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Rated: E · Fiction · Food/Cooking · #2238027
Winner! Daily Flash Fiction 11/18/20 W/C 275

Fun Times

“Bring me the check.”

The waiter nodded and scurried off.

I lit a cigar. The smoke rose in circles, perfect little circles. On the way up one grabbed a fly. The fly floated in the white for a time then flew off.

“Excuse me sir, but no smoking in this restaurant. It’s a state law.” The same waiter stood before me, check in hand. He had a worried look on his face.

“Ah, but I’m not smoking, you see.” I blew more smoke rings. Another fly took a ride to the ceiling.

“It sure looks like you are to me, sir. Please extinguish that cigar,” the waiter exclaimed.

“Well, my good man, what you see here is the amazing fly circus. They jump on the smoke rings and ride to the ceiling. I have trained flies.” I smiled and blew smoke into the waiter’s face.

Another man approached my table.

“Trouble here? Do you need help George?”

“No trouble here, sir. Your good man is watching my amazing fly circus.” I blew a smoke ring into the air again. Another fly took the ride into the air above my head.

“I think you need to leave. Now.”

This man grabbed my arm, pulled me to standing. I dropped the cigar on my plate of chicken bones, disturbing more flies.

“Well fine. Guess it’s time to leave. Time’s fun when you’re having flies. Or is it time flies when you’re having fun? I always get that wrong.”

I brushed off my pants as I got up off the steps of the restaurant. I won’t give them a good review on Trip Advisor, that’s for sure.

W/C 275

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