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This article explains why I write as well as gives helpful information on writing. |
This day and age blogging is simply a necessity and we are overly stirred to work online and create some viable secondary income. Yet it is also a fun endeavor, as we learn about this mysterious world of internet marketing. However, I personally find it difficult to separate the simple form of writing from blogging. If I write, I have a blog entry in my opinion. However, if I market, I write. So the two go hand-in-hand. The sense of whether or not one should work at this specialty is another story. If everything in blogging is based on making money, then there is no reason for a blog, but if there is some sense of there being a reason for writing as an art, then there has to be a place for blogging. A blog to me is a place for capturing your work and making it viewable to others. This is the older purposes of a blog as you had writers, journalist, authors who sought to publish works and share them with the public. So if a talented writer has some passion for some subject and wants to share that with potential readers that fulfills every purpose of a blog. Yet along with blogging come so many other things. Do you want to make money with your blog or just get visitors, and then by placing ads or links on them is a common question. Solving this enigma leads to a longer trail, that perhaps a true writer will never encounter. I set aside the idea of blogging for the sake of money to tech wizards. Those who have the ever-stimulating job of finding monetary ways of writing for the sake of making money primarily. However, those that are technical writers can overtake this realm by producing content that never steps outside of the realm of writing itself. Writing to solve problems is a purposeful job. That is what the internet needs. And so, therefore, the problem of content is solved, not drilling into the web how important it is, but yet allowing good writers to flourish at their skilled passions. Another enigma is that writing has to occur on a level of being driven for simply attracting unsuspecting viewers. Upload anything with some super-visual content such as in the realm of copywriting and now you are some specialist without the identification of a writer. That doesn't appeal to me enough to step away from my current endeavors. I understand the purposes of such content in moderate instances, but to employ the profession of flooding the web with super-visual content that no one will read, does not appeal to me except in purposes of introducing a product. Otherwise, my preferences will always lie in writing for writing sake. It is so important to stir up your audience, to connect with them, to give them something they don't already have, to inspire them, and to give them a reason to want to know you and what you are about. Then by knowing you and perhaps a profession that you employ they gain some edge of respect for you enabling a relationship that doesn't have to bleed into some dating ring, but simply having met someone that you enjoy being in the company of. And that legacy is what pervades our history. So long As we can ever-connect with people we love and enjoy that is something that ever supercedes matters at hand. So therefore writing is not a means to an end, but an art form as well as a science. Learning how to write is ever as important as writing itself. And this is done by reading. And by learning to be humble. When we encounter challenging material, we should be moved to research what is that we knew not before. For example, if I'm reading my favorite novel, and I come upon a word I don't understand, I shall be prideless enough to seek a dictionary and a thesaurus. To stop, look up the word(s) I do not know and search their meaning and along with a few moments internalizing that meaning in a way that appreciates the language and therefore stored in my memory. Then you will see the benefits it has on your writing and therefore your speaking and also your understanding. When you go into a bar and remembering something you've read you are inspired to talk more astutely to your friend that shows, that you are valuing them and also learning to value yourself better. You gain what they call a "more than wealth" mentality, what makes your time valuable, what makes you feel valued, what makes your life important and unique. If you are writer, or a blogger or a reader you have a place in the world, you have something to contribute. In the beginnings, you will find that content is not your main objective, but that sharing learned material is. And from there you become skilled and that leads to a profession itself. Eventually you will find you what technical skill you have to contribute, but in the meantime sitting down contemplating your life and freely writing down the things that you enjoy passionately you will find that is enough for you to step onto the web as a novice and share your world with an audience. Eventually a technical skill may be found in creatively introducing a viable product and thereby having proved the worth of your presence you can seek monetary objectives. Not allowing this to discourage you, you will find your niche and beforehand have produced a backlog of material to prove your readers trust. Upon this mission, you have hacked out the obstacles and will find more material and content than you ever hoped for. In the meantime writing for the sake of writing to me is the utmost and highest objective. The more you know, the more you will share, and the more creative you will become. And with time your niche will grow for monetary means. This is my advice to those out there looking for purpose on the web. It shall be either of the two. In time, the money will come, but not as a means to an end. So therefore finding prompts and content and niches firsthand is not as necessary as sitting down and allowing your thoughts an outlet. Upon doing so you will find that you were as talented as you thought and marketing your talents becomes easy from that point. Writers are writers because they are valuable members of society that are dedicated to an art. And from there they become cherished professionals. This world is where you find the best of the best, the cream of the crop, leading us into a new generation, inspiring others to become the next elect. |