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Rated: NPL · Chapter · Erotica · #2234765
continued from Chapter 1.
I carefully lift up one of my legs and place it on the other side of her neck. I'm facing away from her face now, looking down her chest. I can't see over her breasts, but because she's not wearing a shirt I can see between them down to her silk loincloth. As slowly as I possibly can, I put one knee up onto her shoulder, and then the other. I'm able to reach out and gingerly pull the ruby with a light tug from between her breasts, which I observe jiggling slightly at this action. That's a big nipple she's got there, and it's not even hard. Almost the size of my fist. My hand brushes up against her soft breast as I pull the ruby out. That's the smoothest skin I've felt in ages. I only now notice that I'm so hard you can see my erection through my pants (which is saying something, I don't have much size down there).

I hesitate for a second. My god, those breasts are tantalizing. Is it worth it to touch them again, just once? I'm never going to get a chance like this again in my life. She may be three times my height, but she's also the sexist woman I've ever seen. My hand reaches forward almost on its own, tired of my mind's deliberation, and I touch the breast. It's worth it, my god it's worth it. My penis needs air or it's going to explode here. If this is the breast, then what is the nipple like? I have to feel it.

I extend my arm out, but can't quite get there. Slowly I edge forward, close enough to reach, and touch the nipple. Oh, that's not smooth at all. I place my hand on it. I can't help it. There has never been a more perfect set of breasts before in the world. My other hand reaches forward to touch the breast. This is insane. They are so huge, I could slide between them and they could wrap all the way around me. I bend forward further and touch the left breast with my nose. Before I know it, I'm on my stomach facing her breasts, my entire weight resting on her upper chest. I can feel the ground rise and fall with her breath. Each breast is so much bigger than my head, I can easily press my face up against it. I slide my head just a little farther forward, and my face is surrounded by flesh. I cum inside my pants as I rub against her body, and press my hand farther into her left boob. I plunge my head further in as she breathes in, and when she breathes out her breasts close around me. Without even needing to move I ejaculate over and over again. I let my body lay there like that for a minute while I calm down.

And then I realize what I just did.

I still have the ruby clutched to my chest as I back my way out. I'm pretty small, I think. There's a chance she didn't feel me, right? I drop to the ground with one foot on either side of her neck and look behind me.

Nope, her eyes are wide open.

She sits up, and I go swinging from her necklace, bouncing against her breasts as she stands up fully. This is when I'm glad for my backup plans.

I whistle for my pony and let go of the amulet, falling towards the ground. Lucky being small also makes me quite sturdy, so I'm not afraid of getting hurt from the fall. That turns out not to matter though, because she grabs me midair before I could get to the ground and holds me up by my wrist. I try to wriggle out from her grasp as I hang in front of her face. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see my trusty pony racing towards us if I can just get free, I'll be safe. I draw the knife I always keep with me and swing at her arm. Seeing what I'm doing, she drops me to avoid getting cut but once again catches me midair, this time by my ankle. The jolt throws the knife out of my hand, and I'm left defenseless. Shit. Well, I guess I'm dead now.

"Well well. What have we here? A crook? A molester? But look at him! He's so small, I barely noticed him here. Can a man like this really molest anyone?" She speaks with a deep, powerful voice in a thick accent that I don't recognize.

My face is red with shame and blood from being upside-down, and I can't think of a good comeback to save my dignity.

"What- what are you?" Is all I stammer out.

"That hardly matters to you, right honey? You know very well that I am a woman, and that's all that matters. Here, look."

She lowers me down so that my head is eye level with her breasts, and swings them back and forth in front of me.

"Does that excite you? Let's see." With a grin, she lifts me above her head and pulls open my belt. I'm looking right at her neck, which is about as big around as I am.

"Oh, you're already done for now, huh?" She speaks again. "No matter, I didn't need the reassurance about my body anyway. I know that I've got plenty of the stuff that turns men on."

She stops for a second, and freezes. I can hear footsteps approaching the tent. Without wasting a second, she grabs me and pushes me to the ground. Before I realize what she's doing, she's turned around and began sitting down. I try to dodge but I'm too slow, and I watch in horror as she sits down directly on top of me. I'm fully covered by her butt and legs, with only the fingers of my left hand desperately grouping around the side of her rear. A quick shift of her weight to the right covers those up too, and my world becomes a steamy place of soft flesh and heat. I can feel her heartbeat pound through me, but am surprisingly not crushed giving the situation. Her legs are long enough to totally cover my body with just her thighs. My head is directly under her butt, and I can feel her silk loincloth on my face. It's quite soft.


Reggual steps around the side of the semicircular tent, sure that he heard voices inside. He's gripping his spear with bone white fingers; he's transported many slaves in his life, but none have intimidated him quite like this one. He wished he never came on this caravan trip. If she got free during his guard duty, his boss would kill him; if both he and his boss survive her revenge, that is.

Inside the tent, all he sees is the woman awake, sitting with her legs straight and her back against the pole, stroking a pony, it seems. She turns to look at him as he comes running around the corner.

"Good evening, Reggual." He has no idea how she knows his name. He very much hasn't told her. Regardless, he's not going to let her mess with him.

"Where did that horse come from?" He barks out.

"Oh, this little guy?" She pulls the pony's head to her chest, and it nibbles at her nipple a little. While she's sitting down, she's only a little taller than it. "I don't know myself. He just came out of the night to comfort a poor woman chained up like this."

"Is that it? He just came up to you, by himself?" Reggual does a quick check with his eyes to make sure all of those chains are still attached before he takes a few steps closer.

"That's right. I wonder if he knows you're bad people. Maybe that's why he came to me; a prince in shining armor, here to save a trapped damsel. Well, sorry to break it to you, prince," she pushes the pony's head away from her, and props up her naked breasts with one arm, grinning at Reggual as she shows them off. "I LIKE bad boys."

Reggual carefully sticks out his spear and hooks the end of the pony's reins, pulling it to him. "Than who were you talking with before?"

"Just the pony," she says with a smile, looking straight into his eyes. "Do you see anyone else? Do you want to check behind me?"

Reggual doesn't trust her for a second, but finds nothing hiding behind her. She's got her butt right up against the base of the pole, at the edge of her crack. There's a braid of hair sticking out from the side of her loincloth, about 10 centimeters long. He leans in to look at it. What on earth IS this? Did... did she braid her pubic hair or something? God, she is so weird. Why did they have to take her of all people as a slave on this trip? He knows that he could guess the answer well: she is some sort of demon, and probably magic in some evil way. Knowing that doesn't make him want to be around her any more.

"Liking what you see there, huh? Want a better look?" She says, looking over her shoulder at him with a smirk, and shifting her weight on her butt to be more around the pole. The braid of hair disappears from view, and he suddenly realizes how dangerously close he is to her, backing away.

"No. And there was no one else here?" He was sure he heard another voice. "Come on, what do you want? Would you like to check between my legs? I wouldn't mind if you want to."

He marvels for a second, looking at her long, thick legs, before snapping out of it. Yeah, this was pretty normal behavior for her, from what he has seen.

"No," he finally responds. "I'll be taking this pony. Now sleep while you can. We won't tolerate you not keeping up tonight, and you'll have the lash to pay for it."

"You really are a bad boy. Drop by anytime if you want to have a little fun." She winks at him. He pulls the pony with him as he returns to his post. At the edge of the tent, he passes a sideways glance back at her which she meets with another wink. She couldn't ACTUALLY be hiding a person under her there, right? There's no way.


I hear the entire conversation of those two right above me, but opt not to scream for help; the guards will kill me if they find me here, so if I die I'd rather it be beneath this fabulous ass. When she shifts her weight to cover my braid of hair, the bone of her butt sits right on my arm, and a searing pain flows through me for five seconds. A minute or so after I think that the person has left, she parts her legs, and I'm pulled out to lay gasping between them. Even now, her feet are beyond mine, and I would place her pussy to be just behind my head.

"Looks like we have to keep our play a bit more quiet here, honey," she whispers down to me.

My eyes look up to meet hers; she's holding her breasts apart to see my face between them. Despite my situation, without my pony I still know I'll be killed if I'm caught. For that reason, I whisper back to her while glaring upwards.

"What do you want to do with me?"

"Oh, I have a purpose for you: go find the keys to these chains. If you don't, I'll tell the guards that you're here, and there's no way you can outrun them on foot. Do that, and I'll let you go."

Ah, so that's her aim? I consider this bargain. I have to cover all my options here if I want to survive this. And maybe, just maybe, I can still turn a profit.

"No deal," I state plainly. That ought to get her listening. "Even if you let me go, I put my chances of making it back to civilization at very low if I stick to the roads, and lower if I don't. Instead, I need you to get my horse back once you're free; I'd do that myself, but I'm not a fighter. And to make sure you do it..."

I point up, to the shimmering ruby between both of our faces. "Lend me that necklace. I'll hide it, and if you don't help me get my horse back, you'll never see it again."

Her grin falters a little. "What, you don't trust me? I'm the one in chains here! Come on, help a girl out?"

"Nope," I shoot back instantly. "I just saw you lie through your teeth to that man. You think I'm going to trust you?"

Her face shifts from her seductive smile to a look of annoyance as she contemplates what I just said. "Fine. But during your search for the keys, you have to come back to me every time I reach one counting down from four hundred, so that I know you haven't taken your horse and ridden away. If you don't come, I'll call the guards on you. Each time you come back I'll reset my counting, but you also have to show me that you don't have the necklace on you."

She's good; she plucked my plan right from me. But as long as I hold that ruby, there's double-crossing yet to be done. "Deal. Hand down the necklace."

I flip up and away from her and she pulls the golden chain up and over her head. She lets it slide down between her breasts, and I have to dodge as it falls to the ground with a thump. I lift it up, and even though I'm used to carrying valuable metals, it's still far heavier than I expect. Hoisting the massive chain over my shoulder, I turn and dash out from the tent. She states after me, and I can hear her whispered counting fading away from behind.

"Four hundred. Three hundred and ninety-nine. Three hundred and ninety-eight...."

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