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When Ben is at his best, he’s a crimefighting hero. Today, he’s Starfire. |
Ben took a sip from his smoothy as he sat in Rook’s Prototruck, relaxing as he waited for whatever big thing would happen next. Probably after all the traffic cleared up. Sure, technically there wasn’t anything specifically wrong with that day, in fact, it had been quiet for the past few weeks, but being presented with the Key to the city later? That was sure to draw at least some baddies to come out and fight. Kicking his feet up onto the dashboard, he yawned as he stretched his arms. “So, how long until we get there again?” Rook frowned at that. “I am afraid that this traffic jam could take quite a while to clear up, Ben. It has been at a stand still for the last twenty minutes, and I do not believe we can move it along faster.” Ben’s furry companion replied. “I believe that for the moment, we are stuck.” Sighing with boredom, Ben glanced out the window, utterly bored. “How long does it take to clear out a traffic jam? I just wish something would happen.” A thump from the roof of the Prototruck drew both of their attention, before an explosion ripped it to shreds. “...I take that back, Universe!” Ben said, as he reached for his Omnitrix, but before he could, a blast of energy zapped down through the smoking roof and hit Ben and the watch, jolting his nerves and causing him to faint, while the Omnitrix was sent into a pinkish red coloration. “Ben? Ben!” Rook looked over to the unmoving body of his partner, and realizing he was fine, Rook grabbed his Prototool and jumped up through the shredded roof to look around for whoever caused the explosion, but couldn’t see anyone. Hearing the sound of the Omnitrix activating and transforming Ben, he looked back down into the cab of the car, shocked and surprised to see... A female human? She was in the same spot Ben was, sprawled on the seat and unconscious, wearing a green and black one-piece swimsuit style item of clothing, as well as arm guards and boots of the same color scheme, her red hair splayed about over her body and her skin a light shade of orange. Blinking a couple of times in disbelief, Rook finally realized what- No, who, he was looking at when he saw the Omnitrix symbol jutting off of their left shoulder. “...Ben?” Rook, hopping down into the cab, checked again to just make sure. There was no mistake on his part- The symbol on her shoulder did indeed prove that this was Ben, without a doubt. But how did this happen? Did the Omnitrix malfunction from that attack? Glancing back to the still blown out roof of his vehicle, Rook frowned. Whatever happened, I cannot remain here. I must report this to the Magisters. Arranging Ben to be more comfortable in the seat, he pressed a button on the dash of his Prototruck, and it rearranged itself into a flying ship, which rocketed away from the scene. And grinning from the shadows, a red-clad form gave a quiet chuckle to themselves as they watched it fly away. ————— Rook looked in on the lab in the plumber base as Blukid and Driba examined the still unconscious and still transformed Ben. It was still a bit hard to believe that the Omnitrix would do something like this, he heard it from the Galvans themselves, the Omnitrix was coded to turn one into the gender equivalent of whatever race they had selected, wherever possible it was to have the right gender. However, it appears to have malfunctioned greatly due to whatever attack happened to them. As Blukid continued to poke and prod at the Omnitrix dial on Ben’s shoulder, Driba exited the lab, looking over a datapad he was carrying. “Not good, not good at all...” Rook heard him mutter as he got closer. That wasn’t reassuring. “Driba, is there any way to return Ben to his regular form?” Rook asked. Looking up from the datapad, Driba could only frown. “At the current moment, that’s an impossibility. The Omnitrix has appeared to enter a life form lock, and we don’t have the codes to bypass it.” “But does Azmuth not have the access codes you would need to deactivate the lock?” “He probably does, but unless his schedule opens up, it’s going to be a while until he can come and fix it.” A zap from the lab turned their attention back to the window, where Blukid was standing with his skin and suit charred, holding a tool against the Omnitrix face. “...I do not suppose that hacking the Omnitrix is an option, is it?” Rook asked. “That would be a no.” Driba answered his morose question, before something he saw made him rush back into the lab. “Blukid, what did I tell you about meddling?!” Sighing in disappointment, Rook tuned out the argument and frowned at Ben’s unconscious form on the examination table. I can only hope that Ben will take this well... ————— Groaning, Ben’s head felt foggy as he started to wake up. It was like moving through molasses, with everything all fuzzy and on the edges of his senses. He didn’t know where he was, or what he had been doing before then, and he just felt so confused. Groaning with discomfort, he sat up on the hard surface he was laying on, blinking his eyes blearily and moving a hand to rub the sleep out of them. “Oh, look, she’s awake.” He vaguely acknowledged the voice as Blukid’s while he rubbed his eyes. Odd, he didn’t remember his hand feeling that soft. “I think until Ben’s more aware of what happened, we should refer to him by his previous pronouns.” Driba said. What were they talking about? Blinking his eyes a bit more, he let out a yawn as he stretched a little. Odd, that was a higher pitch than he normally yawned. “But she’s a girl now, better to let Ben know now instead of her panicking later.” Okay, this was getting weird. Opening his eyes fully, Ben looked over to where the two Galvan were talking, an observation deck on the side of the table he was laid on. “Okay, what are you two... Talking... About...?” Ben trailed off. Was... Was that him speaking? A hand shot up to his throat, and the Adam’s apple he was so used to being there was gone, just a smooth patch of flesh. Glancing downwards, Ben immediately saw two enormous differences to what he usually saw, both hanging off of his, or rather her chest, squished together by a one-piece swimsuit that was covering her torso. And looking down farther, the differences made themselves more apparent, as she saw her body curved from a slender waist into a set of swelling orange-bronze thighs, tapering down to booted calves and feet. “Oh. I think she knows now.” Barely aware of Driba’s offhand comment, she pressed her hands up against the... The boobs sticking out of her chest. Feeling a twinge of pleasure from the action confirmed it. They were most definitely real. “Oh, so now you decide to use the proper pronouns?!” Blukid argued with Driba as Ben sat there. “She knows she’s a girl now, we can call her a girl now.” “She would have found out either-“ “Driba?” Ben’s cut in, wincing from the feminine voice that escaped her lips, as well as gaining the attention of the two Galvan. “What... Happened?” Glancing awkwardly at each other, the two Galvan turned to look her in the eyes. “To put it simply, the Omnitrix malfunctioned during an encounter with an unknown third party earlier today, and caused you to transform into what appears to be a human female.” Driba started, “Though the genetic differences to a normal human are quite astounding, almost like an extraterrestrial genetic sample was used.” “And the Omnitrix also locked you into that form, otherwise you’d be turned back by now.” Blukid finished. Ben sighed in relief. “Oh, is that all? That should be easy to fix.” She looked for the Omnitrix symbol, and finding it on her left shoulder, she cleared her throat and tapped it, “Command Code One Zero One Zero, Tennyson Ben, disengage Life-Form Lock.” “Command Code not recognized.” The Omnitrix’s digital voice replied, worrying Ben. “But... Azmuth gave me that code, it should be working!” She was starting to panic now. “Since we lack the skill to hack the Omnitrix and force the Life-Form Lock to deactivate, it looks like we’ll need Azmuth to repair the Omnitrix.” Blukid rubbed his chin in thought, “Assuming Azmuth is working on a normal schedule, and we contact him now, he should be here to fix the problem in about... Two to fifteen weeks.” Ben glared down at them. “I can’t wait that long! I have hero stuff to do, and I can’t do it as little miss Thunder Thighs!” Blukid and Driba glanced at each other, before looking back up to Ben. “We could try fixing it, but...” Driba started. “But that might leave you stuck as a girl.” Blukid ended the thought, “Pretty sure you need those boy parts to have kids.” Ben’s orange cheeks flushed to a shade of red. “Uh... Yeah. I- I guess I can wait for Azmuth to change me back if means things don’t go wrong.” |