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Rated: ASR · Editorial · Contest Entry · #2238021
The 4 Controversies Contest
All of my life I have never been able to drive except for driving people crazy. Much of my time I spend at home which is normal and something that is well, normal for my lifestyle but unusual for most people, yeah COVID-19 hasn’t seriously impacted my way of life. Welcome to my world.

Oh yeah! I should mention that company isn’t something that happens a lot either. Before I moved friends would visit here and there and occasionally they would kidnap me so that we could enjoy a meal together or explore or shop. Most of my engagements are via the internet. One of my favorite websites is…wait for it…WDC. Social sites are ok and there are a few I frequented but usually, email and the phone are my main tools for socializing.

The Covid 19 pandemic does not terrify me. I am cautious and practice good hygiene. I have peace and this is because I trust God and His infinite wisdom I read scripture, pray, and am very thankful for my blessings. I moved in 2016 onto 10 acres in an area where it is very, very lightly populated. Now I have even less company and have not gone anywhere since June 2020, I severely sprained my wrist which makes transferring into a vehicle almost impossible and really something I should not do until my wrist is healed. Covid 19 or not, I would be living this lifestyle. another reason I am not interested in spending time in public is because of wearing masks. Doing this is extremely uncomfortable for me. It is much better to stay at home. I love being in nature.

My friend does the errands. We help each other work things out which has been our way of life for about 25 years.

What is different is the political and social upheaval that has swept this country and the world. It has been stated more than once "united we stand, divided we fall" Even when we are physically separated we can still be of one mind or be united in a common pursuit. There are many influences and political issues especially playing a huge role in our future.

Onto my soapbox I go because one major issue I have is the drugs that are extremely expensive, bot well research and by the way a lot of the research is done by companies that receive funds from the drug companies. How do I know a friend shared information with me. enjoy yourself, do the research, or not, either way, is ok.

If a drug isn’t at least 20 or more years old, I’m not interested. Actually, I’m drug-free except for taking BC Powder and using a few over-the-counter items as needed.

The drug Hydroxychloroquine is extremely inexpensive, works very, very well for Covid-19, and not many people know about it, the doctors aren’t prescribing it, and the news media is silent about these events.

When the cover 19 outbreak first started this drug was being used and found to work well.


Often when people can not make a lot of money from something they do not promote the product. Please consider thinking about and researching information about drug research, who pays for the research, why drugs are being developed, and any other related subjects. Getting information from only one source does not completely tell the entire story.

As for the political scenes and the COVID pandemic I recently read an article about the Spanish Flu
https://www.cdc.gov/flu/pandemic-resources/1918-pandemic-h1n1.html and
another https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_flu

Information from various sources has caused confusion about masks. What if this is a means to create separation for other reasons than global health relating to COVID-19

A friend reports to me about the varied information available from many different news sources. I have investigated sources from different reporting agencies and newsgathering groups. If a person only gets information from one source or from only similar sources then the entire story or batch of information is not known. One-sided sources are skewed because it is necessary to learn as much as possible about the whole/entire story of a subject. For example, WDC is a writing website. It also is a reviewing website. There are many other activities that WDC has available, but what if only the writing information and nothing else was known about WDC? How would this affect the possible members who are considering joining WDC? They would have one view. They would not know about all the wonderful events and activities available to them.

Now, what if everyone heard only one source of information about the news or one person's view about the news? This would certainly be a very different world. The freedom of speech and the ability to share various pieces of information a double-edged sword. In order to to have freedom of speech, it means for everyone and everything.

Therefore it is up to all people to as much as possible determine and decide for themselves the truth of a matter, but if the information is withheld, then people can not make a well-informed decision about their environment and what is happening in their world.

I strongly suggest that everyone research for as much information as possible about anything especially the issues of the greatest current importance. Covid 19 is a huge challenge but also there are many other factors at work driving us in one direction or the other. Have you thought that perhaps things are not as they seem? Does Covid 19 have an underlying purpose? Is the election a mess for reasons not apparent? For certain I have had plenty of time to ponder and research these matters.

I do not take the COVID-19 pandemic lightly, but I trust God and believe He will take care of me during these trying times. This is a test. What are we going to do or ignorer that will have a great impact on the kind of future which we will create? Everything affects everything else and works to create whatever is allowed to materialize. I believe we are at war. This raging battle will eventually cease and we will need to pick up the pieces and then face the future we have allowed to confront us head-on. I hope we have a good outcome.

We the people can and should be aware of as many sources for as much information as possible, follow the story of the pandemic histories, not fear but respect covid 10 and similar medical issues, and very, very carefully think about and decide what kind of future we want to live in. Knowledge is power. Will we be able to fight against covid 10or will we allow it to conquer us?

I wish you safe travels and many blessings. Thank you for considering this information.

1222 words

7069 characters, 1222 words. Readability level: 11-12th grade student.

PROMPT: You must write about COVID-19. Whatever the word does or doesn't mean to YOU. Tell me about your religion, or lack thereof; describe how you've been coping with this year's ups and downs. If you haven't been so impacted by it, then talk about the politics, the medicine, something CONTROVERSIAL! What drawer do you file away your hopes and disappointments for humanity in? Yes, I want to know! It has to be TRUE. Because this is NON-Fiction. It also has to be controversial. I'm looking for OPINIONS here amid the facts. Lots and lots of opinions!

Give me opinions, but also give me YOUR conclusions (even if you're not sure) Teach me something

More information? Be OPINIONATED. Be VERY opinionated. This is not the time to be 'PC', or politically correct! You should support your opinions through examples, analogies, comparing and contrasting (perhaps). Include a statistic or two if needed (more technical subjects often require some stats, peeps!) and...crafty writing
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