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Breaths, impulses Thoughts What does it mean to be alive to be really alive to be living for the sake of life and not for the sake of you know all that other stuff What does it mean to get out of ones head to experience the moment for the mere sake of experience moment to moment and not for the sake of you know What does it mean to be effortless to float to ride the wave as the wave comes relaxed poised and sober when the people of the world surrounding one are ever thundering on trying to reach destinations only to find they were not destinations at all Rushing Running Pushing Pulling Striving Somebody somewhere said something that stuck he said Whatsoever people are doing, do the opposite Of course I do not reach these people who bring these messages to light because I am so overly thrilled with the way modern man has constructed and moulded his society and continues to exhaust its peoples for the benefits of well not its peoples not really it's a ruse believing I am free when I am anything but Whatsoever people are doing, do the opposite bells rung in my being thank you for confirming that which I at least already think that I know that which I have already experienced somehow through feeling like an alien amongst aliener aliens There are several things which I do not understand which again is a construct of modern man. I cannot understand. I cannot grasp. It makes no sense and I thought I must be less smart I must be But My friend, but Such is not necessarily the case In fact it is no wonder for these constructs are so new so incredibly new so vastly vastly new and by no design are they to fit human nature the raw nature of man of woman of all those who identify in whichever direction they may so please Modern man has been screwed out of proportions he goes on and he goes on and he goes on and on his bed before death he weeps and whispers please please do not what I did do not waste your precious time live life for you and we we do not we do not listen no we are invincible she might die but I, I, I! Shall not and we can go on denying but there is no lie in our eyes we don't really accept believe that we too, shall lie lifeless someday So what does it mean then to live life fully alive to live at risk recalling that at any moment now that which can say "I", might die from any cause and for no reason and to do not that which others seem hellbent on doing achieving accomplishing attaining yet confusing it is indeed to have conflicting ideas so intensely meet being raised with a silver spoon shoved in mouth a promise of being taken care of being looked after if you only if you only work forty or more hours a week for most of the weeks for (potentially) the rest of your life in a job you would be tremendously fortunate to actually really like but if you keep going for like ten years more or so you might reach a position where you feel more comfortable, and you can have hobbies if you find the time, perhaps at fifty when you feel more aligned with you and you have sorta found your place and you keep your own homey space and least there you may have some peace at least from the world outside and if you are lucky enough to be able to clear the clutter of mind things may not be all that bad, but But I could be and you could be dead tomorrow today and it is not morbid at all it is a fact a law and a consequence "here is life and here is death" the two are inseparable Speaking from myself to myself such is catharsis of the mind to perhaps ignite a little fire to remember the rebellious nature of the ugly, wild and free when the modern world and the society of west feels threatening, to say the least to recall that if I might die in the next moment might as well might as well meet it head on the world keeping one hand on my belly one on my heart looking to those aliens with itchy feet as mine who do not understand who cannot grasp the odd constructs of modern man |