. "alright, what are u blind! the man is drop dead goreous." "i could just stare into those green eyes all day and just to be on the boat with him for the next few weeks...", she went on as sarah retreated into her on thoughts. its not that she did want crystal to know what she was thinking but she wanted to keep it to herself right now because if crystal knew she would go into one of her match making fits and that is one thing sarah did not want right now. she had just broken up with her boyfriend who she had been going out with for about a year. it was a mutual break up but it still hurt. they kinda of just grew apart. espeacially since he transfered to boston college which seems like miles and miles away from Cintanal College, in Maryland. she just wished she did not feel the way she did espeacial when they were all about to head out on this trip. ************* "so whats up with your girl?" shane asked josh once they finish unpacking. "i dont know man. once she gets into one of her episodes she just shuts me out." josh flopped down his bed and began to stare at the ceiling," you know sometimes i think she gets mad over the stupidest things. and i get so mad at her but i like her so much." "you must have it bad if you handle all of her mood swings" shane laughed. josh couldn't help but laugh along with him. victory is one moody chick he thought but he could look past it. he thought back to when they first met freshman year. shane, his cousin, was friends with felicia and crystal, her best friends. shane invited him to a party that they were throwing. he was geting punch when he saw her on the other side of the table laughing with her friends. she looked beautiful. her eyes were so brown they almost looked black, her hair was the same color plaited into microbraids pulled back into a ponytail. her skin was a smooth light brown color. her laugh was so bright he had to meet her. he looked for shane to introduce him to her... "hey man. you sleepin?" shane shook him. "no just thinkin." "oh well we are about to go out and get food for the trip" "go ahead ill be right there." shane shrugged grabed his jacket and went out the door. josh sat up smiling at the memory. he then put on his shoes and ran out the door. on the dock he saw vikki. she turned around and smiled that smile he loved so much. she walked to him and gave him a hug. "I'm sorry" she whispered,"i dont mean to shut you out and be so moody." "dont worry about it," he hugged her back,"dont get me wrong its annoying but..." she smiled and squeezed him tighter."i'll show you annoying" she retorted. " ok ok i would like to be able to breath now" he laughed. she let go and he lean down to kiss her. then they ran and caught up to the rest of the group. ***************** After a few hours of grocery shopping the group headed back to the boat to unpack everything. "how about we go out for something to eat?", shane suggested. |