Printed from https://www.writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/2242794-Dear-Me-2021
Rated: 13+ · Letter/Memo · Writing.Com · #2242794
Last year, I devoted myself to scriptwriting. This year I'm not going to do that as much.

                    Word Count = 1,125

Dear Me,

     In 2020, I decided that I was going to devote that year
to my scriptwriting. Unfortunately, I didn’t as far along as
I wanted to be on either one of my projects. I figured I
would be into the scriptwriting phase of them both. But it
didn’t quite work out that way.

     Overall, my scriptwriting went pretty well. But I did
get a little sidetracked from it once for a short story and
a few other times toward the end of the year. It was August
that I broke down and wrote a short story for a contest.
Then after that, I started several other short stories. But
I didn’t get them finished.

     This year I’m going to continue working on these two
projects. But I will be doing them mostly while I’m at work.
That’s okay for my Water Wars scriptwriting project. But I
still haven’t figured that out for my second scriptwriting
project, The Problems with Death. I have been doing that on
my laptop at home. Only I can’t do that at work.

     My scriptwriting isn’t all that I’m going to be doing
this year. It’s only a minor part of it. This year I’m going
to be working on my short stories, poems, challenges, etc.
I may not be doing too much poetry. If I write any this year.
But I will be writing some short stories and participate in
a few challenges.

     I’m not sure how many short story contests that I will
be entering, like this one. But I’m going to try to enter as
many as I can. My goal is to do every one of the monthly WDC
contests. But I don’t know if I will be able to do that. I
know that I’m not going to win any of them. And I probably
never will. But I still like to try. Who knows? Someday I
may just win one of them.

     There are several challenges that I’m going to try to
participate in this year too. If I’m allowed to join them.
As far as I know, I can join in on the Masquerade Mystery
Challenge, the Musicology Anthology, the October NaNoWriMo
Prep Challenge, etc. But I won’t know that for sure until I
try to do it. I know of at least one contest host that has
banned me from their contest because they don’t like the way
that I write the truth. There is another one who is on the
verge of doing it too. So, I don’t know about anything until
it happens.

     Reviewing is something else that I’m going to try to do
as much as I can this year. I planned on doing all of the
Raids this year. But I have already messed up that goal
because I didn’t do it this month. True, I did save twenty
short stories to read and review. And I was going to do
them. But I didn’t get the chance. I just hope it isn’t like
that for the rest of 2021.

     That’s all that I can think of to write in this letter
to myself. I know I haven’t done any goal setting in this
letter. At least not the goals that I should be setting in
it. Other than genetic goals. That’s because I don’t believe
in goals. Well, in a way I do. I do set goals for myself.
But they are very genetic monthly. Maybe even on a weekly or
daily basis.

     The goals I set for myself are constantly changing.
Especially, when it comes to my scriptwriting. I am always
setting goals for myself as to how much writing I will get
done that day. And sometimes I do meet those goals, or I do
even better with them. But most of the time I don’t reach
those goals.

     It’s almost the same with my short stories, poems,
challenges, etc. Only they are done monthly. Daily for some
of the challenges. Short stories, poems, and Reviewing Raids
are usually monthly. Even though the Raids themselves are
only one or two days during that month. But they are always
happening throughout the year.

     That’s why I prefer a generic goal with them. I may
plan on entering these contests and Raids every month that
there is one. And most of them I do plan on entering. But
for one reason or another, I can’t do that. And that has
happened to me a lot. I know that it will happen again too.
That’s why I can’t set any goals for them. Except for the
generic kind.

     The Challenges are even more generic than my contests
and Raids. That’s because most of them are months away. At
least they are with the Challenges that I wrote about above.
The first one of them I believe starts in April. And there are
no others before then. If there are, I either don’t know about
them or I don’t participate in them. That doesn’t mean
one or more don’t start before then that I may be interested
in. But there are none that I know about as of this writing.

     My first challenge I’m planning on entering is just
over three months away. And a lot can happen before and
after then. That’s why I can make a goal to enter it. If I
can participate in it. But when that time comes, I may not
be able to do it for one reason or another. The same is true
about the other challenges that I plan on entering.

     So, what is my goal this year? It’s the same as the
last few years. I’m going to be getting as much writing and
reviewing done as I can. I know that it won’t be as much as
I want it to be. But it will be all that I can do under
whatever the circumstances may bring me.

     What keeps me from reaching my goals each day, week,
and month. It’s usually the ones that I’m working on when
I’m at work. Which are Wednesdays through Sundays. And if
it’s not work-related, then it’s during my days off from
work on Mondays and Tuesdays. Those are the only two days
that my brother and I have to get things done that need to
get done. Most of those days off we are very, very busy
getting things done. But there a few times last year when it
wasn’t too bad.

     I just hope it’s not too bad this year too. If it’s
not, then I should be able to get a whole lot of writing and
reviewing done this year. That is my ultimate goal this
year. But I’m not going to count on any of it happening
until it does.

                                        Sincerely Me,

                                        PureSciFi aka

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