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Rated: E · Lyrics · Cultural · #2237648
I liked red trucks before they were decor, I like to see our flag wave even more.
Well, I liked red trucks before they were decor,
And I like to see our Flag wave even more,
I've been thanking Veterans before it was cool,
When Church was home, and life was Sunday School

See Daddy didn't raise no liberal fools,
My brothers and sisters and me were given tools,
We learned them while sitting on Daddy's knees,
Things like Yes Ma'am, No Sir, Thank You, and Please.

Nowadays there are some things that I see,
they don't seem very American to me.
And what they teach in schools is just scary,
To home-gown, God-fearing folks like you and me.

For years we trusted Uncle Sam and news,
We took what we heard as gospel from the pews,
But not everyone was raised to be trustworthy,
And some don't cherish this Land of the Free.

You see Jesus is just a swear word to them,
They never learned how to be good Christian men.
And some women aren't good women anymore,
Just a bunch of misguided Karens that's for sure.

I don't like what has happened to our youth,
They protest all that's good and make me puke,
What they needed was some knowledge to be applied,
To the seat of their learning, you know, their backside.

Reagan said don't Trust Big Government,
Back then many didn't realize what he meant,
We didn't watch how our taxes were spent
And thought our laws were written in cement

Some slick commies started coming around,
Posing as Patriotic folks from local towns.
They sounded homegrown and made some sense
But we learned the hard way, at our expense.

You see not everyone tells the truth, some tell lies.
Promises of hope and change were a disguise,
And we learned terms like RINO and Libtard,
Facing the bitter truth, It sure was hard.

It seemed like we scattered without a voice,
NO one listened in DC, we had no choice.
Then along comes some businessman,
Who exposed the dark agendas in our land.

It stirred some things within us we forgot.
It stirred our pride in America and love for God,
Now we're not giving up Patriotic Pride,
It's the Deep State's turn to back down and hide.

Almost losing what we had made us realize,
The Constitution is something we should prioritize,
And there's no shame in using common sense,
In deciding who to vote for and allow in government.

Now we're waving OLD GLORY again with pride,
We won't be told not to gather in church or outside,
Our Founding Father's said these rights are guaranteed,
It's a Republic if we can keep it, solemn words indeed.

Hey Lady in the Harbor who stands for Liberty,
And Veterans who proved freedom isn't free.
We're going back to where there was progress,
Built on God, Family, and Faith, not governments.

Well, I liked red trucks before they were decor,
And I like to see our Flag wave even more,
I've been thanking Veterans before it was cool,
When Church was home, and life was Sunday School

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