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Introduction leading to the first chapter in the book. |
I am excited for you the reader and for myself in finally getting this book out there! The quest within this book is to ignite inner and outer life awakening, growing, ever changing, advancing, becoming more real and continuing in a much better way than before. This intro to the book is also an introduction to the Author, as the contents come from my process of growing/waking up. This human life of ours is all about a Spiritual experience and is the perfect opportunity for the unfolding of spiritual maturity. As we grow mentally and emotionally, we gain increasing wisdom and discover more of the truth of who we really are. There comes a time when being terribly lost without a clue and having the proverbial black cloud over one's head must come to an end. It doesn't matter how screwed up your life has been with a rough childhood or now as an adult. I have learned that our life experiences, no matter how terrible, don't have to shape who we are or who we become. For instance, I personally was in and out of foster homes from about age four to eighteen. I had to overcome tremendous obstacles to bring this book to you! The number one lesson for everybody is: When you get knocked down, get up again and stand a little taller than you did before until your foundation is unbreakable!! "Something More"... where is it? I think everybody at one point or another has asked themselves this. Looking up at the stars in wonderment at a very young age is where it all begins. All beings are aware of their surroundings and figure out really quickly something is wrong here on this beautiful planet Earth. There are plenty of indicators, such as: Violence and war, domination and hate, racial profiling and human suppression, working for survival and fighting over resources and or the need for money/debt creation. These things are part of our collective third Dimensional consciousness and are no longer necessary as we advance/mature together. The next thing we do is start adapting to life with our own version of, what I like to call our "Shield for Existence!" This wall of protection comes complete with a very complex array of masks wrapped in ego and personality. Over time, the real you and the innocent inner child/light being gets lost. So, what are we looking for? What is the true reality? How can we better ourselves? How do we awaken to and find our true self again? Where is the love, joy, grace, morals, compassion, unity we know are the truth behind this existence? The most important question for us all, to ask ourselves is: How do we break through the false reality that we have created for ourselves and the planet and keep our light shining, never to be hidden under veils of Illusion again? We will explore this thing called life through our own self-realization, together, and find some answers to these questions. This book you now hold in your hands represents my continuing journey through enlightenment beginning as a little boy to adult man. I have been busy figuring life out, discovering who we really are and how life should truly be for all God's children. OUR PERSONAL PHOENIX It is true, there is a Phoenix inside all of us. The Phoenix represents the child of the past, the adult of the future and the person of the now. Just like the Phoenix, the inner child within each of us is back and rising up from the ashes of a burned out, old world/paradigm. Every person's consciousness is evolving, including Gaia - Mother Earth - or Terra as she prefers to be called. We are being reborn and rejuvenated with a new fire and Golden light in our eyes. As awakened conscious light beings, it is high time to "Integrate success into our lives." This is our progression together as one, moving out of the third Dimension (Earth One) and into the Fifth Dimension (Earth Two) or New Lemuria. As we leave the Illusions behind, the old world becomes non relevant to us. Now, we are creating a beautiful, new, loving world as it should be, with Freedom, Peace, Love and Wealth in every area of life. This is our new paradigm! A new way of existence for all that is long overdue: to live long and prosper while pursuing our goals, dreams and aspirations. So, the truth should be available to us all! I have pulled together some subjects/topics that I think you will find very interesting. First, we will talk about them and explore the deeper meaning within each one, and then I will provide you with some more information to continue with your own self-realization. We will try to answer some of the questions that are on everybody's mind, in terms of: What do I read? What can I watch? What is good to explore? ... and things of this nature. It is my goal to connect with everybody who wants to listen and is open minded enough to receive not only new knowledge, but also the truth that I have gathered. I wrote this book with the intent to enlighten and empower you in many ways, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically!! I want you to know: You are a very powerful, conscious light hue-being who is absolutely very unique and also very loved. You have free will and nobody has authority over you!!!! This information will hopefully give you a better idea about what you can do for yourself to invite success in everything you do. My hope is that every one of you can use this knowledge to enrich your life, expand your dreams and pioneer your existence to new heights! - Christopher Link, Jacksonville, Florida |