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Warlock/Warlord |
Female Tiefling Hybrid Warlock/Warlord Level 1 Unaligned (Chaotic) Strength 10 (+0) Constitution 18 (+4) Dexterity 17 (+3) Intelligence 12 (+1) Wisdom 13 (+1) Charisma 14 (+2) Height: 5' 11" Weight: 180 lb Skin: Rust Eyes: Silver Hair: Purple Curly Maximum Hit Points: 30 Bloodied: 15 Surge Value: 7 Surges / Day: 10 [includes constitution modifier] Size: Medium Speed: 6 squares Vision: Low-light Initiative: 1d20 +5 = + 3 [dexterity] + 2 [combat leader] Base Strength Attack: 1d20 +0 = + 0 [strength] Base Dexterity Attack: 1d20 +3 = + 3 [dexterity] Base Constitution Attack: 1d20 +4 = + 4 [constitution] Base Intelligence Attack: 1d20 +1 = + 1 [intelligence] Base Wisdom Attack: 1d20 +1 = + 1 [wisdom] Base Charisma Attack: 1d20 +2 = + 2 [charisma] Armor Class: 17 = 10 + 4 [constitution] + 3 [Hide)] Fortitude Defense: 15 = 10 + 1 [hybrid warlord] + 4 [constitution] Reflex Defense: 14 = 10 + 1 [hybrid warlock] + 3 [dexterity] Will Defense: 12 = 10 + 2 [charisma] If your campaign uses the fixed-enhancement bonus system [PH2/Dark Sun], level 1 characters get +0 on attack/damage (0d6 extra damage on a critical hit) and +0 on all defenses. These bonuses do not stack with magic items. Armor: Hide) (25 lb) Shield: None Attacks: Unarmed Melee: +0 [base strength attack] vs AC; damage 1[W]=1d4 Greatsword: +3 vs AC [0 strength attack] [+3 proficiency]; damage 1[W]=1d10 8 lb (Heavy blade) Commander's Strike (ally adds your intelligence bonus to damage) Furious Smash +0w [base strength attack] vs fortitude Diabolic Strategem Bastion of Defense +0w [base strength attack] vs AC w Weapon-based power. Apply adjustments for proficiency, situation, feats, magic, etc. i Implement-usable power. Apply a bonus as appropriate for magic, any implement expertises, etc. Base Saving throw: d20 vs 10 Encumberance 4e Normal Load: Heavy Load: Maximum Drag Load 100 lb. 200 lb. 500 lb. Encumberance 3.5 Light load: Medium load: Heavy load: Lift over head: Lift off ground: Push or drag: 33 lb. or less 34-66 lb. 67-100 lb. 100 lb. 200 lb. 500 lb. Languages: Common; (? 1 more) Rituals Known: Skills: Acrobatics: +2 = 3 [dexterity] -1 [armor] Arcana: +6 = 1 [intelligence] +5 [class training] Athletics: +4 = 0 [strength] +5 [class training]-1 [armor] Bluff: +9 = 2 [charisma] + 2 [Tiefling] +5 [class training] Diplomacy: +2 = 2 [charisma] Dungeoneering: +1 = 1 [wisdom] Endurance: +3 = 4 [constitution] -1 [armor] Heal: +1 = 1 [wisdom] History: +1 = 1 [intelligence] Insight: +1 = 1 [wisdom] Intimidate: +2 = 2 [charisma] Nature: +1 = 1 [wisdom] Perception: +1 = 1 [wisdom] Religion: +1 = 1 [intelligence] Stealth: +4 = 3 [dexterity] + 2 [Tiefling] -1 [armor] Streetwise: +2 = 2 [charisma] Thievery: +2 = 3 [dexterity] -1 [armor] Feats: Hybrid Talent (Warden): Warden's Armored Might At-Will: Melee Basic Attack: By weapon, damage 1[W] [standard action] Ranged Basic Attack: By weapon, damage 1[W]+3 [dexterity bonus] [standard action] Bull Rush: +0 [base strength attack] vs fortitude [standard action] Grab: +0 [base strength attack] vs reflex [standard action] Move grabbed target: +0 [base strength attack] vs fortitude [standard action] Escape: +2 [acrobatics] vs reflex / +4 [athletics] vs fortitude [move action] Commander's Strike [Level 1] Furious Smash [Level 1] Other Standard Actions: Administer a potion; Aid another [revised: skill check vs. 10+level/2, success helps +2, failure hurts -1]; Charge [+1 to basic melee attack or bull rush]; Coup de grace; Equip / stow shield; Ready an action; Total defense; Sustain standard action; Some skills during combat (i.e., Acrobatics -- fast escape; Bluff, Heal -- first aid (use second wind DC10, stabilize the dying DC15, grant a saving throw DC15), Intimidate, Thievery depending on circumstances); Other Move Actions: Crawl; Run [speed 8]; Stand up; Shift; Squeeze; Walk; may include some skills during combat (i.e., Acrobatics, Athletics); half of a Double Move (if taken in place of a standard action) Other Minor Actions: Draw / sheathe weapon; Drink a potion; Drop prone; Load a crossbow; Open / close a door; Pick up an item; Retrieve / stow an item; Perception -- active (as per revision), Sustain minor action; Some skills during combat (i.e., Insight) Other Immediate Actions: Readied action Other Opportunity Actions: Opportunity attack Other Free Actions: Drop held items; End a grab; Talk Other Non-Actions: Delay; Endurance checks; Insight to counter Bluff; Knowledge checks; Perception -- passive Short rest: Healing surges as available Five minutes: Normal escape from restraints (Acrobatics) One hour: Forage; Streetwise check Encounter Powers: Second Wind Spend an Action Point [free action, not in surprise round] Infernal Wrath [Tiefling][minor action] [see online revision] Inspiring Word [minor action][1/encounter] Diabolic Grasp [Level 1] Daily Powers: Bastion of Defense [Level 1] Tiefling +2 Charisma, +2 Constitution or Intelligence (already included; you chose Constitution.) +2 Bluff, +2 Stealth Bloodhunt (+1 on attack rolls vs. bloodied foes) Fire Resistance (resist fire 5 + half your level) Infernal Wrath [see online revision] Hybrid Warlock: Eldritch Pact (no free at-will attack or boon), Warlock's Curse [see online revision] This warlock's pact is to the Winter Court with some pact boon. This hybrid warlock cannot use the pact boon. Hybrid Warlord: Inspiring Word (1/encounter), Warlord Leadership (choose one) Combat Leader (+2 initiative for self and all allies within ten squares who see & hear you) Equipment: 33 lb 2 lb 5 lb 4 lb 2 lb 5 lb 1 lb 10 lb 10 lb 2 lb 4 lb _____ 78 lb Weapons / Armor / Shield (from above) Backpack Bedroll Flint and steel Grappling hook Hammer Pitons x10 Pouch (belt) x1 Rations (1 day) x10 Rope (50', hempen) x1 Sunrods x2 Waterskins x1 Total Magic items: Weapon: Weapon: Weapon: Weapon: Armor: Shield: Arms: Feet: Hands: Head: Neck: Ring: Ring: Waist: Resistances: Action Point Tally: Daily Item Powers Per Day: Heroic Tier Milestones: / / / Death Saving Throw Failures: More about this character: |